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Rush Limbaugh is dead.

In this instance, it's a shame that Hell doesn't exist.
Good riddance to bad rubbish.

KKGator 9 Feb 17

Enjoy being online again!

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I can't say that this news makes me sad 😒
Unfortunately there are many just like him around.

Unity Level 7 Feb 17, 2021

I remember thinking he was a pile of Dogshit back in the 80's...he got worse with time.


In the immortal words of Homer Simpson. "WOO HOO!"


Made my day brighter... lol


just one point of view


I'm only sorry that his pain has stopped. I'm looking forward to pissing on his wasted plot of valuable land.



I'd wish him a speedy trip to hell, but I don't believe in Hell..... hmmmmm what to do. Not a damn thing, the world is better off without him.


A good 'Christian' would object to this, but sometimes people improve this world merely by departing it, such as this appalling man.



bobwjr Level 10 Feb 17, 2021

"I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure."

  • Clarence Darrow

The only thing I can say about it is is that it is a shame it did not happen before he got that medal that he dishonored.

LOL never mind the metal.......that’s a mere object. He’s gone and that’s all that matters. If I lived near his burial spot I’d throw dogshit on his grave.


I fully believe, if not for the pandemic, there would be a lot partying going on.

Yes. If I'd have known he was going to kick today, I'd have made sure I would have had a cork to pop

@KKGator There was a report on NPR. It was not a fair report in that it didn't present an opposing side (no words of glorifying this POS). The Fairness doctrine was pushed by, of course, Regan and it forced both sides of a story to be given. This allowed Limpbutt to push his agenda, right or wrong. It has caused great harm and now talk is being made to repeal it.

@JackPedigo Actually, Reagan abolished the "Fairness Doctrine" in 1987.

@KKGator Sorry, I made a mistake (I will admit it when it happens) but this issue was initially confusing to me. After reading the recent letter to America and going over the NPR report again I see I got things backwards. The basic idea, though, was Regan did make people like Limbaugh and tRump possible. Thanks for calling me on this.

@JackPedigo No worries, at all.
It's completely reasonable. It is very confusing.
However, you are correct.
The abolishment of that doctrine is responsible for the inception of people being able to spread extreme lies and other misinformation, with impunity.

@KKGator Just another republican trick to further their party, no matter how.

@JackPedigo I literally just finished a response to a post about the unforgivable bullshit happening in Texas, and how it can be laid right at the feet of the last two republican governors.
Yet another reason why the republican party needs to end, like the Whigs they replaced in 1854.

@KKGator Hopefully, with all the newcomers arriving in Texass things will get more progressive like some other southern states. People really need to learn when a politician spouts religion it screams he doesn't have a real platform on which to stand. FFRF sued Abbot twice for breaking a contract to allow a secular holiday display. He lost both times so it will be interesting to see what happens next Dec.


He referred to Chelsea Clinton as a dog in the White House.This was reprehensible.

Just about everything that came out of his mouth was reprehensible.
I'm just sorry he didn't die sooner.

@KKGator Or die in a more slow and painful way. That would have been better.

@CuddyCruiser Lung cancer is pretty bad, and it was killing him for a while.


Ding dong the witch is dead!


I am hearing the Wizard of Oz tune. 🙂 If that man had just shut his mouth or stopped spewing such hateful rhetoric many would have more sympathy. Oh well, as Al Franken called him, the big fat idiot, and now he is silenced.

Too bad he can't take all his wealth with him. Still, the problem is less with the jerk but with those that support and pay to listen to his crap.

@JackPedigo The sheep need to follow.


There are certain others I wish this would happen to also.

This may sound cruel......but your not dealing with good people here, but modern incarnations of Hitler, Stalin, Assad, Hussein, Mussolini.


ding Dong


I certainly will not miss him.




No crepe on my hat...I leave it at that.


As horrible as he was, I still would not wish eternal punishment/torment for him. His hateful voice has been silenced, that is good enough for me. Unfortunately, there are plenty of others to take his place.

The best revenge will be if we can marginalize such voices until they fade into the distance and eventually disappear in the here and now.

Agreed. Unfortunately, they all still have platforms from which to spew their bile.


New twitter account They say you shouldn’t speak ill of the dead, but what if you die and the world is like, “Yayyyy!” Conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh has died at age 70 after a year-long battle with lung cancer. In the wake of his death, Twitter has erupted to celebrate the death of one of America’s most-famous racists, homophobes, and misogynists. Really that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Limbaugh’s unabashed bigotry. Anyway, now that he has passed, #GoodRiddance is trending on Twitter because the general reaction to his death is to celebrate, and well, I’ll just let these tweets speak for themselves.


Yes, sometimes it seems a shame that hell does not really exist. Limbaugh would be most deserving of a long stay there.


Reading the outpourings of sadness & genuine humane empathy , By the side falsely claiming they are tolerant , understanding & striving for unity..
Reinforces the realisation so many people are spiteful, bitter sad human beings . That thrive on some petty irrational hatred espoused for a dead man..
Rush by now will realise, HELL AINT A BAD PLACE TO BE.

What "side"?
I'm not on any side.
I don't pretend to be tolerant or understanding of malignant assholes.
I'm glad that piece of shit is dead.

If you think that makes me a bad person, I really do not care.

For all the harm and mongering he did, I wished him no harm, but also wished he would go away. Then he died. I’ll take it!


What do you mean? I opened it just for him. Lucifer is waiting, I mean Lucifer has waited, I just got notice of Rush's arrival. The doors are now closed. For a while.

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