How the fuck is religion not outdated and primitive yet??
Because it has its foundations in our biology.
How so?
I can't find at the moment, the one video that expresses it best, but have listed some others below.
Basically, it is thought that various traits that evolved for general survival, coalesced to predispose humans to religious behavior. Some of those are things like the HADD-HyperActive Agency Detection Device, ToM-Theory of Mind, and so on. All of which is studied in the field called Cognitive Science of Religion. None of this promotes or even tolerates any kind of supernaturalism.
Lewis Black fuckin' agrees with you! I think he actually has said that!
Lewis Black’s the best!
Certainly it is outdated and it was primitive when it started. A bunch of borrowed ideas here that focus on your fear of dying and fear of being alone. Oh, Jesus, we have to prove that mom, dad, grandma and grandpa were all right. If not we are going to cease to exist.
Simply they all believe in “god(s) will”!!!