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In praise of difficult women, women who know their own mind and speak their own thoughts. That's the sort of woman that I married and to me at least, anything less wouldn't be worth the effort.

SnowyOwl 8 July 10

Enjoy being online again!

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A liberated woman, liberates the man

twill Level 7 July 11, 2022

Isn't it interesting that a woman who has opinions, can demonstrably take care of herself, and has courage to follow her own path is called "difficult?"

Deb57 Level 8 July 11, 2022

Strong willed women are only 'difficult' to a misogynistic male. I would be bored to tears if my life partner were a submissive wall flower with no thoughts of her own. I also don't equate difficult women with bad girls, who tend to be emotionally unstable and just plain trouble waiting to happen.


That Woman is a Success
Who thinks her own thoughts
Sets her own course
And creates her own destiny


I don't want to thought of as "difficult". I prefer determined or assertive. But I love Jane Goodall.



Unfortunately. Men find “ difficult “ women attractive . Yet . Not willing to be w them . Most men , my age at least , don’t understand . Dude . I don’t need your wallet . I have my own thankuverymuch . I don’t need much of anything . Just good company and better ideas . Men don’t want to do anything w ideas . Let aside a woman that will go the distance for ideas . Not here where I live . So I will die alone , and “ merry Xmas “ 😂😂😂😂😂🦇🦇🦇🦇
And that’s ok .

Not all men, my dear, and you know that.

@Sticks48 Agree . There are the young and better generation who I can’t relate bcz I am older , then the older and wonderful who I can’t relate either bcz much older than me . Larry , 52 and single , strong or difficult , it’s not fun at all 🙁

If you were my age and lived in my area, you are one woman I would want to meet and maybe date. Sorry we are so mismatched with our local dating pools. I do agree that many men find "difficult", as well as high maintainence women to be attractive, but not this man. I am referring to women who are difficult in the sense they have serious personality disorders or terrible relationship skills. These men are the same as women who continue to be attracted to "bad boys" even after the women are well past middle age.

@Sticks48 not "all" men are horrid, but certainly not enough men don't feel threatened by assertive women.

I like to think that if something were to happen to Kate, she is sick with some unnameable disease, I would jump into my car and be on my way to find you. That is, of course, a fantasy, as I would be in no shape to do this. I would be a mass of tears and uncontrollable grief.


My late wife was strong, independent, and outspoken. I hit the jackpot with her.

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