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Christian nationalists are planning a violent takeover of America. They have a seven-point plan thay call "the seven mountains." The specific pillars of society over which they plan to “rule as kings” are:

  1. business
  2. government
  3. family
  4. religion
  5. media
  6. education
  7. entertainment


Flyingsaucesir 8 Oct 22

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A great write-up:


Enjoy the read 😉


We can only outvote them!

SalC Level 6 Oct 23, 2022

Continuously. In every election. At every level....Do you think that can happen?


While I feel you are on the right trail, I am seeing a different observable set of data. The religious extremist are indeed making a ruckus. However, overall, the churches as a whole are collapsing in decay from a mass loss of fellowship. People, especially the younger generations, are walking away from the whole idea of religion. To see this in the deep south is actually very telling. Yes, Maga is a huge problem, but now the DOJ is clenching capt'n cheeto by the scrawny balls he has. Between NY and the DOJ he is not in a favorable position. Is it enough to change things drastically, perhaps not, for those who blindly follow him. The plight of the USA is not squarely on the voters. The system has been skewed for at least the past 109 years. The controlling forces got their hands on the money when Woodrow Wilson signed into law the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 on Christmas Eve. It effectively handed the control of the nations money to a handful of wealthy bankers. They have not looked back since. JFK actually tried to recind that act and was killed for it. George H Bush was the man in charge of the CIA when all that went down. The order that Kennedy signed returning the power to control and value our currency back to congress was quietly tossed out and the bankers once again had control over the money again. Reagan is the start of the mass extraction of wealth from the people to the private corperate shills. His "trickle down" economic policy basically sent all out wealth to the tops of big corperations that would never allow it to trickle down. He also ushered in the modern era of propaganda through media. He allowed a friend, Rupert Murdock, who had be exciled from Austalia to set up shop here in the US and formed Fox News.
The voting structure is pretty much unaltered since FDR's demise. It has been the same 2 party system running the show ever since. The League of Women Voters used to organize and control the presidential debates for TV. The were kinda forced out of that in favor of the mass media pundits as tonallow media moguls to control the content and info of the debates. That being said, folks like Bernie Sanders find it very difficult to get a fair shake in the debates or the airwaves for ad time because of this arrangement. That also leads to the inner corruption inside the parties themselves. It is much worse in the Dem camp than Repubs. The Dems are super hippocritical. They claim all this transparency and they claim to be for the average working man, but all their actions seem to suggest they cater to the same corprate masters that the Repubs do. The Repubs don't even try to hide their corperate ties anymore. The shit is blatant and on display for all the voters to see. They just don't care. They at least don't pretend to care. Their party line followers don't care that they are anti human in just about everything. They just care about winning. "My team is better! Your team sucks you fuggin snowflakes!" Mentality garners them votes at a reliable pace. If it all crashes and burns perhaps it is for the better. If ya can't fix the blasted contraption then tear it down and start a new one. It states in the constitution, for those who have taken the time to read it, that when the government nolonger represents the people, then it is the responsibility of the people to take down that government and replace it. Heavily paraphrased but that is the overall interpretation of it. A lot of the J6'ers are trying to use that arguement but they failed to succeed in securing the evidence to support their cause. They were not their on a legitimate claim that the government nolonger represents the interest of the people but rather the words of a coward that couldn't face the loss of an election.

You covered a lot of ground, so it may take me a while...please be patient.

  1. While it is true that there is a long-term trend towards declining religious affiliation in America, it is a slow process. And, perhaps more importantly, there is also growth in radical evangelical sects.

  2. Church attendance is irrelevant when it comes to Christian nationalists. They are not devout believers. They self-identify as Christian, but do not actually follow the teachings of Jesus. Rather, they misinterpret the Bible (and American history) to suit their own aims.

  3. The MAGA movement does not need Donald Trump. It predated his rise and will outlive his fall. If anything, he will be seen as a martyr to the cause. (Obviously we still have to prosecute the son of a bitch, but it will not affect the larger movement.)

  4. We can argue all day about who killed JFK and why.

  5. Before the Fed, American banks were smaller, far more numerous, and far more subject to failure. Many issued their own currency, which often became worthless as banks failed. Panicked runs on banks were fairly common. All this is largely irrelevant to the problem of Christian nationalism we see today.

  6. You are spot on about Reagan and Murdoch. Reagan killed the Fair Use doctrine in broadcasting, opening up the airwaves to biased, unbalanced propaganda. And trickle-down economics has been a disaster for America's middle class.

  7. You paint with too broad a brush in claiming that Dems are as bad or worse than Republicans. The sad fact is that you have to have money, and lits of it, to even have a seat at the table in American politics. But at least Democrats put forth policies intended to help average Americans. Republicans offer nothing except fear, hatred, and more trickle down bullshit.

  8. I don't agree that we should "tear [our government] down and start a new one." That is what the MAGA children want. Rather, we should hew to the rule of law, and continue to seek political solutions. I can imagine an America where the Citizens United decision is reversed, and dark money is taken out of our politics. (It's more plausible than the overturning of Roe v. Wade.)


