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Wikileaks Founder Julian Assange Extradition Denied.

The United States bid to extradite Assange blocked by a judge in London, on the grounds that it would be detrimental to his mental health. The USA has 14 days to appeal and it’s expected they will. It is speculated that Assange could be released sometime in the in the near future, but not until the appeal process has reached its conclusion.

Marionville 10 Jan 4

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Surely the answer is for all officials and any boss to take a course in critical thinking and only continue in their position when they have passed any tests that prove their learning?

Perhaps you could explain what you mean in reference to Julian Assange and this extradition judgement...because I’m not following your thought process here!


Imagine a world where there is no exposé of gun happy GIs shooting unarmed civilians from a helicopter gunship and gleefully bragging about it. A world where there was no Panama papers exposing massive tax evasion by political figures. In fact a world where there was no whistle blowing for fear of drastic recriminations by the very perpetrators of such dirty doings.
I say prosecute the prosecuters instead. Whistle blowers should be given medals!

I’m inclined to agree Petter...though I think we may find we are in the minority in this particular case here.


I’m happy with that news.

Me too...but I think few of our American chums are!

@Marionville we all get different news and have different contacts 😉

@girlwithsmiles I guess it’s all a matter of perspective and which set of facts you believe.

@Marionville it seems to me he’s served his time in the embassies without trial.

@girlwithsmiles I agree.


While I really don't care if he is prosecuted or not, refusing extradition on grounds that it might affect his mental condition is a joke. I am sure the mental condition of all criminals is affected by prosecution.


what an entitled ass wasnt he safe in another country in the embassy and he played ball in the halls and left big messes and would not clean up or appreciate the gift they were giving until they got fed up and kicked him out

I think he acted deplorably whilst being given sanctuary by the Ecuadorean government in their London embassy. He was the guest from hell by all accounts, and it was untenable for him to outstay his welcome for so long.


I'm not sure what to make of the Assange situation.

I agree with the judicial decision.

He’s been holed up in confined spaces for years with very limited contact to his family.


I hope Trump doesn't pardon him. It wouldn't be the worst pardon he made but I would be very much against it.

Trump is certainly doing some very strange shit at the moment...however I can’t see him pardoning Assange somehow.

@Marionville It won't upset me but I hope he doesn't do it. If he pardons him, it's rewarding bad behavior, not a humanitarian act, just like all his other pardons.

@barjoe I’m far from being a fan of Assange...but I agree with the judgement. I don’t think the USA putting him in solitary confinement and throwing away the key would serve any purpose except to demonstrate that it’s not justice but vengeance they’re after. Might is not always right...the USA and other governments need to realise that they are ultimately responsible to the people who elect the people..and it’s reasonable for us to expect them to act in a transparent and ethical manner. Journalistic exposures by the likes of Wikileaks will continue to happen, and be necessary, until they do, because they act as the public conscience.

@Marionville at least delay until the new admin is in place, with new justice dept. while they are at it, release Reality Winner

@CanndueYes..agree with the second one...she is about half way through her sentence now I think.

@Marionville Totally agree, as long as they don’t involve state secrets that would cause considerable harm 🙂

@girlwithsmiles Yes...but I’m really talking about totally illegal state sanctioned actions, usually involving the wholesale killing of foreign nationals, who’s body count doesn’t seem to be as important as covering up the facts.

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