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Thought antivaxxers were the epitome of motivated human ignorance? Ha! I present ... wait for it ... Germ Theory Deniers: []

Druvius 8 Oct 5

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I continue to be amazed at the lack of scientific literacy, not only in our society as a whole, but on this site as well. One might have thought that people who have examined the subjects of religion and the existence of a deity skeptically and who remain, on the whole, unconvinced or even unbelieving, might regard science more dispassionately. But alas, logic and intellectual discipline are in short supply.


Oh, Goody! I was wondering how this marvelous "weakest members of the herd" Thinning was going to continue.......


Thanks for that. Perhaps those deniers should deny the existence of typhoid bacteria.


It is interesting that in Jesus' explanation refuting hand washing, Jesus denies the germ theory.


does disease come from without, or within? M Rockefeller would like you to believe that it comes from without

@bbyrd009? Who the hell is M Rockefeller?


What is this "germ theory" crap?? Germs and their effects area long-proven scientific fact, not a theory.

Well, you're 'sorta' correct, but, please learn what scientists mean by the term "theory"... Such as the "Theory" of Gravity, or Evolution, etc....

@phxbillcee Gravity and evolution are also proven facts. What is a theory about tem is xactly how they work or what produced the. .

it is kids swimming in the nastiest rivers that have the best immune systems, almost invariably. Believe what you like, but i’ll pass on the Rockefeller bullshit, tks. No, germ theory is nothing close to proven scientific fact

@bbyrd009 You have that dead wong. It is because those kids have been exposed to the germs that they have the immunities. That is aproven fact.

Speaking of kids, the following explanation of the term ‘scientific theory’ was taken from The Kids Brittanica:
“A scientific theory is an explanation for why things work or how things happen. Scientists develop theories based on their observations of the world around them. Theories are based on ideas that can be tested. Theories are not speculative, or based on a guess.”

In scientific language, "theory" is quite different from the popular usage, and means the highest level of certainty recognized by science.

@bbyrd009 Then what causes Naegleriasis which comes from swimming in rivers and other bodies of water?:

Why was smallpox eradicated if not for the use of a vaccine targeted at a virus? Because people ate better?

So funny to see ignorant people make silly assertions in comments sections, presuming they have the expertise to overthrow generations of established knowledge.

And again: Who is Rockefeller?

@wordywalt that was the point walt

@Scott321 hey Naegler idk, and im not saying to intentionally suck down rabies or anything ok
Rockefeller is the guy that brought us symptom-treaters instead of real doctors, and polio is a great example, see photos. Rockefeller introduced the “outside model of disease” basically, and made it so you can't hardly even search anything else, your “generations of established bullshit” model that keeps you in fear and enslaved, imo. Go with that; take "free" vaccines you likely do not need, and endless "booster shots" that your grandchildren cannot afford to repay, idc. Likely a $TRILLION industry, but opm is no object, huh?

"So funny to see ignorant people make silly assertions in comments sections, presuming they have the expertise to overthrow generations of established knowledge.

And again: Who is Rockefeller?"

ha, priceless. Mostly i would be on the lookout for gnostics, myself

"Everything You Know is Wrong"
wow, this book is apparently so popular that it has engendered a whole host of rip-off/homage titles

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