8 13

Yeah... Bill gets it! FINALLY, telling left wingers how retarded they're acting.. πŸ₯΄πŸ‘

Captain_Feelgood 8 July 31

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Even he has had enough of their annoying crap


He got it right ,that’s for sure


"Retarded". Typical language of the troll.

Says one of the lead retards here that won't show it's face for fear of being recognized.... What a typical POS... Here's a clue for you 'secretguy'... nobody gives a shit what you think... Now crawl back under your rock..

@Captain_Feelgood .getting negative comments from these fools means you evidently did what you set out to do .congratulations


@Captain_Feelgood You've told everyone that you're a fool. We believe you.

@Captain_Feelgood By the way, your pic is nothing to be proud of.


He knows what he is talking about and has the guts to speak his mind.

granny Level 6 July 31, 2021

Great video .He is spot on


A liberal telling left wingers how retarded they are .Can not get better than this .LOL


Bill the Boomer strikes out feebly again.
I suppose he’s cool with fascist attacking our greatest gymnast of all time for taking care of herself.
No Bill is at war with Liberals and Progressives, the Fascist Republicans are just fine.


We need Left Wing retards in this country to cancel out the Right Wing retards.....

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