17 13

It would be an awesome reset to the whole shity thing!

Basem 7 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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This post illustrates why the Navy does not allow those with emotional problems to serve on submarines that have nukes!


Will it take the cat in the box along with it? Wait! He is not in the box.


Shitty Shitty Bang Bang!


For the record the odds of this happening are so remote that it's more likely we discover faster than light travel (which is impossible in Einsteinian Physics).

The big rebound is far more likely


Party on ,like there is no tomorrow.


A short wishlist for the alienated who cannot ascertain the cause of their alienation.


Wonderful! Then there will be nobody to miss it. 🙂



Leelu Level 7 Apr 19, 2021

And you would never know if it had happened.

Not necessarily.

@Leelu Please! explain!

@MrDragon You have no evidence that we would never know it happened or was coming.

@Leelu. And you have no evidence to the contrary.

@MrDragon But you made the claim we wouldn't and you don't know that nor can you prove it. False assumptions is what's that called.

@Leelu no, I didn't make a claim, I made a statement of a probability, nothing to get one's panties in a bunch over.

@MrDragon LOL... no need to get your panties in a bunch just because you made an error.

@Leelu. Prove that I'm wrong.

@MrDragon Don't need to, just pointing out your assertions are ridicules. 😉

@Leelu are what?

@Leelu my, my , my, are we being obsessive with me? I'm flattered.

@MrDragon lol... you're delusional.

@Leelu lol, yep.


So did your girlfriend break up with you?


Thanos would be proud.


Thanos would be half proud! lol

@balou Too right!


A reboot

bobwjr Level 10 Apr 19, 2021

I like it, one blink and the suffering until you're dead thing isn't an issue anymore.
Better than the stupid proposition that if I don't please someone that's spoiled and demanding I'll burn in torment forever.


Capitalism and class society in general is what is shitty. The rest of the universe is blameless. Focus on the problem at hand. Join our group and make constructive suggestions to improve society.
"Progressives, Socialists, and Black Lives Matter"

Bullcrap! Humans in general are the problem. This includes all humans. Nobody or nothing will miss humanity. Especially trumpettes like you.

@Mofo1953 Oh right, trump is a socialist? Actually the defeatism in this poster is very Reactionary.
Ok, I just realised that you misunderstood my comment. I am the moderator of the socialist group which I linked.

As opposed to regressionists, fascists, and white supremacists.

Progress isn't a bad thing. Regression is.

Socialism is just a scary buzzword. It's been used as a "reason" for allowing the continued poor treatment of the People.

Black lives matter is a fact. To deny this fact is to align oneself with the traditional and systematic racism that has plagued this country since its inception.

This goes far beyond 45 and his deluded followers. They are all just a manifestation of the problem that has been at hand for hundreds of years.

Capitalism isn’t the problem. Its the greed associated with it. Ask anyone who has ever live in a socialist country

@Krish55 your profile has the hashtag #Donald Trump in first place, that raised red flags.

@Mofo1953 Because I critique him

And yet,,, Capitalism has raised more people out of poverty in this country than anything else has anywhere. PERIOD!!! 😏

@Krish55 so most of the members of Trump Pinata but none hash tag him, if wrong it was an honest mistake.

@Krish55, @Captain_Feelgood really. Like the 1%? Looks like you're late for your period.

@Mofo1953 I want the trumpers to read my critique of him so that's why I put that tag.


Fuck it I'm ready!


Whole "shitting thing"? I think it's all quite miraculous myself. I find our planet to be quite beautiful in fact, despite how hard humans have tried to make life miserable for each other. 😒


Death of your cognition, perhaps. Does quantum physics explain the death and cessation of cognition?

Word Level 8 Apr 19, 2021
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