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Just got rejected because I'm an atheist. That's the first for me. How many times has that happened to You?

Scoonie 4 Apr 15

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More than once.


Yup. Sometimes it takes a while for them to realize what that word on my profile means. I’m okay with it though. If it’s that important to them then we would have too many hard hitting arguments. I have a general rule that if they use the term god two or more times in their profile I move on. I’m not looking to convert or be converted.


I don't think I've ever been rejected for being an atheist, but I've rejected people for being religious. I don't think there's anything wrong with knowing what you want and what you don't.


I've been turning down dates with religious people for decades..long before I ditched the church, once I noticed a strong correlation between church attendance and generally unsuitable dating qualtities.
If devout believers, the men would typically be humorless, undereducated, racist, patriarchal, have a low class background and low intelligence.


I have been rejected because I had kids.
I've been rejected because i wasn't submissive, because i was "mouthy", opinionated, "too independent ", did not have enough "free time" to suit 1 person (he like to just call up any time, day or night & "do something" & thought i should just be ready to go). I have been told I'm "not prime & anyone who says different is lying to get a piece of ass" (a partner of 17 yrs said that 7 days before he became my ex). I've been rejected because I'm too short (5'1" ) or they find out my age & that throws them or worse, they find out my sons'ages & I've been ejected for "not acting your age", whatever the f*ck that means. Oh, & the best one...because my hair was too short.

I know i'm not everyone's cup of tea & thats fine, just say so. Don't use a flimsy excuse, including a lack of religion, to do the dirty work for ya & bolt.

I was reading your blog and YOU are a prime candidate for our exclusive club. It is the FE club. We are growing in numbers beyond belief. You can become a member. My friend Scot is president, he lives in Maui. We don't require any phone numbers, email addresses, dues, no home nothing. It is very simple to join. All you do is when you get up in the morning, you stagger to the bathroom.....then you stare into the mirror for a few seconds........and then, repeat after me, say "FUCK EVERYBODY!!"...........WELCOME OUR HONORABLE SISTER!!! are our newest member!! You are our first "sister".....congratulations!!!!

@FlyingEagle1952 Apparently, I have been a club member for years and never knew it. 😀

@FlyingEagle1952 love that!

@FlyingEagle1952 considering i'm southern, w/my accent, it'd be "FUCK ALL Y'ALL." .... then under my breath, "bastards". Very proud to be a member

I have been rejected for being, my friend, I feel I earned the right to reject a person for being religious (=stupid) .


I was rejected by a "match" date about 8 years ago. He was highly "catholic-in-new-mexico". You've gotta' live here to know what that is. I found him to be unsophisticated, inarticulate, and dull. I was eager to tell him I was an atheist. And thank goodness, he rejected me. 🙂


I'm possessed by demons!! And my daughter told me that. So you are not alone. You know what I say? F*ck 'em all. Its none of their business. I was raised Lutheran but things happened and one of them things was.....tah dah.. L S D!!!...... yeah it changed a lot of things. This is NOT a christian universe, it's not a Buddhist Universe and/or Jewish..or whatever. It is the Universe and it is about physics. The sun rises for every living thing, not just Christians. We need to learn how to live together, and there is enough for everybody.....BUT it ain't gonna change. It is only gonna get more competitive as more and more people are born. As far as my views on God and the Universe, I reserve that discussion for other people who think like me. End of story. I'm so sick of the Fire and brimstone bullshit.


I have rejected several babble-lovers, so I guess it is only fair!

lovers? making love? sex?.....what's that?


Same thing just happened to me last night and i posted about it on here earlier today!


Never but you are better off finding out right away.


Ah, the joys of not wanting a relationship. I will reject guys for a lot of reasons, but religion is not one of them. Just don't preach to me.


She did you a favor. You have not idea what it is to deal with a lunatic and her "devout family"


I had a woman tell me that we are not yoked the same. And that she could not date someone of a different yoke. At first I thought that she was kidding.


?. Well that’s good for you. That would have been a horrible time if that was something that mattered. Now for me I don’t have to worry about being rejected, I don’t get that far, I just get ignored out of the chute. Is it weird to miss having someone tell you "Hey piss off asshole" ?


I'm pretty sure that's why I didn't get into medical school. The guy asked me about euthanesia. I wasn't used to being careful about religious fanantics yet. My dad had a friend look into it after I was rejected.

Religious fanatics do not believe in euthanasia. They believe that life and death decisions are in Gods hands. I had just seen my mother suffer while dying of cancer. She told me that she would have preferred to be able to chose a peaceful, pain free end to her life.

Back in 1986


I'm thinking that being rejected by someone due to atheism should be referred to as using the J bomb. "I was J bombed by a Christian woman the other day..."

I remember meeting someone online. She askd me about my beliefs. I told her I was an atheist. I had to explain myself. She did not even think such a thing was even possible. That ended that. No loss: she was no intellectual giant.

Another time, I went on a date with a woman. At the end of it, she asked for my opinion of Jesus and all of that. I used a quote misattrbuted to Faraday: "I have no need of that hypothesis," I said. The next day, she called me, saying there could be no relationship if I didn't believe in god.

There are a couple of times when women have used that as an excuse; that is to say, they had other reasons for wanting out, and latched upon that as a convenient excuse. One of them was a Pentecostal woman heavily into bondage and humiliation. I can see her point: how could she say "Gosh, you didn't make me feel like dirt, so I'm leaving you." Using the J bomb was more convenient.


Never. I would avoid any such extreme thinkers before that happened ...


Sadly, my Jehovah's Witness cousin cut me off because I am an atheist.

I have never been rejected by men because of my atheism. But two Christian men met me, to try to convert me. Those were short dates.


I have never been rejected but I cull out the brainwashed before it becomes an issue for me.


I'm surprised it's your first rejection just because you're an atheist. On one hand you're lucky, otherwise, try to imagine how horrible it could've got down the road! She knew what she didn't want and that's good. My daughter has a criteria before the first date (you should too), and one is no religious men.
Anyway, I've been rejected for being a unionized employee, a liberal and because I'm an atheist! Better luck next time.


Once. The last person I dated. Super lame.

Remi Level 7 Apr 16, 2018

It is lame. I don't care what others believe so long as they don't push it on me.




Hasn't happened yet, that I'm aware of.


Meh, I don’t even try


Wow! Thanks for all the responses everyone. I wasn't hurt by it. I was happy because I don't need that kind of crazy in my life anyways. I thought it was kind of funny how quickly the conversation changed once she found out. She called me anti religious at first. I corrected her.

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