What is your response when you ask a christian to physically show you god as to believe in him and they say well, "show me air?"
Duct tape their arms and legs to a chair so they can't move, then slip a plastic bag over their head and tape it securely in place around their neck. Ask them to indicate to you when they believe that air physically exists. Air proof in less than 3 minutes.
@JustKip It depends how long you leave the bag on their heads.
I would never ask that question because you put yourself in a no win situation. Also I really dislike when someone tries to push their beliefs on me so I figure they probably feel the same way. To me it is just a matter of mutual respect. The older I get the more picky I am in choosing my battles.
take a piece of paper put it on a table an blow under it to make it move and then say put paper on the table and have god make it move If they say that's stupid . say no I showed you air by making the paper move. now have god do it. Or just point out how childness they are being
Well, not only can we feel air, we can capture it, measure it, experiment with it, use it, compress it, liquefy it, store it, transport it, cool it, hear it, weight it, see it (under the right conditions)... We get the idea. It is a physical thing. The measurable evidence of which is abundant. Ask them what "quality" of their god is measurable.
Your excellent answer can't be presented to most of them because they lack listening / reading comprehension skills...and those who have them, with a stupid look on their faces, will say to you "Well, God make that possible."
@DUCHESSA Ir it is a one on one conversation, it would probably get rather lengthy after that. So I may choose not to answer this way. If it is in a group, then yes. This is how I've answered in the past. We may never know what of what we say will be the thing that makes someone think.
@Elsantoasauro I don't ewaste time w/these people.
Oh oh!!! Tell them you don’t believe in air! See if their heads explode or something cool like that.
Ha! I really like this one... “Who said I believe I’m air? I never said that.” Isn’t even a lie. I never SAID I believe in air... Never said I didn’t either, but who’s keeping track?
Just blow on them. That's one demonstration of Air. Just because something can't be seen does not mean it isn't there, but it CAN still be DEMONSTRATED!
That is when I would fart, so they can smell it too.
You can fart on demand? Impressive!
Turn on a fan, or wave a paper one you just made.
It must be different in UK we don't have this saying .. I would just look at them like they were a complete Fucktard .. because they would be .. then I would likely sigh and walk off lol
There’s your difference right there... in the US, fucktard is aspirational for some. Won’t be long before you start encountering PhDs advanced fucktardery.
Don't generally go out of my way to have discussions like that. They're going to believe what they want, me too.
Simple. I'd say that air is merely our name for the collection of gases which makes up our atmosphere, that we can analyse what gases make up "air", and that we can actually see these elements with scientific equipment. Moreover, our observations match precisely the hypotheses and theories developed over centuries regarding the nature of elements and what elements exist.
Even better is that the early scientist were clerics.