No matter how you slice it, people who are indoctrinated with religious belief always have to some degree a diminished capacity for discovering and using their own values for making decisions and living their life.

In the term "Christian nationalism," the emphasis is on nationalism. Adherents are only nominally Christian. They do not actually follow the teachings of Jesus.


Yes, they've been putting their plan in motion for years. Putting military weapons in the hands of lonely young men just got easier with the Supreme Court decision to lift all state's gun safety laws.

Here in Hawaii, we had very few guns in the hands of citizens, but that is changing quickly now with the Surpreme Court ruling. Most people here are worried about the small time gun violence and possibility of mass shootings, but there are some who are rightly worried that a "well regulated militia" is forming to overthrow our democracy, fueled by disinformation campaigns, racial and religious hatred and fear of being "replaced" by immigrants, never mind nearly all of our families (except indigenous) came to America by way of immigration. Crazy times.

There are only a few republicans who are standing by their long held conservative values, while the majority of them seem to be ready to switch gears (or already have) to become part of the fascist takeover. Very sad.

Obviously you have been paying attention. 😎👍


It would be amazing if the Christian principles that I was taught in Sunday school were adopted by Business Leaders.



This nothing more than pure Fascism spreading it’s roots once more!!!

It will be just the same bosses, same as their old bosses, a few men hand chosen supposedly by their god to hold dominion over the believers and cast out by those who do not by disenfranchising them, then imprisonment, then cold blooded murder for those who do not revert to their Fascists beliefs of total control!!!

This is the same Fascists playbook of 1930 Germany and Italy that has been updated for the twenty first century!!!

I hear religious stuff out of my managers voice all the time.

Seems your manager needs to have some sensitivity training about how to respect others who do not believe as they do!!!

Also I personally consider that very inappropriate in any work or social situation!!!

@of-the-mountain While I agree with you, he doesnt go overboard with it. It does not bother me too much. I simply took note and do not reveal my true beliefs. I am a remote employee working from home and overall he is a great manager who just happens to be a Christian. I am still baffled however why any black man would still believe in God(s) after the way it was used to justify the enslavement of his ancestors.

Totally agree how any ones relatives that were kidnapped, chained, almost starved to death, tortured, forced to live in overly cramped overtly highly unsanitary stacked one upon another, then as a freed relative after being treated like an animal, forced to live in overt poverty, discriminated in public, employment, and housing!!!

I truly can not believe how any one whose life and relatives have been treated like inhuman shit could ever believe in any god!!!

It is beyond me how these moronic Individuals believe still when it comes to these imaginary saviors!!!


The Religious Right are slowly winning the battle by "creep". First the school boards...then the Town Council...then Mayors...then Congress...then Senate. As long as they control the voting constituency they control the narrative and thus the outcome. Theocratic Republican Conservatism has always been about the long game. They control SCOTUS and look what happened and what IS going to happen. Congress and the Senate are next...2 weeks and it is game over...if we LOSE...we lose BIG. We lose the ability to conduct FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS. Do you really think a Politicized SCOTUS will side with a Democratic challenge to voter suppression? The Trump Investigations go away...the DOJ will have their funding denied and the GOP will tie up Congress with investigation after investigation as payback for challenging the Orange TRAITOR. McCarthy gets his Speaker of the House...every one of Biden's AND Obama's accomplishments will be wiped off the books...and Donald Trump will anoint himself King of the US(and I predict Karri Lake as his running mate😂 The DOJ will be gutted and his new sycophants will be installed. The FBI will be gutted and that will become his new Gestapo. Am I a PESSIMIST? YES...but IF I am right and the dominoes start to had better be ready for some serious shit...this won't be pretty.

I think (and fear) you're totally right.

@Organist1 I do NOT want to be right...NO...I don't want to believe this is happening.

@phoenixone1 Neither do I, but I am a realist, and have been warning about this sort of thing for years.

@Organist1 I have been warning everyone since 2016 about this SOB...I have watched him since the Mid 70's and all he has done is fine tune the way he manipulates and undermines people and the system. ... To the point that it is second nature. He modeled his forceful nature from Hitler and Stallin. He absorbed Joseph Goebbels philosophy of scorched earth propaganda ... like a sponge. He created a fantasy world that appealed and tantalized the very people he despised. His "wealth" is nothing more than a two-bit PONZI
SCHEME. Time and time again we keep hearing "his EGO will be his downfall"...hasn't happened yet and in two weeks...he solidifies his position to a point where it will be impossible to bring him to heal. EVERYONE who "could" have stopped him"...failed...he sniffed out the rats in our system and overwhelmed us with the disease that we denied for so long. He feeds on the disgusting HATRED and biases that have festered for
500 years. He played this by the book, incredibly well...Hitler rose to power WHY? ... Because of the POWER VACUUM at the end of WW1 and the Misery caused by the Reparations. We had a POWER VACUUM when Obama finished his run...and let's face it, Hilary Clinton left a LOT to be desired in a candidate. Way too many skeletons in her closet...tRUMP used the 2007 to 2009 Housing Market Crash to FULL advantage. The misery factor...he had the audacity to play the RACE BAITING card with the BIRTHER CONSPIRACY crap...and in walks this GAME SHOW HOST who throws out all the glitter and says, "I'M RICH...I'M REALLY REALLY RICH, I CAN'T BE BOUGHT"...oh and he reinforced the RACIST factor with his open contempt for Mexico...and BLM and ANTIFA. He was ARROGANT and didn't care who knew it. Every "deplorable" in the country heard it as a dog whistle and "open season" ON ANYONE or ANYTHING THEY DIDNT LIKE.
He started destroying the MEDIA ... WAY BACK IN THE 80's...WHY?...simple...he was DESTROYING THEIR CREDIBILITY. What did Goebbles say?..."Repeat a lie enough times and people will start to believe it". The guy is an open book...but America has become a nation that doesn't want to have to read...

