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Those who know me know I am a big proponent for the Death with Dignity program, but sometimes it’s not enough. The Swiss are ahead of us in the euthanasia area and have a new machine. I know, shades of “Soylent Green” but the need is still there. []

JackPedigo 9 Jan 30

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I know my Dad would have jumped at the chance to use something like this machine. He was all for allowing the suffering of the ill to be put in their own hands, to just be able to end it!

After my partner got involved in the DwD program I became aware of the issue. Later, a front page piece was published in our local paper (we have three in this county) concerning the problem with suicides I became motivated to speak out. The editorial talked about reducing suicides and even mentioned the Catholic church's role in suicide prevention. However, it did not talk of the issue of suffering. So I got fired up and wrote to the editor. She told me she studied this issue in college and if I was able to limit it to 300 words it would be published in all three of the papers. In the process NPR had a program centered on how keeping people alive provided a revenue source for hospitals so I was able to include that in my revised version. It did appear in the 3 papers and I have submitted the letter here.


I've always said that I didn't get to choose when I was born, but I'll be damned sure I would choose when I die.

I wonder if I can get one of these shipped to me?

It would be nice but the postage might be astronomical.

@JackPedigo Guess I'll have to make my own.


We tend to call it "assisted dying" in the UK and I'm inclined to support it though it is currently illegal in the UK. There are complications and implications surrounding the idea; it would be a very difficult decision to make. Incidentally, it needs to be pointed out that assisted dying/death with dignity and euthanasia are not synonyms.

Ryo1 Level 8 Jan 31, 2022

Am aware the DwD and euthanasia are different but not sure of the difference between DwD and assisted dying.


Great Device serves a purpose. But this like anything else ex. Drinking, Smoking, there’s always 2 sides. I have decided that in the event I should be faced with some incurable or terminal illness, I will be responsible for carrying out a personal plan I engineered and have thought through in every detail. Nothing will change it. I have told a number of family members as well as friends, colleagues, co workers about this……but not in detail. A few who have tried to tell me that whole thing of ‘It’s against one’s religion to do that’ or anything along those lines just get told that that very idiotic belief about prolonging your suffering because of your religious beliefs was in large part what drove me away from religion in the first place, along with several other factors. But it was that type of rhetoric that played the biggest part.

There is a group "Final Exit." it was behind the group the Hemlock Society but now it's just "Final Exit." They have a book on ways of ending one's life and some things we think are easy can have serious side effects. One they recommend needs a 2nd person (to remove all the equipment). One goes to a toy store and buys a canister of Helium. Then you run a tube from the Helium to a plastic bag you put over your head. Take some sleeping pills and turn on the Helium. You will quietly and painlessly go to sleep and never wake up. [] There are tons of videos on this subject.

@JackPedigo ...................beware of helium. the major supplier of helium, "party time" is it? (,ace hardware sells it for kids party balloons,) now oxiginates its helium. its no longer lethal. welding nitrogen, available as a maskeyour own kit from amezon with regulatior for the tank, is probably the best bet. if all else fails the hidious 2nd amendment ,carefully applied, will do the job

@holdenc98 Good to know


The Dr involved was the one who got the NT death with Dignity through parliament before some scumbag lieberal from Federal shut it down (we are a territory and the federal gov can cancel any law we make) He was referred to by many as Dr Death.
We had two people use his machine to die on their terms both were suffering from incurable cancer and in constant pain.

I also watched Sir Pterry's Choosing to Die.

What so many fail (or want to deny) is that we will die. Whether we suffer or not can often be up to us but too many try to make this into a political issue (often to court the evangelicals) and actually increase suffering. Suicide has become a polarizing word and can have financial consequences (like in life insurance payouts). Here the word suicide is removed from any legislation in which a person chooses the legal and medical method of their deaths. I have said the religious say suicide is against god's law yet those same people think nothing of using the most advanced methods to prolong their lives. They say they can't wait to meet Jesus, but not just yet.

@JackPedigo Also those same people would think nothing of euthanizing their pets so they didn't have to suffer. Strange.

@RhondaShotwell Absolutely, and they don't (or won't) see the hypocrisy in that stance.


Agree with you as long as good physical reason and mentally sound

bobwjr Level 10 Jan 30, 2022

Why shouldn't anyone who wants to die be allowed to?
It's just silly to keep them alive if they want to die. Plus, better to have fewer people on the planet.
This whole "mentally sound" bit reeks in my humble opinion, of course.

Maybe make a three day waiting period, but after 3 days if they still want to exit stage left, I say we give them a nice last meal and a standing ovation.

@AtheistInNC Some suffer from depression and are physically fit, depression is treatable . Cancer patients with terminal diagnosis are suitable, dying in pain is wrong

Just because it is treatable doesn't mean they shouldn't have the choice.

@AtheistInNC Except some people, lots of them teenagers, are impulsive when they are in extreme emotional pain. Teenagers who end their lives because they broke up with their first love, or in my SIL's case her son killed himself when he got divorced. Had he been able to reach out and get some help so that he could withstand that emotional rush, and learn to move on he'd be here to be a father to his kids and watch them grow up. Now his kids, and his mother had to go through that extreme pain of never seeing him again. I don't believe he was being selfish in the moment, but I do think that that kind of intense pain is hard to withstand for some. That's why it's smart to be cautious about this, and not let anyone just willy-nilly pull the plug any time something hard comes along, and it always will.

It's sad, but you also have the other side where the person in emotional pain goes the other way and kills others before he kills himself, which is a lot more painful.

If we had a better healthcare system that included your eyes, teeth and emotional wellbeing in the healthcare, I think much of the emotional pain could be avoided before it came to wanting to off oneself.


Remember "Logan's Run", that sci-fi movie from the 70's where everybody gets killed at 30?
I'm in favor of Death with Dignity, but it can become a slippery slope if you're not careful.

True but in the countries where it is allowed they are very careful.

Great flic, but they forced it at 30, no voluntary


I do not believe that death has any dignity but if you want to exit for any reason and are of sound mind the choice should openly be yours.

The dignity refers to measures needed, often by family members or loved ones, to extend another's life. Bathing, bathroom functions, being bedridden and getting sores and on are not very dignified for the sufferer.

I guess the choice is always ours, but having it legal and assisted means less burden on the family.


No nursing home for me … this should be legal everywhere


I agree. Death with dignity should be legal. And, in doing so, it would be safer.

Recently the program became legal in Vermont. That makes 12 so far.

Plus, my guess is that those choosing to die will have a will, and all their affairs in order before they go.

A lot less grief overall, in my opinion.


The only problem I have is insuring it is voluntary and not a way to rid inconvenient family members.

That is a big issue with the DwD programs. Still, all medications and also, in this case, have to be self-administered. This is Switzerland which is light years ahead of us.

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