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This is SOOOO worth a few minutes if you're in need of some seriously head shaking and 😂😂😂.

The lady who's husband, who has someone else living inside of him, wants to have sex with her so she pulls his face off to reveal a lizard who has other lizards with him. #WTHF? 🤣

The Nazis on Mars lady is all in, also.

Just think! We walk amongst these people. 😬😬

QAnon Conspiracies That Go Above And Beyond

SeaGreenEyez 9 Mar 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Boy, I will send her money, she sure needs it to pay the reptiles. I will start drinking from the city sewer, I will get well soon. News later.


People who feel powerless and insecure in their lives need something that makes them feel in control. Unfortunately this is the kind of thing you get from opportunist who take advantage for their own gain.

Betty Level 8 Mar 4, 2022

That makes sense, to those of us who try to make sense of things. However, my life has seldom been easy; in fact as things often go wrong and I barely manage to handle them, I find I am most often circling the drain. The best I can do is postpone the inevitable which is always so close I can taste it: walking the tightrope, as it were - you pick the metaphor. BUT, I've never relented to believing in something stupid in order to feel falsely in control, for what it's worth. Some may call that stupid, but it's the one thing I will hold closely as it's a truth I can believe in though it doesn't pay off. And even though that's the same result the believers attain, (they often fail regardless - prayers don't work, etc.) I'm satisfied that I'd rather fail while holding something that's true than attribute whatever meager success/notoriety while believing in bullshit to get me by.

@Betty I had agreed with your statement. I said it made sense and shared my perspective which supported our view, but you felt the need to go on and try to explain rudimentary behavioral psychology to me like I'm a child, as if I didn't get it in the first place. That was dismissive and condescending.

@Betty I found your comment to me d & c, not your opinion. And now, more of the same. I think it's passive aggressive but I don't care. I thought I said something useful but if you don't want to use it, you have a right to that too.


That was some freaky wild sex dream the second woman had!! Her husband is lucky she didn’t murder him in his sleep! The ability of the human mind to be both wonderfully brilliant and bat shit crazy is quite amazing.


Not much I can say except that is like crazy on steroids.


Hmmmmm.... Trump advisors



I always try to nurture my Inner Lizard. With sex.


Being a believer in QAnon should be grounds for requiring treatment with anti-psychotics.


Unbelievable and really insane , right wing crazy Barbie dolls ,true mental illness

Religion will do that for you, after convincing yourself that the world has been saved from Hell by a Bronze Age zombie carpenter whose blood and flesh his followers have to consume on a weekly basis in an act of ritual cannibalism to stay safe from demons, well then shape changing reptilian aliens and Nazis on Mars is not such a stretch.

@LenHazell53 I don't think I've read anyone else say it better. Touche


Some people will believe anything if it makes them feel special.


These people passed crazy at light speed and haven't slowed down.

They went to Plaid.

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