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A question for the guys: What qualities most impress you in a woman?

kathy21 4 Apr 12

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I will be very direct. I have found the most difficult thing to find in a woman is the ability for true intimacy. I am not talking about sex, true intimacy. They have shield their hearts because of past hurt and it has resulted in an inability for intimacy. Even if you get past the guards, once they feel true intimacy they recoil in fear. It is very sad because they deny happiness, to themselves, in this way. Your the ability to truly open their hearts to allow love in is the most impressive quality.

Just remember that true intimacy takes some time and lots of trust.

HippyChick58 is right, you know. How soon in a relationship do you expect "true intimacy" to arrive? The timeline on her end depends on how many men have abused her trust.

Thank you for these comments. But these comments are all based on the assumption that time brings people together. I do not believe that is what matters. I have waited for years for true intimacy to come forth. Many times it does not, in the rare occasion it happens on the first meeting. Any good counselor will tell you that time is not the key but progress. If there is a continuous progression, even if very gradual, toward it then it might be worth waiting for but there needs to be progress from the start. Otherwise it is like waiting on an alcoholic to get sober. AwarenessNow, you are so right it takes vulnerability, so I say submit to the universe from the start. But not many follow through.




Self-assurance tempered with modesty, intelligence, sense of humor. There are probably others, but this is a good start.


Intelligence and sense of humor.
Pretty/beautiful is great and all, but the few times i've tried dating someone who wasn't intellectual ish, at least in one or two areas, have ended reeeal quick.

I've actually been incredibly fortunate. I caught up with an old friend (20+ years) that i'd always had a crush on... but always thought she was out of my league. Never had the courage to ask her out.

Out of nowhere, she sees a Facebook post from me about where i'm going out and where my band is playing for the weekend. She messages me the Friday before Saint Patrick's Day. We have a couple drinks and talk. As she's getting ready to leave, i kinda casually tell her to message me if she'd like to grab dinner some time. The next night, she shows up at the gig i was playing. We've been together since. Weird how things just fall in to place sometimes 🙂

She's 3 inches taller than i am, beautiful, incredibly caring, same tastes in books and movies, she's a phenomenal singer, and she has this snarky, sharp sense of humor.

I'm incredibly happy.

I'm happy for you!


Intelligence, compassion, and good morals

Gohan Level 7 Apr 12, 2018



I'd be lieing if I said that looking across the room and being visually pleased isn't at least a wee bit important. I will, however, state that I've discovered that visually pleasing isn't nearly as important as what happens after the ice is broken, no matter how it is broken.

Meaning that coworkers, wait staff, etc, have the ice naturally broken and you might find yourself attracted to someone you'd otherwise NOT be attractede to because their personality comes through in a way you simply can't ignore.

So, for me? A strong woman. A woman who is reasonably intelligent (that doesn't have to mean a degree, just a willingness to learn things and to teach others what she's learned), so, patience and wisdom are good qualities.

But, no matter her strengths and weaknesses, it's how she puts them together and uses them. That ability can surmount all of the rest quickly. 🙂


Empathy, Intelligence, Humour, Curiosity


I love a smart woman.

What if she's smarter than you? What if she's a genius? Just curious.

@hemingwaykitten My wife was smarter than me. It's a challenge, something to work toward. And it gives you a lot to think about.


I’m most impressed by women who are comfortable being themselves, regardless of the audience.

Marz Level 7 Apr 12, 2018

Self confidence mixed with humility


Honesty and intelligence


Open Minded Honesty. Doesn't hold back or is not afraid to talk about anything.


Intelligence, kindness, and quirky


Independence and the ability to think for yourself


Empathy, personal drive, and self-confidence are my big 3.


Honestly? -- the first thing most guys think about is can they imagine snuggling up to her in bed then, the properties of intelligence, openness, honesty, etc. come to play. In my case - the potential partner has to have an interesting history/personality - be more than just basically intelligent and secure in her self -- basically she would want me - but not need me (for financial support, emotional support) - aka for me to be a nurse and/or a purse.

Think a Rachel Maddow - yeah, she's gay - but ... you get the idea - she may be the smartest person in the room - doesn't stop a clock w/ her looks - doesn't need my money or help .. Or my dream babe - Sabine Schmidt (you have to know Top Gear for this one) -- one of the most capable drivers in the world (I think she's single now) .. unobtainable -- sure, but ...

What's wrong with needing your partner's help? That's a big reason people get into committed relationships, on both sides!

@hemingwaykitten Thank you for pointing out a near fatal flaw in my writing. Your point is correct - in a committed relationship, we each want/need what the other provides.

I've spent the last several minutes trying to refine my want vs need comment - it comes down to I am looking for an equal partner - as smart/charming/successful/handsome/capable/empathetic/etc. as I perceive myself -- I'm not perfect, nor do I expect my partner to be perfect. There's more, but it's too late at night for me to think it through well enough to put on paper.

Again, thanks for kicking me in the shins to force me to think this through more clearly.

Rachel Maddow definitely stops clocks with her looks! For me and @redcupcoffee for starters! 😉


A pulse is a good place to start. I like warm blooded women.

If you aim too low, I guarantee you will be miserable.


Intelligence, honesty and sincerity with some dose of naughtiness 🙂

obis Level 6 Apr 13, 2018

I'm going to be real here. Intelligence, sarcasm, and height!

My German GF had all three of those. It wasn't enough to keep me even if she could Salsa with the best. But your choice were interesting and maybe my choices in 1998. But this is 2018. I will ask you the question in 2038.


Boots... and a floppy hat.


A good sense of humor, compassion, intelligence, and drive.


The ability to hoover the carpets, dust and polish without disturbing me. The ability to nip out to the shops when she is not otherwise required for sex. The ability to cook a good meal on time and to do the washing up quietly. Willingness to clean the toilet.

(Thinks: Wonder if I'll get any bites here)


Eyes that have a depth of intelligence and a sparkle of humour. An ability to talk about different topics articulately.


Being upfront and honest, self confidence, a disdain for head games.

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