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Animals share life with us in peace not like humans we destroy each other

AmerCherhal 4 Aug 28

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Way too simplistic.


Gross oversimplifications make great platitudes for misleading image macros. Both statements are also false…


Not really.
I have seen cases where animals torment their prey
I have seen many cases where animals use other animals to teach their young and to hunt and kill
Just a quick example the house cat that brings home the mouse or the bird and leaves it at your doorstep they are fed and have no need for food yet they go and kill anyway

Not many animals involved in trophy hunting are there ?


Welcome aboard. We do kill for greed. Other animals kill for sheer pleasure. Chimps will kill other chimps just because the belong to another group.


Just what species are you talking about??? Killer whales have been known to torment their prey before killing and eating it. They didn't need to torment but they do. So, I would have to say that your point is invalid.


Zebras are well known stoics. After this image was taken the lion apprised the zerba of its need for zebra meat. Zebra of course understood it perfectly and said, "I understand your need. You would kill me for the greater good of the ecosystem unlike the corrupt humans. Here, take my juicy legs". I was there as a mute spectator. It was beautiful to watch the harmony of nature in the absence of humans.
On the other, cruelty is a part of life. Humans are no different, it's just that we are extremely good at it.


Welcome to the asylum. Enjoy your stay.

What do you mean?

@AmerCherhal It's my standard greeting to new members.
That is all.


Photo shopped picture.

@xenoview this was my immediate thought. It just has to be photo-shopped. I've lived in South Africa my whole life and have never seen perfect harmony between a lion and zebra. Lions are well known for being greedy and will hunt animals even when they are not hungry. They'll kill even when they're busy tucking into juicy zebra.

Agreed. Definitely photoshopped.


I read a psychological study years ago trying to decide if dogs are 'self aware'.
They didn't get a firm conclusion trying classic things like the mirror test (even a smell version). Ha, ha.🙂

But one thing the researchers all found was that dogs and animals in general have no concept of spite. That is a human trait.

Dogs, and again animals, take life as it comes. They might feel left out if others are rewarded when they aren't. But they never blame the other animals.
Retribution and retaliation to 'get even' are uniquely human behaviours. We take selfishness to whole new levels. 🤔

Retribution and retaliation are observed in chimps as well, not to mention rudimentary warfare; but since they are our closest relatives, not terribly surprising.


Really, I remember watching a cat play with a mouse. The mouse kept running away and the cat finally bit off one of the legs. After the mouse was dead the cat simply walked away. This is common among other animals. We are a part of the animal species not apart from them. Much of what we are is also found in other species including homosexuality.


Ahh not really..


Nice thought but not totally accurate. The lion does not lay down with the lamb, nor drink along side a zebra...

@phxbillcee You're right. See my comment above.


Um, it's a digitally created image. Kinda detracts from the message. []


Look at that picture. Straight out of Paradise once the curse has been lifted. Also, the lion will again eat straw. It's not clear how this will happen with sharp pointy lion's teeth.


Very true.


It is not a secret that all human life is greedy and rotten to the core, most people just have such rose-colored glasses on they don't realize it.


Damn right!!

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