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I want my last words to be "Fuck it!"
And they will be if I get any indication before the fact.
Although I was fond of "If this is dying I don't think much of it." ~ Lytton Strachey.
But it's a mouthful and time may be limited, so "Fuck it!"

Willow_Wisp 8 Nov 20

Enjoy being online again!

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Growing up in my early teens, watching movies with my best friend (he's Macedonian, raised extremely religious -- Christian Orthodox), sometimes we'd see an action flick, and one of our favorite movies was "Scarface."
The scene when Tony wishes "Have a good trip" to the crooked cop (who set up a foiled assassination on Tony), the cop responds with his last words "FUCK YOU!" to which Tony answers with a bullet.

My best friend would say, "Can you imagine your last words being THAT?" and i replied, "Why, what's the difference?" He said, "Well, you'll go straight to Hell then."

I rationalized with him, "Hold up, you think that crooked cop, was slated to go to heaven, and blew his chances because of his last words were "fuck you?"

The best friend answered, "Well, no, he's going to Hell for sure whether he said that or not, but I'm referring to like, lets say, me, or anyone who lived a religious life, and right before they died they said that to their executioner."

Even more surprised, qualifying what he just stated, I replied, "You mean to tell me, saying that ONE phrase right before dying, after leading a super religious life, god wouldn't let that slide under those conditions?"

He rationalized, "Well, you see, we can't ultimately know what God determines as what sends us to hell or gets us into heaven, all we can do is live a Christ-like life and hope and pray for the best."

Me, "but an all knowing god would know how and when we'd die and, would probably know we'd swear at the moment, right before our death, isn't that like a catch 22?"

Him, "yea, pretty much! but listen, it's not that hard bro, just believe in God, go to church, pray, take communion, be sorry for your sins, and you should be ok."

Me, "Damn, no wonder god is touted, as working in mysterious ways, no one really knows what the rules are, its a total crap shoot!"

He just agreed, and was good with it. Me on the other hand, it was a turning point in our friendship because the logic didn't add up, and we were always at odds when discussing morality, continually circling back to the parroted reply that was drilled into him by his mother.

We're still best friends to this day, but we are definitely in different head-spaces.


Hoping I can get out: "Now, for my final trick!"

That way if anyone asks what I did, the answer will be "she died", and I hope the joke makes everyone laugh. Death inflicts the longest pain on those left behind, while those passed on are released from all of that. I hate how twisted our culture has made natural death.


Even if you only manage to get the word "fuck" out, it still works.


About 40 gears ago I had a few moments when I thought it was imminent. I remember my thoughts vividly still, and they were: "this is going to hurt but I don't suppose for long" and "fuck it, it's been a blast"

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