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On Vote Shaming: 21 Ways Supporting The US Establishment Is Worse Than Voting Third Party

The vote-shaming engines have predictably kicked into gear in America as the presidential election approaches, with shitlib pundits like Bill Maher doing their part to paint third-party voters as the most toxic people in the world.

Which is of course ridiculous. I have no strong opinions about how Americans should vote in November, but it’s obvious that in terms of toxicity third-party voters are not on the list of people who are worthy of criticism. The dire situation humanity now finds itself in under the leadership of the US hegemon is not the fault of a small fringe faction which doesn’t want to support oligarch-coddling ecocidal warmongers, it’s the fault of those who help preserve America’s oligarchic ecocidal warmongering status quo.

Contrary to the stock template lines that establishment spinmeisters are regurgitating to bully the left into submission, here are 21 things which are in fact a lot more crazy, selfish, stupid and privileged than voting third party:


WilliamCharles 8 Oct 29

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Vote shamers still don't see it. Put together a platform people want to vote for and you motivate the electorate to show up. Biden is doing the opposite. He might actually lose this thing.


This is Joe's to lose. It's almost as if he wants to.


So in need of attention you’re answering your own posts 😉 You are pathetic ~


A-yup. The DNC didn't kneecap Bernie because they were afraid he would lose. Just the opposite. It's the only thing that explains pushing a warmed over turd like Biden to the front of the line. No one was clamoring for Creepy Uncle Joe. No one.


If you have not formed a strong opinion about how people should vote in this election, then you have not been paying attention! Trump's colossal mishandling in this pandemic, his ridiculing of health experts, is right in line with his denials of climate science (which in the long run poses an existential threat not just to the US economy but to the survival of our species). This is just for starters. The number of lies he has told while in office runs past 20,000 so far. The number of dictators he sucks up to is only exceeded by the number of allies that he has alienated. The number of children he has waiting in long-term detention, separated from their families, outnumbers both. The number of Americans he would deny healthcare is over 20 million. And the list of indictments goes on. Any one of the above is grounds for disqualification from holding high office. We urgently need a change of leadership, and there is only one viable choice: Joe Biden. There is no point in wasting votes on third party candidates that have no chance of defeating Trump. Now is the time for a unified and full-throated repudiation of Trump and his sycophantic minions. IMHO

I honestly considered making a #voteTrump hashtag for this post.



Why not own it? Just say you want a Trump win and don't hide behind a wall of self-righteousness?

Because it isn't true


@RoboGraham Our far-left Indivisible chapter had to create a no-vote-shaming rule just because of me. The leader literally admitted that she wanted Trump to win so they could elect AOC in 2024. Never mind that AOC won't be 35 by the time she would need to run. Pesky details. They let me post Biden events in exchange. They own who they are and I respect them for that.


I'm not familiar with this chapter. I can see their logic, the idea that having Trump win now could lead to better opportunities in the future. I don't agree, I think Trump winning is the worst case scenario and I think WilliamCharles is of the same mind. Just because we bring up truthful criticism of Biden doesn't mean we are secret Trump supporters.

@RoboGraham The time for debate is over. Unless you want 4 more years of Trump, I would back him with everything that you have, as I would have done for any other democratic nominee(besides Tulsi Gabbard who was a Russian plant).


So we agree, if the democrat nominee is sufficiently bad, it's okay not to back him/her. I judge Biden to be sufficiently bad.

@RoboGraham Biden was my first choice when he wanted a moonshot to end cancer. So, I'm just not with you. On anything.


Sure, we don't see eye to eye, but we do agree that's it's okay to not vote blue if the blue candidate is unacceptable. That's something.

@RoboGraham Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I see both as clowns with horns.


If you don't want to vote shame then don't but others for whom it is important to not have to live under a dictatorship of fear and hate will shame as we please. Thx!

Leelu Level 7 Oct 30, 2020

The shame you feel is appropriate...

I am ashamed that some liberals feel that Creepy Addled Credit Card Joe is a viable opposition candidate to Trump.

@WilliamCharles To vote for a third party in 2020 is like throwing your vote away. We know a third party is not going to win and cannot win. As for "Creepy Joe" always remember that Trump called him that. If you call him that also I see what side you support. It is not that I like Joe or that I think the Dems gave us their best by supporting him. It's that I want to preserve and protect our Democracy, our Social Security, and the way of life we have had for the last 85 years. Trump wants to destroy all of that, either because he can or because his ego thinks he can give us something better and it never happens. Trumpy has spent 4 years battling Hillary and Obama and preaching hate. Take back our country and vote blue. Most of Trump's enemies are not even in office.

