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Hallelujah, praise the lord, thank you baby Jesus!!!?! ☺️

Aaron70 7 Oct 4

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These Christian zealots are all full of misinformation.

Starting with their bibles....

I should surprise none of us they they buy into conspiracy theorist, given they buy that shit story in there....😐

@Buck The Bible reads like a fairy tale.

@Buck If a Christian believes in the Jesus story he can believe any conspiracy tale.


Jones is a scumbag.
Freedom of speech is one thing.
Defamation is quite another.

Now, there needs to be a team of forensic experts to find all his hidden assets, so his victims get paid.

Hope he ends up living in a refrigerator box, at the edge of a landfill.

That would be most deserving! Jones is such a horrible human!!!


I would like to believe he will pay, but his lifelong behavior says otherwise. He’s a sickening human being.

From what I've read and heard he's a Scumbag and the lowest form of Bottom Dwelling Pond Life there is.

@Triphid You have read the truth then. I would agree with whoever wrote that! 😉

@Redheadedgammy I often like do my own research in to people whom to me start to stink like fetid scum and he was a prime candidate for a very, very, deep examining research job.
Let me put it this way, and without going into detail ( which there is literally tons of btw), IF you had something stinking as rotten as him in your refrigerator , you'd first send it to the Rubbish Dump, then follow it with the fridge as well.

Under Texas law if he has not paid the judgement in 90 days, they can seek civil forfeiture anytime in the next ten years. That is the plaintive s can have the constable go out and seize his assets including bank accounts. Moving money or assets out of state can lead to contempt charges.


I hope they bankrupt the piece of shit.


Yep, praise the lort. 🙂


They will never see a penny though.

He will never pay and he will never have any consequences. People like him never do.

Oh every now and again they’re held accountable....😉

@Buck Yeah, about 1 in a million of them actually are made to pay up, the rest, unfortunately just laugh it off, like the Churches, etc, are now doing to the victims of Priests/Pastors and the like who have molested kids for decades.

@Triphid 1 in a million you say? I would be interested to hear what research it is you did to come to that number? 🙃

@Buck Hours and hours of research both via the internet, the media, etc, etc.

@Triphid Have a nice life....🙃

Actually, because Texas law is weighted the way it is, there is a very good chance that he will have to pay up. The only assets that he can shield are the 40 acres of his homestead and $25,000 0f personal property. There is a good chance that he will try to circumvent the seizure of his property and end up in a civil contempt case

@glennlab Well who would have thought Texass would have a law that would actually make this piece of shit pay up! Thanks for sharing that info Glenn, it gives me some hope that he will have to pay up one way or another!! 😉

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