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Religious doctrine disguised as morality and ethics? How does one differentiate between the two? One of the reasons why I'm an agnostic /atheist is my belief that religious Doctrine barely scratches the surface of morality and ethics.

Kojaksmom 8 Apr 15

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I don't think one can find much of a moral compass with the bible or any of the major religious texts, in our modern world. I think a Humanismistic Credo combined with the civic laws of our society and a good dose of compassion, reason, fairness and cooperation will go farther than any of the tired old religious doctrines of the past millennia.


Religious doctrine is completely devoid of ethics and morality. If you want to witness unethical behavior follow a person as they depart from church following services.


Morals and ethics evolve as society evolves. Look at the recent #metoo movement. 10 years ago the actions of men and women of a sexual or suggestive nature were acceptable, today they're unethical and immoral. Or, look at the treatment of animals over time. Morals and Ethics are a social phenomena. Religion cannot by its nature is resistent to change, as it relies of the core of its teachings.

Exactly my thoughts.


In today's world all ideas of religious morality has gone out the window. Religion has proved that it is capable of any act or philosophy to obtain an end goal. After all, the basic religious morality is about rewards, punishments and individuals.


It's all about control and money. Catholic and kings queens should give back all the money and land they stole from the pagans.


It's all ultimately fictional.
There are no ethics or morality baked into the world.

However, unlike Religion, we can establish social contacts that (theoretically) benefit us all and which are based upon logic and reason.


Religion deals in absolutes and following orders. If you're only acting moral because of fear or you're only following orders then it's hard to call it morality.

That's exactly how I feel. there was always something deeper to be understood than simply following doctrines


Morality and ethics come from us, as humans, despite what our past religious beliefs might have been. I learned more from Girl Scouts regarding morality and ethics than I did in Judaism. I quit Girl Scouts at 12 as did both my daughters.


One of ht ereasons why I find organized religion to be abhorrent, is that their "morality" and "ethics" is not really to benefit people, but to control people by using guilt fear and shame to lower their self worth to a point where they can be manipulated.


Morality or ethics are based on one's defintion of right and wrong and the beliefs on what is bthe basis for those choices or definitions. Religious people tend to base their moral beliefs on their religious dogma, not reasoned judgment. Others have well-founded moral coes based on reasoned judgment. The two are very different on form and content.

I consider myself a moral person based on my reasoned judment. I have choices and it is the effect of my choices that I weigh.


Matt Dillahunty has a lecture he used to give called the superiority of secular morality. You may be able to find it on youtube. It's worth a listen. Also The Moral Landscape by Sam Harris is worth a read.

Thanks I look forward to doing that



This is how:

  1. Look up morality, look up ethics

  2. Read on their history

  3. Build a complete definition of both of the terms "morality" and "ethics".

  4. Stop using culture and society as a point of reference, because it keeps your knowledge level low.

  5. Use actual sentences that follow the rules of the English language.

Thank you for that. The question is religious doctrines versus morality.


No, that is not the damned question. Read the post or at least quote it properly.

@DZhukovin what the fuck dude? She made the post!

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