We are FUCKED.

@phoenixone1 Inevitably it will all boil down to the willingness of the people to roll over and be f**ked. The people who didn’t care, didn’t vote. They let this happen. The weakness in the Democratic party, too, is to blame. They should have gone after these criminals with a white hot poker aimed at their rear ends. They didn’t learn from the Holocaust. Have you ever read "Hitler's Willing Executioners"? I have been telling my family for the last 20 years that this was coming. They didn't believe me for a long time. I have a Cassandra complex. Really, it all started with Reagan.

@Organist1 have to put it on my reading list...who was the author? Cassandra Complex is a new term for me...what does one call it when it is present in a guy? (Chuckies quandary)? 😂

@Organist1 I started getting nervous as HELL when W got in office. Reagan was scary and George H was pathetic...W(or should we address the elephant in the room...Dick Cheney) was criminal. This country is a royal disaster and we only have ourselves to blame. People who didn't vote don't deserve a say...put up or shut up. Our Democratic base is LAZY.

@phoenixone1 Good question. I guess a complex is a complex, no matter who has it. 🙂

@phoenixone1 Daniel Goldhagen wrote the book.

@Organist1 thanks...I will definitely read it. Have you plowed through "The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" by William Shirer yet? That and "The Rising Sun" by John Toland I believe are two of the best accounts of WHAT and WHY WW2. happened. Another excellent book is "W. Averell Harriman and Elle Abel...Special Envoy to Churchill and Stalin 1941-1946" it gives in-depth insight into the behind the scenes FDR Whitehouse...

@phoenixone1 No I haven't yet.

@Organist1 they are all excellent works... 😀


That sounds more like the wealthy take over.

The wealthy took over the fed govt. long ago, the current battle is between the theocrat fascists and the neoliberal Dems for control of the fed govt.. The wealthy are ok with either group taking control of the actual government, as they will continue to enjoy their profits and power, no matter which group rules DC.


They really are control freaks.

Betty Level 8 Oct 22, 2022

Rule as kings? Remember that there is such a thing as regicide.


This is why I keep saying Liberals should stop pointing at hatred and explicitly say religious hatred ✝️☪️☮️
Our problem is religion.


Really doubt that. They may get some places who will just agree and go along with them. Places like Idaho and Montana...but most of America they don't have even a chance of taking anything cept maybe a few nutjob churches. Lol

You’re underestimating the threat.

I'm not remotely willing to agree with you on that.
Religion is a pervasive evil which must be destroyed at it's roots.
It's gonna get greasy.

@OldMetalHead Yeah, and the majority of them have been religious fucktards.

Read “Building God’s Kingdom” by Julie Ingersoll or “The Power Worshippers” by Katherine Stewart and see if you still feel that way.

@Shaggy2018 You don't see these people, because, for the most part, they either deny that they are Christian nationalists, or they deny any knowledge of the term (as Michael Flynn does in the Frontline documentary on him). But in fact they are a loose coalition of neo Nazis, white supremacist militias, the KKK, MAGA acolytes, and Christians from every denomination. Many of the people who participated in the January 6 insurrection were (are) Christian nationalists, and they are not stopping there. J6 was a dress rehearsal. Stay tuned.

Hope you're right, I fear you're wrong.

@Shaggy2018 You're old enough to remember Oklahoma City. That was just two guys.

Sociology professors Andrew Whitehead and Samuel Perry have carried out numerous surveys indicating that around 20% of the adult US population are what they call "ambassadors" of Christian nationalism. These people are deeply committed to Christian nationalist ideology. At the other end of the scale in their 4-level hierarchy, are the people Whitehead and Perry call "rejectors," who completely oppose Christian nationalism. Whitehead and Perry also identify a group they call "resistors," people generally oppose Christian nationalism but are open to some of its precepts. Taken together the rejectors and resistors make up about 48% of the US population. Around 32% of the population fall into the "accommodator" category. Accommodators accept most Christian nationalist precepts, but are not completely onboard. Twenty percent of the adult US population is about 41 million people. So basically we are sitting on a powder keg, smoking a fat cigar. 💣

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