@WilliamCharles Fox News MUCH?

@DenoPenno - I support politicians not openly (or otherwise) pawing women and children. Never forget Trump was the handpicked Pied Piper for the DNC and Team Hillary. They played chicken with the fate of the nation in their pursuit of power... and lost!

That albatross needs to be hung around their collective necks in perpetuity.

@Redneckliberal - Biden's corruption is readily apparent to those with eyes open.

@WilliamCharles I can only assume that Trump's pawing and pussy grabbing is OK in your mind, or maybe you think it was all fake news. I'm done. Vote as you will and we have no debate.

@WilliamCharles Oh my god. At least choose a bogus source for you false information like NYPost, breitbart, Fox News, or Town Hall. Just posting a meme anyone could have created is just lazy.

@ursimajor and stupid

@DenoPenno - Trump being a sexual harraser has no bearing on Biden's similar behaviors.

@UrsiMajor - the DNC reanimated Biden’s zombified corpse and drug it across the finish line. Even his corporate donations were drying up prior to that. No one was clamoring for Joe, just like with all his previous runs. Biden’s only purpose was to kneecap Bernie.

@Redneckliberal - "stupid" is thinking Biden is somehow a safe choice.

@WilliamCharles biden is the viable opposotion to one else is running against him and a write in vote isn't gonna change that.... Write in your vote for Sanders or mickey mouse, its the same result, a wasted vote.. Tell putin i say hi...

@WilliamCharles eek! You go to mcdonalds?! You're crazier than i thought!!

@WilliamCharles Um, no. Clyburn ended it all in South Carolina when he nailed the black vote for Biden.

@UrsiMajor - the DNC bought off all the other candidates. Joe's "win" was purchased.


@WilliamCharles another meme!? Don't you have any words to support you4 position? Or reliable links? 😂😂😂 its funny that you think people will fall for you opinions without actual evidence 😂😂😂

@Cutiebeauty - you struggle with your own words. I'll post as I see fit, thank you.

@WilliamCharles who dresses you in the morning?

@WilliamCharles post away ... Again , memes don't mean anything.. They don't replace actual intelelligent conversation.. 😜😋

@WilliamCharles, @Redneckliberal his momny or putin!!😂


Skipped your shit … but ‘vote shaming’ is you. Disregarding and disrespecting the choice of the largest, most diverse voting block in the world’s choice for our national leader is a shame. - as are you

PS - you may demand, but don't expect my time ~

Varn Level 8 Oct 30, 2020


Is that all you got? Pathetic!

@Flyingsaucesir - Biden’s a lock. No need to sweat it, right?

@WilliamCharles you keep on trying to convince people not to vote.. Pushing third party and now "bidens a lock so why vote". Absurd nonsense..

@Cutiebeauty - on the contrary, I support everyone voting their conscience regardless. I understand the calculations by some who choose to "hold their nose" for Biden. That is their right. What I find disturbing is the hagiography by some. Biden is a serial liar. He dropped out in '88 because of it. He's so addled, he's actually back to telling some of the lies he was called out on before. Trump being utter garbage doesn't magically make Biden less of a POS.

I sincerely feel Biden will hurt a lot of down ballot races because of the people that choose to sit it out. He's Hillary 2.0. He doesn't really energize the base. The early voting numbers are likely anti-Trump and little more. It could have been so much different. This is Biden's to lose, and his campaign is crap. Pandering platitudes and pablum.

@WilliamCharles no one is protraying Biden as a saint.. And to say Biden is a serial liar is really absurd since trump is the proven serial liar... The biggest liar in history.. You seem to go along with trump supporters.. Accuse Biden of what trump is guilty of.. Not a good position...

@Cutiebeauty - so Biden's lies get canceled out by Trump's? What sort of fvckwittery is that?

@WilliamCharles compare trumps tens of thousands of lies to Bidens handful of lies.. To see that as equal is fvckwittery...

@WilliamCharles FCKYOU

  1. Your link is broken
  2. As much as it makes someone feel good to try and shane the vote shamers it doesn't change the fact that voting that way is just a futile and self fulfilling protest vote.
  3. Thank you for not voting for Trump 2020

Futile? Possibly... but part of a multipronged approach.

Fixed the link. Thx.

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