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You know your god is man-made ...

nicestuff 7 July 31

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I don't have any hatred in me, no gods (Other than BOB Almighty), and I have a beard. I guess that makes me my own god. (I pray to myself that I don't send a thunderstorm my way for typing such things!)


I don't have a god so I have to do all that heavy lifting on my own. lol Fuck those fucking fuckers and their religitard, fucking god too. 😉


Nowadays, that seems to be the basis for most people who vote for Repubs, even if it's against their own economic interests, because the Repubs hate all the same people they do..


But of course true believers, think that their hate comes from god. ( As a form of love of course. )

Nothing says god's love like smashing the heads of your enemies babies against a rock. Now that's devotion. wtf???


Sure nuff!!🤠


This is so very true. The problem is that believers are unable to see this. I find many that think they would still be Baptist of pentecostal if they lived in a Muslim country.

The believers see their hatred as welcomed by their god.


Research has been conducted to support this concept.

Sounds the same to me as confirmation bias.

@TomMcGiverin - I believe your observation is awfully close. As I understand the research, however, researchers were able to change a subjects opinion on a particular topic and found that the subjects concept of how God viewed this same topic also changed in the same way. It's almost more like God has a confirmation bias to agree with the subject.

@RussRAB In the end, it's all belief in bullshit anyway...

@TomMcGiverin - No argument from me on that point. This research is, imo, a significant bit of evidence in that regard. It is evidence demonstrating that believers create God in their own image and not the other way around. If it were the other way around, and God communicated to believers, then they could not alter God's belief on a topic when they alter the believer's belief on it.


All gods are man-made.

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