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Another one bites the dust or when will they ever learn Marcus Lamb, a co-founder and the CEO of the conservative Christian Daystar Television Network who vocally opposed Covid-19 vaccines, has died at 64, weeks after he contracted Covid-19,

JackPedigo 9 Dec 1

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Maybe the text should read: Where have all the followers gone?


Not sure of the relevance of Pete Seeger's anti war song "Where have all the flowers gone" to the post Jack?

The chorus perhaps?


Don't find anything saying Marcus Lamb was in the military.
This is a world war two video. If the flowers are gone, maybe the vaxxers stomp all over them. Stomp all over the majority graves.that are not fully vaxxers or religious, for all I care. It won't bring more kindness or decent deeds into the world.

@Castlepaloma Gee, I'm touched by your compassion. If it wasn't for you and others like you slaving in the bowels of the 'Fake News' salt mines, he would have realized the real harm he was visiting on impressionable, trusting people who came to him for advice.
I can only compassionately hope some of those trusting souls will wake up to the reality this man's passing represents. But I wouldn't count on it.

Most mainstream news is fake news, dictating all the same destructive propreganda. What ever you say about me, comes with a gain of salt..

Did you watched the video I gave, I'm still waiting for any proof that Galbratar isn't 100% fully vaccinated. From any sources at all. Plus show no raise in covid cases.


I see they all prayed for his recovery.
I guess "the Lord" was busy helping sinners, not this "man of God."

At least the religious prayers have a 50/50 chance they are right. Joe Biden reality has no chance that vaccinated are 100% safe. Not according to 100s million having side effects around the world which is really effects, and many deaths.

@Castlepaloma Vaccines are not killing anybody and I have heard no claims of the vaccinated being immune to Covid. The disease does not discriminate.

Like this

@Castlepaloma You again? I already debunked your Gibraltar garbage. Give me another specific "fact" and I'll Google it.

@Castlepaloma, @DenoPenno Thank you. They can contract it; but it does alert the immune system to fight off the worst of it, thus preventing severe illness and/or death. Unfortunately, that person still can spread it to the unvaccinated, which is why all these retards should get vaccinated, so as to block the introduction of other, potentially more virulent, variants. But good luck with that. They're dug in to their position, and we all know the misinformation machine never sleeps.

If you haven't noticed any deaths from vaccines. Then your steering wheel is lost. Best to Go direct to the same nursing home as Biden

@Castlepaloma I had no idea that Brandon was in a nursing home. Since we are studying causes of death, how about fried eggs and milk products? The reason I have not noticed any deaths from vaccines is because that was NOT what I was looking for. I've been vaccinated my entire life. I'm also not scientist enough to make claims of the vaccine coming into being too quick, etc., etc.


Let's go Brandon

@Castlepaloma You talk a lot about places like Israel and Gibraltar. I already told you about the latter; in Israel, they were one of the first to vaccinate, but did you know 22% of Israelis were NOT vaccinated, about 1.1 million people? Did you know about the same time the initial round of vaccines' immunity began to wear off, along came Delta, which was passed on by the unvaccinated to those with waning immunity?
In other words, I was angry in the time because the unvaccinated in the U.S. caused a second Delta pandemic spike. The same thing happened in Israel, and the unvaccinated are the ones who infected the vaccinated with waning immunity. Okay? That's why I got a booster shot.
That's why you're full of it.


The mainstream Media automatically programed to be very one-sided that vaccines are safe.

Here are two veteran Doctors and their overall view of the covid landscape.


Anyone who wants to be careless and who wants to just ignore reality and pretend this shit don’t exist…… get what you deserve if you become infected……even if you die. I

I could say the same thing about vaxxers. There are more non fully vaccinated in this world. It's just I got more empathy and compassion for the whole world human race.

@Castlepaloma Compassion isn’t one of my strong points.


I'm not great at ampathy, too busy for what's on my plate. Although it's well worth wail developing compassion


Oh, should I feel sad, should I feel sorrow, should I mourn, NO, I feel like I may as well have a beer and celebrate that another religiotard has been culled from the herd.


Oh well, no shedding of tears from me.


I hope anyone stupid enough to listen to him, joins him.

Please take your jabs for every 3 months for life. Where it wears off within 3 month's creating more variants then jab can keep up.. I'm partly in agreement of depopulation. Cunting from your most loving monopoly mafia Governments that want to take care of you.

You have hope and go through the fire. I'll have faith and jump over the fire, as always.


I don't care for Religions, don't care for wars or guns, Been vaccinated probably more than anyone here accept the covid one.

Wonder if everyone here, had finally found out that the Vaccines are doing most of the killing in the covid wars.
There is plenty of evidence to support this reality.. Plus Governments mass murder us more than Religions as of this last 100 years

If you were dieing from the Vaccines, which plenty are.
Would you want a larger sorts of groups of people deeply hating you and telling you deserve to die. Then them laughing and dancing upon your grave. Covid Deaths and hospitals were not nearly this bad, until the vaccine roll out.

I got no punch line this time.

"There is plenty of evidence to support this reality." Please present "this" said evidence.


I accept as I support religion freedom. It's just they lack the evidence and my understanding of their personal God. The nonbeliver is a fastest growing group than any other group. Due to better understanding on how the planet really works not by fairytales of religion nor Beurocrates.

