6 17

The logic holds up.

SnowyOwl 8 Dec 9

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I know (and am in the same boat as) atheist families that are avid gun enthusiasts.. So that picture does not really mean anything to anybody with a brain. 🙄

Hey, perhaps these Atheist families who think they need guns actually need the guns to ward off the Faithfools, kind of like keep Bug spray handy when you are at Picnic for example.

@Triphid I've never heard of any body being physically attacked by someone knocking on the door asking if you've met Jesus, or handing out religious pamphlets. But yeah, I could see pointing my gun at someone coming at me with a pipe bomb in one hand and a "Jesus (or Allah) saves - Kill All The Atheists" sign in the other.

@Triphid Here is another group I'll gladly point my weapon at if they start attacking my home. []


sooooo....if Christians believe that their god KNOWS ALL... then god KNEW he was going to kill everyone except Noah's family in a great flood ? seems legit

Leetx Level 7 Dec 9, 2021

In fact, I must be a great deal smarter then the Christian god... why not just call everyone together and drown a baby in a tub and let them know you were going to do the same to everyone if they didn't get right. would have saved a lot of innocent children from drowning. just saying....


Its not god I fear. Its god's followers.

In every religion, through out the world.


Not really

From the Atheist perspective.


So. Like Sid in Toy Story.


If he creates so he can destroy and the Christians are right, we're definitely in trouble.

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