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Some of the posts here are serious in tone and beg a serious response. Some, on the other hand, seem made for a wise-ass answer, no matter what the category. Some could go either way. How about you? If you want a serious discussion and someone posts a wise-ass reply, how do you feel about it?

tioteo 8 Apr 18

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42 comments (26 - 42)

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It's all good in the hood x


Different strokes for different folks.


As a newbie I certainly don't know what to expect so I have not been in that impossible position of being too judgmental, so far, 😉


When the question is somber or clearly shows the OP wants serious or thoughtful answers, I am no fan of sarcasm or flippancy. It appears to me that some people think their "snark" or sarcasm is funny all the time.

On the other hand, if the original post or question is light-hearted, if a response it's funny, it's funny.


Laughter is the best medicine, smart-ass oor not !


Serious or bound for a wise-ass reply (which is ok), there is one unwritten rule.... Keep your question short if you really want/need either answer


Within an intimate relationship or prospective ain't happening. I wouldn't be with that kind of partner.
Wise assing out in community can be funny and can mean the poster is in a loopy mood and had to share.
But for the smart asses who are doing it all the time...that's just sad.
I react if I think their comment is prejudicial or hurtful to anyone but otherwise, I either blow past them and do a one sided discussion or move onto another discussion. We're lucky that way here.

I agree -- especially with your first three sentences.


Always go for the laugh


If it bothers you, just ignore it & move on. Some folks just don't do serious, or what is serious to one is chuckle for another. Unless the comment is a personal one, ignore it!


Depends. If it’s clever, I like it, but if it’s cryptic or obnoxious, not-so-much.


Maybe there exist trollnostics? Never give juice to a troll. I don't pay attention to wise-ass responses; these don't matter. Not my circus, not my monkeys. I just don't care. Ignore them, my friend. You choose who, what and how you respond to. ?


It depends on my mood at the time. I am usually the wise ass.

JK666 Level 7 Apr 18, 2018

I have days when I post serious replies and some when I don't.

Some are witty, none are personal and none are meant to be offensive.

Difficulty with the written word is that nuance is often missed, there are no non-verbal cues and some people enjoy being offended.

If you don't like a response, ignore it and move on - it soon drops to the bottom of the page and gets forgotten.


Mark Twain


Damned irritated!


It might be frustrating if the wise ass comment gets all the attention, but if it's just one of many post, it shouldn't matter

JeffB Level 6 Apr 18, 2018

I made a post once. I wanted to talk about this study that I read that was about pickup lines. Ended up that one of the best pickup lines was "what's your favorite pizza toppings?" So I made that the top part of the post, as a way of introducing the topic. Everyone answered with really funny comments about pizza toppings (Tide pods was my favorite answer) and not my actual topic. It was entertaining enough to me that I counted it as a win anyway.

@JeffB My favorite pick up line is in the supermarket. " Can you pick me out the 2nd best cabbage please "

@273kelvin How does that work?

@El-loco Quite well. It hits a lot of bases. 1, It says Im single 2, It is humorous 3, It says Im not a control freak and will let her take charge on occasion 4, It is not hitting on her too obviously so I can walk away if she not interested or not single, without any embasement on either part.


Hey, Folks! I have received many replies to this post, for which I want to thank you very much. I was not complaining about any replies to my posts, just seeking your opinions. With one exception, I have valued the replies, whether serious, smart-ass, or in-between on any/all of my posts. You are entitled to your opinion. If I ask for it, then it's fine to give it. In this forum, I'm usually glad to get it whether requested or not. As one who often gives flippant, punny, or sarcastic replies I appreciate the same from others. I just thought you should know where I stand. Peace to you.

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