@OldMetalHead, @jlynn37

There is triple the speed of covid death's since the roll out of vaccines at the beginning of this year globally. . Galbratar is 100% vaccinated and their covid hospital patients are mostly vaccinated. Same with a number of other countries have higher vaccinated also. Galbratar death rate is 30 times greater per capita than my province in Canada. Many other countries by lifting covid restrictions are having a much better drop in covid death than previous. The vaccines are creating more variants than their 20 year shy every booster cocktail or jab they throw at them.
They ran out of lab animals, they all died. The humans vaccines wear off every 2 to 3 months. Making the humans the new and most dissolved guinea pigs of the century. After humans have their world greatest protesters. the lad animals pets, livestock and lastly wildlife will protest next.Through human environment lawyers of course.

Evidence that vaccines are killing people. 90% of the people in hospitals are unvaccinated.

@Castlepaloma There is absolutely no evidence presented in what you have written, which is nothing more than what you want and choose to believe.


All you guys give me is pharmaceutical sciences fraud, world champion political liars and media proganda broken parrots.

Dec 31st 2020 1.9 million covid deaths, now 2021: 5.24 million (not finished) covid deaths globally. Show me a decreased chart of covid death from any global disease or virus control organization or continue without evidence or facts that your garbage vaccines are working well.


Nearly 60% of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in Israel fully vaccinated, data shows.

Singapore 85% Vaccinated skyrocketing covid recently.
Ireland 83% fully vaccinated skyrocketing covids too.

@Castlepaloma As usual, you have your "facts" wrong about Gibraltar. Most of the Covid infections are among the unvaccinated. When it says "100%" vaccinated, it is highly misleading. There are plenty of unvaccinated people in Gibraltar. Furthermore, the vaccinated Covid infected are for the most part NOT in the hospital.
Every time someone here, or my sister-in-law, or my best friend, or whoever, repeats some tidbit if "information," it takes about five minutes to Google and debunk it, but it just doesn't stop.
You are so determined to justify your position you run with the first misleading headline you come across, without bothering to dig just a little below the surface of your deliberate ignorance.


Can't find anything on line that says Galbratar is not 100% fully vaccinated.

The video above clip, breaks it all down. How is it possible their are any unvaccinated people in Galbratar when there is only 33,600 pepople in the whole country. The Rock has administered at least 94,469 vaccine doses so far which is enough to have fully vaccinated 140.2% of the country’s population. That means many Galbratar people are fully vaccinated and many are beyond with their third booster.

Every vaxxer in Nova Scotia who I talk to has this bs belief of what Biden said. That 99% covid deaths are unvaccinated and vaccines are 100% safe. Vaxxers believe this crap whole heartedly. I don't have hypnosis glasses on like the totalitarianism wear. So they can't see through any BS words from world leader.

I have clearly experienced the greatest decrimation ever in my lifetime. The Biden vaxxers of US, don't have any doctor or scientists that can back up any facts and evidence of the shit show and Slow Joe says..

@xenoview, @OldMetalHead

Like with the Vaccines, it's about the money and power, not the health and affordability.

@Castlepaloma The vaccine for covid is free. I fail to understand you antivaxx belief. The vaccine for covid works. I plan on getting my boost near the end of the month.

Some places free by your tax dollars, not to most populations of the world. Lucky for them they found better remedies working and cheaper overall , covid death's are dropping.
Anti vaxxers are against all Vaccines. I'm only not for this covid vaccines force against our will by the most evil people on the planet. Ultimately most important is choice on what goes into our own bodies.

Only belong to the Optimist club, can't loose either way. Also for depopulation of the earth. So be a Guinea pig experiment of your choice. Not against humans risking their lives for a break for all the animals who are died in the name of pharmaceutical science. They got you coming and going.

@Castlepaloma If you are against just one vaccine, it makes you an antivaxxer.

I'm not anti anything, because I'm not against anything. It's just I'm for somethings or not for somethings. I'm for people killing themselves, if they want to by choice. People can do naked bungee jumping, and then cut the bungee rope and drop to their death, their choice. Take drugs till their eyes pop out or their brains explode.if etc.
There will be One less idiot in the gene pool

I want to live dangerouly free and you want to be a safety slave. As long as we are not harming anyone.

I'm not for things, by negative Evidence search like vaccines that are at a very high risk of harming or killing myself.. I'm fearless but not stupid .

@Castlepaloma If you are for it you are pro, if you are against it you are anti. The covid vaccine works.


I'm judging myself with for or not for. Pros and Cons or against (anti) are more of judgement of others that are more likely to be incorrect.


Splendid. Hopefully Omicron claims a whole bunch of those Christian soldiers.

More the better.


Just more fear mongering, a greater killer than covid.


I was just going to post this. []

Actually someone beat me by just a few minutes. However, the more postings the more people see it. And, I have learned it's about how one packages the posting.


The lord works I’m mysterious ways, lol

Ah yes and he saveth us the task and thins the herd himself...LOL.


Not very interested in the story, but love the music video.




Good riddance to bad rubbish.


Good riddance. My fiancee just died, because she was unable to be transferred to a heart center. We were told, over several weeks after Florida reopened hospitals were jammed with this unvaccinated dimwits. How many other lives lost because these POS were jamming the hospitals up? I saw it first hand and she worked with Covid patients. Screw him. I hope that SOB suffered the whole time.

I am very sorry for your loss.
Can't even begin to imagine the devastation.

Sorry to hear that and yes, people are dying because of other's stupidity. It's not just about Covid but other emergencies are also getting short shrift.However, the more hard headed these people are the more the system will clamp down on them in order to protect others like your Fiancee.

My most earnest and sincerest of condolence to you.


I'm definitely not shedding tears over this though I do feel bad for the people who have been conned by his lies and are now suffering.

I don’t feel bad for them either. Look what you’re dealing with here.


Call me a cold, hard bitch if you must, but.....


If there's ever been one who deserved it, this person really did.

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