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A funny story. The priest of my local church would often visit my elementary school. I won't use real names so I'll call him Father B. Anyway, Father B was genuinely a good guy, he understood not everyone believed they way he did. While he always tried to explain his belief to others, or encourage those in doubt to have faith, he wasn't terribly pushy. Father B was also very shy and skittish, always made me think of a mouse he was so small.
I actually liked him. He was gun to talk to and wasn't sanctimonious (even talking to my insufferable 14 year old self).
One day he comes into the class with portly man I've never seen. "Meet Father A, I met him at a bishops conference in the United States and he agreed to come to Canada to observe how religion is taught here. He has a few words to say to the class."
Next thing you know this all American bishop is in front of a class of unsuspecting 8th graders preaching about how we will go to he'll if we don't believe. My best friend is doomed to hell because her parents are divorced. My teacher is doomed to hell because she has tattoos and isn't at home making babies.
The whole time poor old Father B is standing in the back of the class looking absolutely horrified. A couple of the kids starting crying. It was glorious

Catnublia 6 Apr 24

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That attitude in my pseudo Baptist Community church (the one who hired a Baptist preacher) is what started my path down the road to freedom. I was sitting in the pews one day and I looked around and thought, "Do you really want to spend eternity with these people?" Hell no!!


I'm curious as to what ever happened here in the end. Was this a parochial elementary school? If not, then I should think that the teachers and parents would have been up in arms to have a "man of the cloth" upset their children so. Did Father B come back? Was the situation ever addressed to the students? I know this was Canada, and I'm from the US, but the whole thing sound strange to me...

In Canada there are two school boards funded by the government, a public board and a Catholic board. The classes are taught by qualified teachers , not nuns or priests. Religion also tends to be very mild, they embrace science, value philosophy and accept homosexuality and denounce open discrimination. In Catholic school boards the local priests often come by to speak with the students or help with activities. Often they are genuinely nice people. Father B met Father A, and the man comes off as a jolly old guy. We thought he was just another nice priest Father B met in the States. When he started going off EVERYONE was surprised. It was a complete turn from the seemingly pleasant guy. Father B apologized profusely for the incident. Parents weren't happy but everyone understood it was a genuine mistake.

@Catnublia Thanks for explaining; in the US, we've always had separation of Church and State according to our Constitution -Parochial (religious) schools were not under government oversight but "public" schools were/are funded by the government and are not supposed to teach religion, although there has been deliberation and a lot of disagreement about that, especially lately.

@ThinkKate yes both boards are funded by the government, there are private religious schools as well but it's expensive to send a child there. Honestly religion is rather demure in Canada compared to what I've seen from some places in the states. Parents who faith heal their children are prosecuted, evolution is accepted and teachers are required to teach it regardless of belief, homosexuality is accepted. They do try advocating for anti abortion legislation but never get much done.


Sounds about right. Hopefully Father B got a clue and dumped religion.


By definition that was child abuse, except that the church has been abusing children for so long that they get a free pass. Very twisted.


Well, at least father A was more honest. Father B, altho nice, probably feels the same way, it is in their doctrine. Father A is letting the kids know what they are in for if they join the church. I know they can't all be lumped in with the "God Hates Fags" crowd, but they do use the same book.


What a horror show?!


Ah, the catholicism I remember from my youth. Glad I wasn't one.

I'll always remember this pious church employee, Boston Catholic Television Center, he prayed on young women suffering some kind of loss, right into their beds.

I was so glad I wasn't Catholic, but I know protestant preachers and lay people, that practiced the same deception. We had a Mormon Elder that screwed his way through Burns, Oregon.


This bishop left my best friend in tears, the sweetest nicest girl I ever knew, and he told she'd rot in hell because her parents were divorced. She was 13 years old at the time, that waswhat made me angriest

@Catnublia My wife became an atheist after she had to rescue her girlfriend from a priest who was about to rape her. Priest with a history, sent to a small town parrish. Neither set of parents would do anything about it, placing the blame on the girls. The victim is still a devout Catholic.


Sorry you had that experience. I'm betting it turned you off of religion even more than you might have been. It would have done so to me.

It certainly made me realize speaking out against this sort of hate and preaching of hate (to children!) Was a worthwhile effort


Would and should make a great scene in a movie. We should mock these idiots once and for all.

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