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Today's BEST person

A young female office stops senior officer from abusing a handcuffed citizen. She followed statute and STOPPED abuse of a citizen, then the Sergeant assaulted the "good cop" by grabbing her by the throat and throwing her on a car.

The union, of course, stupid up for the abusive cop.

We need more good apples. (and let's not overlook, she saved all those watching from charges as there is a law to intervene when rights are violated.)

She deserves raise and that nasty man's job?!!

SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 30

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State sponsored domestic terrorism.


One of the reasons most cops don’t stand up. The payback can be hell personal as well as a career level. 😡


Where i come from he would be taken care of


She is the exception that proves the rule, literally. ACAB!


I fucking hate pigs..


I swear police unions should be illegal.

When Ben Franklin was asked
'Which is the most important -- Capital, Labor, Management' ?
he responded
'Which is the most important leg of a three legged stool' ?

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