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Rutt-row... I'm all for fighting sex trader industry (for the record, l think prostitution should be legal, but the slavery thing has to go), etc.. What does this mean for web sites like this l wonder. People need to take responsibility for themselves. ls this what our gov. is for? []

Captain_Feelgood 8 Apr 9

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People taking responsibility for themselves...that's a big concept, haha!


Pro prostitution - anti forced prostitution


Well, I would imagine the law is written too broadly, otherwise Craigslist wouldn’t feel legally exposed.


Bit odd to be honest i feel.. Craiglist is just acting on a legal premise and pretty sure it wouldn't have shut .. Suppose they are one ofmany and so high profile if there was an example to be made it might be them.. Plus who knows what else is on their servers lmfao!!


Prostitution has long been commonly referred to as the oldest profession in the world. No culture, religion, or government entity has been able to eradicate it. Legalizing the sex-trade would put in regulations and safeguards to reduce abuse and the spread of disease. Legalizing would free up resources and allow law enforcement to concentrate on child sex-exploitation.

I’m afraid there will always be a criminal element in the sex-trade industry. Legalizing it may at least keep it at a more controllable level.

Betty Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Agree completely.

That is my opinion as well


As far as I know this site isn't trafficing sex. I'm also sure that they have a contigency plan if they even think it's being used as such.

I don't need my government to insert themselves into every corner of my life. Pretty soon I'm not going to be able to get a cheeseburger because of the possibility of having another heart attack.

Would you like to buy a cheeseburger ? Made of nuts ?


This site has nothing to do with sex trade industry. I do think prostitution should be legal. Don't think will affect traffic on traditional dating sites. We're much more than that.

I'm with you, but craigslist also did the dating site gig, and had a ''casual encounters, misc. romance,,,, '' that apparently opened them up to some nefarious activities, or the idea that such activities may have been going on.. l guess the point is that l don't think gov. should be creating laws that affect our freedom to seek friends and/or partners here, or craigslist, or where ever..


Craigslist isn't run by the government. This is a CYOA move on their end.

JimG Level 8 Apr 9, 2018

Well, technically no, not run by the gov. but the gov. can regulate and dictate the hell out of shit to the point that you'd think it was... and there in lies the problem AFAIC.

@Captain_Feelgood I don't have a problem with the government or anyone else moving to stop sex trafficking, and, like you, I don't agree with the illegality of prostitution, but I think this is laziness on the part of Craigslist. Rather than policing their site to ensure that sex trafficking is not done on their site, which ethically should have been done without having it forced on them.

Basically their ending it in response to the possibility of being held liable, indicates that they aren't concerned with sex trafficking until it affects their bottom line.


It's a classic case of over reacting. Too many times the standard reaction to any problem is: Cut down on people's freedom. My guess is the ads will return shortly.

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