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The question is, will revelations of Walker's lying hypocrisy change any of his supporters' minds?

Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 5

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Of course it won't, what a naive or rhetorical ?

Hope springs eternal


Not a chance for the Trumplicans. Some moderate Republicans may, but most of them already were going to boycott this hot mess.

I know it's true about many of them. They don't give a shit about policy or integrity. All they care about is POWER.




Integrity is the first thing people compromise when they are believing and supporting liars and grifters, religion has indoctrinated them very well.


Time will tell, and pretty quickly.....

Walker said he didn't even know the woman in question. Now we find out that he already had another child with her. What a lying sack of shit!


Dawg, I hope so, but it doesn't seem like it yet.

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