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Of course they are at higher risk, that’s an understatement!?! 🤨

Aaron70 7 Sep 24

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Maybe I missed it. but I don't see where it says that the Vax was available to her at the time she got it. Every state did the roll out differently and some people had a hard time getting it for months. I was eligible in January but I did not get mine until April. If I could ask one question of someone who knows, it would be, What was her reason for not being vaxed?

We don’t know that she was or wasn’t. That really wasn’t the point of the post anyhow....

@Buck I get that it was not the point of the post. However, I do not get how anyone could publish a story like that without all the facts and I happened to think that was an important detail. Driving a school bus does not sound to me like a desirable job in the best of times, but obviously, anyone in a position like that should be 1. mandated to be vaxed, and 2. provided with easy access to the vax. If those conditions were not in place, then shame on the bus company, the school district and the state government because they have blood on their hands.

@MyTVC15 Well maybe you can write the publisher a letter demanding they include all the facts you feel are necessary in their next story.....🙃

@Buck Or I could just take part in a conversation stating my opinion like everyone else here seems to be able to do, Jeeze.


Vaccinate if you are in an area where they can not determine how you are getting it. Special Ed kids are not going to be good at wearing a mask, hell I taught one and we could barely keep his pants on him. If they can not understand the reason why they are not going to comply if it annoys them.
She had underlying medical issues and still was not vaccinated.

Makes me glad I live in Australia and in the NT, in the NT we are hard on border closures and have had only two lock downs each one no longer than a week while we traced sources.
NSW seems to be going the way of America and saying the deaths are acceptable if things keep open and money is made.

I am about to go on a 5 day trip to another part of the NT and I don't have to worry about the risk of catching Covid as it is so close to zero even if an infected person appears in the town I will be in.


Certainly they are at higher risk of getting the virus. So is anyone who works with the public in a necessary job classification. My delivery job is of this nature and I get monthly bonuses and an occasional "thank you" bonus for hanging in there with the corporation. I also believe this is why I caught Covid19 in the first place. I'm not the only one at our workplace who did.

At my age I have the needed "Medicare for all." I'm 75 and pay very little for healthcare. I do not fall for the doctor protection racket of "Let's just run some tests and see." If it is not covered I say do not run it.


Call out the National Guard, oh yea, they did at least once.


Not surprising at all. I drove a school bus for several years, before retiring three years ago. I am so glad I did, esp. after Covid hit. The vast majority of my fellow drivers were elderly and were doing this as a retirement job. Also, the job with my bus company, who the school district had outsourced the busing to in 2006, so they could quit paying benefits to the drivers, had no health insurance benefits for the drivers, who were mostly on Medicare already. The minority of the drivers, who were younger, were either uninsured for medical care, on their spouse's health insurance from another employer, or were on Obamacare. But the fact is, a lot of the younger drivers had chronic health problems from being uninsured most of their adult lives, so they would not get care for those problems, such as asthma, or high blood pressure. No wonder that between the elderly drivers and the younger drivers with chronic health problems, that their exposure on the job to unmasked, unvaccinated kids, is making them drop like flies. I have heard from some of my former co-workers, that many of the older drivers retired after Covid hit, because the job was not worth the risk to their health, esp. before there was a vaccine.

By now a rather large % of school districts have outsourced their busing to companies like the one I worked for, so it's not surprising that so many school bus drivers are without adequate health insurance, both the ones on Medicare and the younger ones who have no health insurance from the busing job. The older ones usually can't afford a Medicare supplement, so they may be putting off health care whenever they can. And the younger ones, who are on Obamacare, can't afford the copays, so they also probably put off care whenever they can.


A vaccination and masks would have helped.

If you read the article, you would know that not all students wear them consistently. And you assume none of the deceased were vaccinated, and some of them may very well have been....

@Buck I read the article. Don't you agree that if they all wore masks and were vaccinated there would have been less transmission of Covid?

@nicknotes Read my previous comment again, but slower this time....😉

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