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Amazing, the omnipotent, all powerful and invincible god rendered deaf and defeated by a paper mask! What a crock of shit! []

Mofo1953 9 Aug 24

Enjoy being online again!

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It needs to look into a set of 'Miracle Ear' hearing aids..


He is a crock shit

bobwjr Level 10 Aug 25, 2021

Just one?


c level dead horse beating. for our next mental exercise lets do 20 minutes Hitler's moral shortcomings.

Sure, while you enjoy some horse cock sucking while beating off.

@Mofo1953 .......that you are who you are is sad. but still i like to give you these oportunities to show the inner you. that you are so willing to show who you are, that is the amazing thing.

@holdenc98 yes, and the inner you is so full of shit that projection of your sad state of affairs is your only choice, that ain't amazing, just sad. Now continue to nurture your sad existence with more horse cock cum and go bother your imbecile peers.

@Mofo1953 your wazoo...........upi t.

@holdenc98 see what happens when you want to say something but your mouth is full of horse cock cum, but, hey, keep on trying.

@Mofo1953 excuse me. .upi tit yours .............. but listen. seroiusly. im going once again to try to help you, tiresome as youare. when you want to try to play with one of the the big boys verbally, for gods sake don't copy his comment to you , its syntax, its phraseology, its style, and then parrot it right back to him substituting his meaningful words with every 4th grade obsenity that stocks what i will call your "mind". that strategy just puts your stupidity on brighter yet public display. why not just buy a big neon lit sign saying "idiot" and put it out on your lawn. You claim. youre a big boy. 3 foreign landuages, wide world travel, and so you claim. well us! show us your not a cosmic idiot. say something intelligent! right now. were listening ........

@holdenc98 ah, a long response. Here is your answer, I don't have to "show" anything to you, a cretin who loves to swallow horse cum, fuck off you insignificant cocksucker!

@Mofo1953 ..........have you considered seeing a psychiatrist?

@Mofo1953 were doing well after our last exchange, gained some insight apparently, had been maintaining silence for a long time. what a relief that was. and now, this. what a shame

@holdenc98 Have you? Cock sucking obsession can't be good.

@holdenc98 Very shameful what you do, leave the horses alone dammit!


When I was young and attended church we always had a silent prayer. Does this mean God didn't hear?

No, it means that there are no gods.

Well, he is old ya know, hearing does wan over time

@SeaGreenEyez Odin always hears me when I think, gawddammit,I'm outtakes beer, and viola there are cases and cases of it at the liquor store!!!!.. it's a muricle I tell ya..


My favorite response to this was posted on Facebook by a friend of mine:
This is why Jim Bakker pulls his pants down when he prays, so God can hear him talking out of his ass.


Just because he is omnipotent, that doesn't mean he knows everything...Unless Jim Baker tells him.


Bakkar is an idiot.

One of so many adequately descriptive words. Keep up the good work. 🤭


That little virus bug is way more powerful than any god anyway

twill Level 7 Aug 24, 2021

Bakker? It is hard to get more full of shit than Bakker is! But, his standard follow-up move would be to come up with some kind of mask through which he'll guarantee that his god-thing will hear the prayers of the fools. And, he'll sell it to you on the cheap... yeah, right!


The masks are for others. We are becoming a very self centered, narcissistic society. Hubris, gluttony, & greed. Why I don't go out anymore.

Nice hamster. 😁

@oldFloyd Guinea pig


I have people tell me. I’m not worried about coronavirus god will protect me.

I then advise them that god allowed 6 million of his chosen people to die horrific deaths in WW2 and that if god didn’t save his chosen people then why would he save you


Just goes to show just how absurd their religion and their God really are.







Well that can't be .... UNLESS the wearer of the mask was driving an iron chariot. The Bible says their almighty gawd can't beat that!!

He's always been kind of a wimp that way.


Jaysus!!! Lol!!!

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