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The true problem

Larimar 8 Oct 11

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With the exception of rich people and some religious people, I've always thought that if you scratch a conservative deep enough, you'll find some racial bigotry... This confirms that suspicion.


Your country can’t have second class citizens and call itself a democracy. The United States is a republic, and we should absolutely change this.


The anti-democratic premises are wrong and a myth. The fact that whites are experiencing a dimenishment in the extreme power advantage that they have known for over 400 years as the country's demographic make-up changes. As minority population numbers increase they are able to arrest more political and economic influence as a consequence. As their influence waxes, traditional white Republicans feel the shift in power.

Now, are minorities getting undue political power as conservatives claim. No! What they are seeing and feeling is the balancing of the scales of justice and equity. Minorities are claiming what should have been their share for a long time. Their power and influence is nothing more than a reflection of their demographics and a decreasing white population.


Absolutely true. Ever since 1964-65 the deadly virus of southern racism has spread to the entire Republican party. The infection started when racist southern Democrats fled the Democratic party and found a new home for their racism in the Republican party.

The Dixiecrats. Only reason the were not originally Republicans in the first place is that refused to join the Republican Party because Lincoln belonged to it.

@t1nick Not exactly correct. In 1860 the Democratic Party as a whole, was pro slavery.


That may be true, but the southern Democrats refused to join the Republican Party because Abraham Lincoln was a member. Since the Civil War, the two parties have switched places philosophically.


. . . never seen one quite like this :



True is true.
tRump individually is a symptom more than a disease -- discrimination is deeply baked in to our culture. But especially in this case, one of the first steps towards fixing the the problem must be to rid ourselves of him and his enablers.


True, but Trump is the catalyst for the success for their war on democracy.

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