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Nothing like a little holiday racism. At our big dinner most of my family told me they are friendly with Symphrose in our social media groups. I told them that was good. They also told me she is my ex-wife Jackie. Symphrose is a first cousin. Some white people still cannot identify black people.

DenoPenno 9 Dec 27

Enjoy being online again!

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So you were once married to your black first cousin???

My ex wife is black and my family thought her first cousin was her. Married 12 years and lived together for 10, I suppose some white people have difficulty Identifying black people.

@DenoPenno ahh! Now I understand your post. I'm not all that sure that difficulty differentiating different members of human subgroups is racism as I've noticed the problem is universal. I suspect it has more to do with the type of facial features our brain uses to identify difference and it takes a little while to "recalibrate". In your case however, where one can assume that they knew your exwife well, you're probably correct.

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