Just another example of radical left wingnuts showing how pathetic they are... Unable to have a rational discussion about something and engaging in such childish behavior should be grounds for immediate dismissal from their position.
Let us get partisan politics out of this. Whoever is doing the banging and noise making should be warned once and then removed from the room if they do not stop.
Andy out cantell they are designed becuz? Looks like a bunch of Old White Guys to me....
Democrats are the walking examples of social retards.
Ah, the Village Idiot squawks again...
Haha. You support him.
@CourtJester & you support him... (& btw, I'm NOT a Biden fan, tho even at this short time it has been such an improvement over the Jabba the Gut!)
& I'm guessing your implying financial improprieties with your meme, did you know the tRump Org is under indictment? Talk about the pot calling the kettle...
@phxbillcee They’ve been digging into the Trump organization for years and have yet to find much of anything at all.
But hey, inflation, rising costs of living, stagnant job growth, and $3,00+ a gallon gas just so you don’t have to see mean tweets. Bravo!!!!
Wisdom and economics are clearly low on the spectrum for the left.
@CourtJester Bingo!!!!! LMAO but look... They're not going to be reasonable... We know that..The next step is the "Civil War"... And you know how that will go.. 🥴 I say let's get it on now,,, while I'm still in fighting shape..
My trigger finger works just fine, and my scope is dead on....
@CourtJester Utter Bull! & if you whack-jobs think that if you start a true insurrection that we "peace-niks" won't fight back, y'all are even more delusional than I already know you are! Try your "Civil War" & be utterly surprised. We will not go quietly to a bunch of yahoo ignorant racists. Fuck y'all thrice with a 10' saguaro!
@phxbillcee Y’all are anti gunners mostly too lazy to go to work outside of fast food or retail. They couldn’t afford much beyond a marked down Walmart pocket knife. What would they do??? Throw their masks at us???
You need to work on your intimidation game.
@CourtJester You don't know me, you don't know us & you don't know the mood of the MAJORITY of the country, many of whom are veterans, as I am, have no problems with guns, per se, know how to use them & know how to take them away from cowards like you folks. Just try that shit. If you really want to bring the country to another Civil War over a lying turd & a racist ideology, you will lose just like your ideological brethren did in the 1860's. Fly your traitor's flags. Spout your bigoted chants. You are not scary, you're pathetic.
@phxbillcee You’re funny man. Making my day.
I don’t know a single Marine that’s a democrat or a liberal. I also don’t think ow a liberal that could afford more than a pocket knife or would own anything more than that.
Funny stuff though.
@CourtJester You are truly an idiot. Really, no shit, man. Yeah, no liberal can afford more than a pocket knife, yet y'all go on about George Soros or Bill Gates all day. & I do know some Liberal Marines, but they are not the extent of the Service, or vets. You are just clueless & ignorant. You obviously don't know many Marines or "Liberals". I doubt you get out of your Mom's basement that often. Oh, you do so embody the name "Village Idiot"!
@phxbillcee Still funny.
More like Court Jackass.
I'm not a fan of the way this was carried out, but Powell was promoting bigotry disguised as "fairness". Unacceptable. I'm not sure what skynews is, I assume someting like OAN or Newsmax? The unbalanced narrative here & incomplete reporting are telling.
& you call out the Dems here, do you call out the Repugs for spreading the Big Lie, protecting the perpetrators of 1/6, suppressing voting rights, denying a woman the right to her own health choices, etc.??? Naw, didn't think so.
Pretty disgraceful. But certainly no comparison with Jan 6 republican legislators inside, as well as the white nationalists outside.
The notion that Democrats should be so obnoxious on this issue is bizarre. Young girls should not be forced to compete against transsexual biological males in athletics where money and scholarships are at stake. I'm all for gay rights, but this is a total loser of an issue. This appears to be one more instance of money from special interests (i.e. Jennifer Pritzker, the world’s first openly trans billionaire) unduly influencing politics. Trans people should have ordinary protections, but they cannot use their circumstances to deprive normal girls of fair competition. If this constitutes another burden on Trans women, so be it. The line has to be drawn somewhere. Trans rights in THIS INSTANCE should NOT be the issue that Democrats hang their hat on, even if promoting it is subsidized.
This is the same PC bullshit where the AHA withdrew a 1996 award from Richard Dawkins, and it stinks.
This issue is basically a non-issue & Repugs have made a Culture War fuss about it. I'm surprised you are so close-minded on this, you are usually rational.
Trans-rights may have to be ironed out to ensure fairness, but they also should not be excluded due to irrational biases. Trans rights should most definitely be an issue, not just to hang one's hat but to make a stand!
@phxbillcee I am all for tran's rights, except where they infringe on women's rights. Allowing biological males to compete against women in athletic competition where money/scholarships are at stake is a non-starter. That is most certainly not the place for Democrats to take a stand, and will lose Democrats any semblance of sensibility and credibility. Sometimes strategic withdrawals are appropriate.
We may need to have "treatment" for a year to ensure a hormonal balance (as I said, some things may have to be ironed out) but even as things stand, while there is some perceived advantage, overall that does not seem to be the case, & especially after "treatment".
I'm not a Dem, I'm a human that believes in Equal Rights & fairness & I support Trans Rights & will not vote for a Dem that doesn't. Any who believe in Human Rights should. That is what is sensible & credible!
The yelling and noise was from the political right, not from Democrats. It is their behavior that was uncivil. You seem tro go to great lengths to criticize those who have a different opinion than you.
That’s not what the Sky News caption reads. It would appear that the noise was coming from the Democratic opposition.
@p-nullifidian That does seem to be the case, but I wonder on context here. I can't trust skynews from what I see in this clip & the narrative put forth. Slanted is an understatement.