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“There are only two emotions: love and fear. All positive emotions come from love, all negative emotions from fear. From love flows happiness, contentment, peace, and joy. From fear comes anger, hate, anxiety and guilt. It's true that there are only two primary emotions, love and fear. But it's more accurate to say that there is only love or fear, for we cannot feel these two emotions together, at exactly the same time. They're opposites. If we're in fear, we are not in a place of love. When we're in a place of love, we cannot be in a place of fear.”
Elisabeth Kubler Ros

HelenRoseBuck 6 May 17

Enjoy being online again!

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Kubler-Ross is not infallible.

When I feel fear, my body produces the energy to flee danger.
When I feel anger, my body produces the energy to resist danger.

I am able to feel many emotions.


Extremism divides and generates hate, that's for sure. Meanwhile, the news media constantly highlighting and scandalizing extreme, negative views, though they're the minority, are no help.

Ryo1 Level 8 May 19, 2021

This is why I rarely ever watch the news anymore. To depressing.


Well what if you're with your loving family in a basement in fear that the people who broke into your house will come and kill you? Certainly sounds like you're in a place of love and in fear. That was way too easy to come up with. And as usual if the initial premise is wrong the rest of the bullshit that flows from it is also wrong. I could say that there are only two states: rich and poor and everything in life flows from those two. You certainly can't be rich and poor at the same time 😂 Always question the initial premise.

lerlo Level 8 May 18, 2021

Utter bullshit.
Outrage, righteous indignation, a desire for justice are all forms of anger that do not come from fear
Obsession and jealousy are forms of fear born of perverted love.
A broken psyche can utterly adore the partner that abuses them and see their violence as a sign of love, so it is perfectly possible to completely deny that "we cannot feel these two emotions together, at exactly the same time."

Ms Ross' diatribe is simplistic, the result of wishful and wooley thinking. Which is not surprising since her main claim to fame as a psychiatrist is new age bull crap attempting to show that near death experiences prove the existence of a soul and survival after death.

I am not in agreement with your assessment. Complex issues often find resolutions in simple responses.
The quote and the image posted is not offered as a one-size-fits-all answer to problems (that is: love vs hate)
It is offered as a kind gesture allowing us all a moment to pause before lashing out with anger.
That is all.

@HelenRoseBuck You seem under the impression that anger is a universally bad thing, it is not, it is a survival trait, naturally evolved for good purpose. To supress anger instead of using it constructive is not conducive to good mental or physical health, as supressed anger becomes stress. Turned inward stress is the greatest killer of the modern age.
In short her message is both inaccurate and dangerous.
Your answer however I find more sensible, Complex issues do often find resolutions in simple responses, and that response can be a simple immediate and assertive halt to the proceedings.
In my experience procrastination is rarely if ever useful for anything, other than failing miserably.

@LenHazell53 nope. You read too much into my comparisons. Love and hate are discussed as consents not outcomes. Hate does not always equal anger. Love does not always equal peace.
Humans are complex. My observation took a complex concept and described a simple comparison. That is all


Do you have any other simplistic pronouncements?

Why, yes I do! In my view, simplicity brings some clarity. But if you are unable to grasp this simple message then please move on.

@HelenRoseBuck Your intellect is not on display. You were simplistic, and simplicity does not bring clarity. Simplicity is used when one does not have a grasp of the subject.

Anytime you want to compare intellect, let me know.

@Alienbeing Oh please. I never accept challenges like this as it already smacks of a combative situation.

@HelenRoseBuck What you never accept is the possibility that you may be wrong.


Not exactly a new concept.

"There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love."
1 John 4:18 KJV


Silent majority corresponds with our self-silenced core; self-silenced out of instilled fears, many of which were embossed on our vulnerable developing minds before we became capable of reasoning.

speak out when it is the hardest


Bullshit: Perhaps hate flows from fear, but not anger. Anger can flow from love as readily as from fear. When you see people being persecuted for no better reason than their race or culture then anger is an appropriate emotion, flowing from compassion and love. And I can remember walking down the aisle when I was married, pretty much equal parts love and fear. 🤣

Like love, fear is a multifaceted emotion. Just as the love I have for my spouse differs from the love I have for others, the fear experienced in the unknown journey of matrimony differs from the fear of a perceived threat or an unknown culture.


Fear is the mind killer.

I seem to recall Paul A. saying that.😉


From lack of fear/want comes contentment & happiness. This i know from personal experience!


I see so much seething hatred in people... hatred toward anyone who is different... hatred toward black people, gays and trans people, anyone who isn't christian, hatred for the poor and the homeless. I just don't understand it. It's a hatred strong enough to make some people want to make laws against the people they hate... even hurt and kill the people they hate. I'll never understand.

It's about understanding. So many don't know how to. Once we listen to what others have to say, we might learn a few things. Talking with those you don't share beliefs with can also be an eye opener. Keep an open mind.


This theory falls flat because I love to hate these haters depicted in the cartoon.

I’m not sure it’s a theory. It is an observation that takes a very complex problem (hate) and suggests that live or compassion or human kindness might be a way to throw water on the hot fire of fear and hate

@HelenRoseBuck ms ross was a psychologist who made the stages of grief famous, this was also a theory as is her observation, which doesn't prevent a theory for being just that, a theory. And btw, there is nothing complex about hate or fear or love as these are very visceral emotions. I can certainly understand why people may want to complicate things by using opinions from others, but opinions are not facts.

@Mofo1953 it’s also interesting how a simple statement can set off some. Perhaps it struck a nerve.
Oxford definition of “theory”
A supposition or a system of ideas intended to explain something, especially one based on general principles independent of the thing to be explained.

Indeed, the quote from EKR was based on her theory. My tying her quote to the cartoon on hate and love is not her theory. It is simply my own observation and my own experiences. I feel that hat our society has embraced a black and white approach to just about everything.

I am pointing out what I observe. Live vs hate; if you are not for me, you are against me; winner take all; supremacy in total. All these things (again in my opinion) illustrate how complex issues get boiled down to finite terms: love vs hate.

It doesn’t have to be that way but to me, that’s the direction society is going.

@HelenRoseBuck anybody is entitled to opine, and again, opinions are not facts. To you society may be going that way because experiences are unique to each individual and in your case probably life sucks the way you observed. That is not supported by any fact nor the theory you quoted.


To me this is too simplistic. One can have love and anxiety at the same time. For instance, when a beloved mate is dying from an inoperable death there is definitely anxiety (been there). One can also be in a committed relationship but get involved with another. The couple may think they are in love but it is at the expence of another (also been there).

either may never exist without the presence of the other. thinking of them as separate fails to capture them. i think.


Love and fear and everything in between. That sums us all up nicely.

Two different spectrums I suspect, rather than opposite ends of the same spectrum.


I wonder, if one would exist without the other.

Mvtt Level 7 May 17, 2021

This is why I tend to stay away from everyone.

Hear, Hear and amen.

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