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Is it possible for you not to judge people based on their appearance?

ladyinred1967 5 Apr 9

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Probably not. But I have developed a mindfulness about this and a reflex to apply "corrective" consideration, rather than heedlessly letting my mind run away with my awareness.

Me too!


Only if you're blind.


It all depends on how much you value appearances.....🙂 I recall many years one day in June when I was in Hyde Park London a man approached and sat down on the park bench where I sat.. It was obvious from his appearance that he had been living on the street for a very long time. His hair was long and matted together and he stank. However, when he spoke it was clear to me that he was very well educated and it turned out he had been to Eton and studied philosophy at Oxford University. Had I arose and walked away when he arrived I would have missed a great conversation, which, I doubt I would have experienced with any of the casually and well dressed people who walked by us that day.



And no.

We all make our initial assessments of a person we meet within 7 seconds of meeting - If I can be bothered later I'll see if I can find the source - but we can train ourselves to see past stereotypes and listen to make informed judgements.

It's generally people who don't see themselves as 'normal' or 'mainstream' who find this easier to do as they have often been discriminated against because of their looks or fashion choices.

A quick search came up with this from 2006 (somewhat after I did my degree!!!) that brings the initial judgement down to a tenth of a second.


YES!!!! It's possible .. we probably all revert to it at some points momentarily - even if we practice conciously otherwise.


My instincts and habits send me whatever messages they want to, and I can’t ’not hear’ them, but I have learned I don’t have to believe them.

skado Level 9 Apr 9, 2018

If a woman has a good personality, and honorable, she's beautiful to me. If she is a monster inside, her outside appearance is only a mask.


I try not to. How do I know what anyone's individual circumstances are?
Could be that someone who is unkempt is having a bad day and just didn't have the
wherewithal to put much effort into it. Been there myself.
It could be laundry day.
I try not to judge. I'm not always successful, but I try.
Except for those who are obviously trying too hard to look like they're important, or better, by wearing all sorts of designer apparel. I judge the shit out them.


If appearance is the only thing to go off, then obviously no it is not possible, otherwise yes.


I do judge both men and women based on their appearance. I think that’s human nature. BUT I have had a few very valuable lessons regarding that. So while I still make quick assumptions immediately upon meeting someone, I consciously redirect my thinking to be open minded despite appearances.

That actually makes me a bit sad because several years ago I harshly judged a woman based on appearances. Thankfully I got to know her and she was truly an amazing person. She was quite poor and had various ailments that made her unable to have a steady job. But she volunteered so much of her time to a variety of causes. Such a completely selfless person. I REALLY learned a lot about judging people through her. Sadly she passed from stomach cancer a few years ago. I will forever be thankful for all she taught me and wish I would have met her sooner.


Totally off-topic - is that Highbury Fields?

Victoria Park?

No cigar for me


I don't generally notice people's appearance very much, but that might be something to do with getting old. The expression on their face is what I notice most. But \i try not to judge people at all - again, probably something to do with getting old.


The best thing that can be judged is a poor choice. Just because someone looks good does not make them smart.


Try not to judge anyone for anything.


Based on this pic your an avid reader, you have no less than two cats and you know I’m kidding.


A quick answer, no.

A more specific answer is that it’s completely possible to judge people not only on their appearance. The reason we make snap judgements based on how someone looks is because it’s an evolutionary thing. As a society, we base our views on how we describe beauty. But as individual humans, we judge people on how we view them if they are beautiful/handsome or unattractive. Of course, we would rather talk to someone who we find attractive.

But, if we find them looking snobby, we assume they are going to be a jerk.

I mean, this is all basically my opinion factored in with some facts.

BUT! I am still willing to meet someone and try to talk to them and see if they are cool to me. I don’t want for looks to ever be the sole reason I don’t talk to someone or try to learn more about them.

Agreed. I think it's hard wired. Judging isn't bad so long as you don't treat someone differently. We judge everything in life, food, clothes, preferred pets... the list goes on.


I have just noticed you are in London. I think perhaps city people care more about appearances than country people, so that may be another factor!

I am in London, but I try not to judge anybody....especially not for their appearance. I am more countryside loving person , than a city girl.


No. And it bothers me that it does because I very much used to be judged on my appearance.


Total brutal honesty... No. Why? Because, even if I choose to not judge someone by their appearance or consider appearance I've still made a judgement about it. I think one is probably being dishonest with themselves if they don't think they judge by physical appearance at least a little bit. Take the "hotness" scale most men use for example. 1 being the "least hot" and 10 being the "most hot". There are some very ugly 10+ people out there, but it's not their physical appearance that is the problem. It's their crap philosophy. So. They are physical 10s but their words give them a -2 in the personality department.

Everyone has a little vanity. But... Let's be honest. If everything has gone totally south, I might really like you as a person, but it's gonna take a lot to get past the looks in the sack. I feel no shame in saying this, because I am not the only person who feels this way. I might not be an endurance athlete, but I at the very least try to control my diet, and sometimes I put in a lot of effort to try to be a little healthy in spite of my love for beverages etc. I'm not all about "channel hedonism" and I am not a lazy person by nature. But, like many here, life handed my some tough situations that couldn't be beat without tater tots, mac and cheese, wieners, bologna, microwave burritos, 5 buck six packs, and cheap bread. As a result, I am not perfect in appearance, nor do I demand it. You can be perfect if you want to, but I'll only follow you so far in your pursuit of it.


To some extent, I judge people with appearance. It reflects who they are most of the time.

Sasha Level 4 Apr 9, 2018

Sure. Get to know them.


I always judge a book by it's cover....but after a while, you're surprised to see inside.


Only if you don’t have eyes.

Iffy Level 5 Apr 9, 2018

I try not to, but it can be difficult some times. It also depends on what kind of relationship you have, or plan on having with that person. I usually don't judge random people that I pass by, but if I'm going to be friends, or if I'm interested in dating that person, then it matters more, whether it should or not.


I guess, for me, it all hinges on at least 2 things: (1) are we talking about their clothes or their bodies/faces, and (2) what we mean by judge. I definitely make assumptions (that may be wrong) about people based on their clothes. If they're wearing a sports-team jersey, I assume they're into that sport and team... if they're wearing a MAGA hat and an NRA T-Shirt, I probably won't try to make friends with them! If they're bodily handsome or ugly, there's little I can tell beyond that. Of course, if one's looking for a romantic partner, some level of base physical attraction has to be there... but there's someone for everyone in this big world!

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