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What is your response when you ask a christian to physically show you god as to believe in him and they say well, "show me air?"

vetty87 4 Apr 25

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You can feel a breeze blowing on you. You can smell and perhaps even taste any odours that it carries. You can hear a howling wind, and you can see even the slightest breeze causing a flag to unfurl or turning the blades on a windmill. I'd say that's sufficient evidence that air is 'a thing', even if it is a totally invisible gas under most circumstances. Few, if any of these things could be reasonably attributed to anything else.

Now show me something that demonstrates the existence of God, that doesn't have an alternative (and more scientifically plausible) explanation.


"Aww, blow me."

Godot Level 7 Apr 25, 2018

So God is analogous to air? Does God have weight? Can God be measured? Can God be pumped into a tank? Would letting the air out of your tires be analogous to letting God out of them?

Come to think of it, deflating th air fro their tires would be a good way for them to contemplate God. 🙂


The only time I would wish for halitosis.


I wouldn't even bother with someone as delusional as that.


I don't debate them...there is no debate.
I won't discuss fiction as if it was real.
I'm nice enough til the religion comes up, then my usual response is "oh, you can fuck off with that shit" in a tone of no mistaking.

Well that escalated quickly. ?

I'm a "cut to the chase" kinda guy


I stopped asking those questions a long time ago and I don't think I can say that I miss any of that...


I have never asked to be shown god, but rather why they believe in god.


Are you breathing right now?

Great answer.


Talking to Christians is like trying to reason with a drunk person. None of it makes sense. I don’t bother. There has never been a shred of evidence that a god exists. I’ve never seen an Easter Bunny or a tooth fairy but it’s fine for children because it helps with imagination. Eventually, children realize it was never real. But somehow adults believe in some invisible omnipotent being. I just don’t want to even pursue it because they exhaust me. I don’t care. I simply cannot give 2 fucks about a crazy idea with no evidence to document it. As for air, you can literally physically feel it. That’s enough proof for me.


I have never asked a Christian to show me god. I know he can't. The Christian knows he can't. We both know that god is an article of faith for a Christian, so, why ask that? Is it just for the sake of being argumentative, or superior, or What?


Duct tape their arms and legs to a chair so they can't move, then slip a plastic bag over their head and tape it securely in place around their neck. Ask them to indicate to you when they believe that air physically exists. Air proof in less than 3 minutes. 😉

@JustKip It depends how long you leave the bag on their heads. 😀


Breathe deeply and loudly exhale

razz Level 3 Apr 25, 2018

Without 'air' the sky would not be blue. Behold a blue sky and thus air.


Tell them to hold their breath for 5 minutes.


Simple. I would blow strongly upon the person's face, then ask them how they plan to demonstrate God.


Air? like the stuff that we breathe, shakes leaves and comprises our atmosphere.. I couldn't tell ya?.. it's not like air is comprised of naturally occurring elements (hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, etc .) It's physically present, we can examine it's composition, we can test for it, and it's effects on other objects..


You can still prove the existence of air. It can even be shown, just requires equipment. So do they have equipment that physically shows God. Honestly, I probably would shake my head and walk off.


I don't ask--they can believe whatever they want as long as they aren't shoving it down my throat. For everyones sake I hope more of them become more self aware and educated soon.


Def just laugh and say 'Now your just being silly, air doesn't exist, I mean do you just believe anything your told tsk'


Put both hands over their mouth.


I live in central California where you can ACTUALLY see the air, so I’ve never had that retort.


Blow on them. Point out the nearest ballon. Drop a piece of paper and a bowling ball. Open a window on a moving car. Use a vacuum sealer. A thousand different ways to show what’s obvious to anyone not being intentionally obtuse. Not that difficult...

Personally, I’m tempted to throw a trash bag over their head and apply copious amounts of tape around their neck, but that’s just my own intolerance of stupidity. I’m working on that...

@ghettophilosopher Hahaha!!! Or don't work on it and tell us cause it's damn funny even if it really isn't funny at all !! 🙂

I can see the bag thing totally lol

@ghettophilosopher That made me laugh.

@vetty87 your comment did same!!! Really funny .. I can't imagine what it's like... USA is different to here in that respect. Church for most people here - they go - they wear dull clothes in cold churches - They look like they don't know why they are there - Uk people are as spiritual as a carrot - So its like robots in a grey church not knowing why they are there lol - so nobody is ever going to be as a community ostracising you - Maybe in tiny village communities but certainly not in small towns. It's different .. It sounds a bit mad out there to be honest from coming on this site .. I would be burned at the steak within about two hours I reckon lol !!!!!


You show them studies where air has been researched. you can tell them the composition of air. You can say that the information exists and a quick google search will tell them. I'd avoid being vapid and just be straight with the scientific details. And its okay if you don't have the information on hand. Too many of these people get super indignant if you can't pull a complete scientific analysis out on demand, and consider it a victory. Ignore those people because they're not worth your time.


I keep my phone handy when we get into a discussion of the deity and the comment of my being made in the image of I ask, 'How can you see me ?" takes a moment to click.

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