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As more people reject the Booster Jabs, we should start to see the number
of excess deaths returning to more normal levels.

'mRNA Covid booster campaigns have flamed out. Will lower excess mortality follow?
'New datapoints suggest yes. A continuing trend will be VERY good news - and even harder for Covid vaccine advocates to explain.' - ALEX BERENSON
New evidence of a link between all-cause mortality and mRNA Covid vaccines is arriving - for an unexpectedly hopeful reason.

After a short burst of booster shots earlier this fall, people in highly mRNA vaccinated countries are resoundingly rejecting more jabs. The $100-billion-plus experiment with novel Covid vaccines is finally grinding to a halt.

Now death rates, which have run 15 to 20 percent above normal in the mRNA countries all year, may be dropping somewhat too.

The figures are fragmentary, but promising.

Just a few hours ago, Victoria, Australia, which comes closer than anywhere else in the world to counting actual deaths in real time, reported 3,736 deaths in November. That figure was only about 5 percent above the 2016-2021 average - well below monthly increases from earlier in the year.
Last Thursday, a European consortium called EuroMOMO said its most recent weekly estimates “show elevated but decreasing level of excess mortality.”

BDair 8 Dec 5

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Your 'data' is also consistent with vaccines being effective. With more vaccination and natural immunity through infection, excess death rates should decline. They will also decline because the most vulnerable will succumb early, leaving a fitter population behind. In the US lower vax take-up correlated with higher excess deaths.

Show the data that supports your point.

It appears to me that after a peak at the start of '22, the death rate quickly fell back to near historic levels.

It is interesting that all cause death rate went into a steep decline at the
same point on the timeline that vaccine uptake seemed to plateau.

@BDair Most of my points were valid with your 'data'. More generally you could look at []. I can't remember where I read that Rep states (higher level of vax-scepticism) had higher death rates than Dem states but I'm sure you could find it. I am now leaving the rabbit-hole.

Don't bump your head on the way out.


A fool and his “facts”

The 'facts' support Mr. Berenson's general thesis.
According to CDC US Data -
267 million people, or 80% of the population, received at least one dose of a CV 19 biologic product.
228 million people , 68.8% , completed the Primary Series
39.7 million people, 12.7% have had the Bivalent Booster.
That sounds to me like people in general are 'rejecting more jabs'.


I will continue to receive every COVID booster that is authorized. [] retro bowl


On NPR they are reporting a triple threat this winter. RSV, Flu and Covid. I expect deaths will go up this winter. Average life expectancy has already gone down.

Oh No! Not another Dark Winter of severe illness and death! Be afraid, be very afraid.


You have a bad habit of providing links that don't support the claims that you make.


I wonder how this vax denier wacko is still permitted to post here all his ridiculous arguments only backed by spurious sources, when in any other platform his account would have been suspended for disseminating falsehoods and conspiracy theories, I have challenged him to instead do some good to humanity by using his auto immunity and volunteer to aid terminal COVID 19 patients in hospitals and emergency rooms, without the masks that he claims are not needed, yet I hear only crickets regarding that very specific request, meaning he is too chicken shit to do something really helpful, while he continues to pretend to help with useless crap from the safety of his whereabouts, nowhere near any hospital room. What a joke.

There is such a thing as a dissenting opinion on most issues.
You are welcome to believe the mainstream narrative that has been fed
to you, brought to you by Pfizer. Personally, I choose to be skeptical of the missives from the 'Ministry of Truth' that is bought and paid for with Big Pharma bucks.

@BDair Surely you cannot think that the whole world have made up this claim about Covid. Do you really think that the US, China, France, South America and the rest of the world would agree to such a lie.

@Jolanta There is lots of evidence of foreknowledge and preplanning of the 'pandemic'.
Fauci knew in 2017 that there would be a 'surprise' pandemic during Trump's administration.
Look up Event 201 and watch videos of the proceedings. They mapped everything out with the WEF, and countries around the planet all followed in lockstep even though most had no Covid present.
Read the SPARS document. []

@BDair science is not made up with opinions numbskull, talk to me when you volunteer to actually help the ones who are dying with COVID as I have asked you many times to do, in other words, put your money where your blabbering mouth is, until you do that to prove your stupid point, do not even attempt to convince me of your quackery because you won't. Put up or stfu!

People are not perishing in large numbers from CV19 SARS 2. They are having major problems due to vaccine injury. There is a lot of data and science supporting my position. I feel duty bound to warn people.

@BDair right, why don't you feel that same duty to help those who are already sick and dying with the same virus because like you they probably didn't get the vaccine, don't you claim to have super immunity? Volunteer dude, really help and make a difference by caring for these dying people in hospitals and emergency rooms, we'll talk when you do just that, the crap you're doing right now ain't helping anyone as all people who respond to your dumbass antivax bullshit are calling out your bullshit. So do something truly effective and volunteer, or you're too chicken shit to put your money where your mouth is?

@BDair What a lot of nonsense you are spouting. There is no way that China would in any form be duped into this.


Ummmm, EuroMOMO does NOT list deaths by cause, it's only function is to list total deaths and compare them to historic rates of death. So quoting them proves exactly Nothing, duuuuuh.
Which you too could know if you Googled them, instead of parroting crap from your weirdo "sources".

The point is that there are significantly elevated rates of excess deaths compared to a baseline,
coincidently in countries that have injected a large number of people with an experimental mRNA biologic. We do not know the specific causes with certainty. But, the point being made is that if the excess deaths increase with more jabs and fall when there are less jabs being given a correlation is suggested. The AUS data implies such a correlation.

@AnneWimsey Well said...


Some people never seem to get it. We've had it with the anti-vaxxers.

Some people that have been indoctrinated with the Vaccine Apologist Dogma will never get it.
No matter how many fully vaxxed and boosted people still get sick, or how many have died
suddenly with no explanation the brainwashed masses will still believe the 'Safe and Effective' lie..

Why do so many vaccinated people get Covid?

@BDair True or not, at least some can see how others view our ideas (despite all evidence to the contrary) and learn to change the subject.

Why not discuss it openly? People are allowed to have different perspectives.
I support my position with material from experts and often published in medical journals.

@BDair And why not keep beating a dead horse!? We've done that over and over. The lowering of Covid deaths because of the vaccine(s) (which has been proven over and over) has made it's point (for those that are really paying attention).

Because I believe you are wrong on that point.
There was never a need to inject people with an experimental EUA biologic,
that has never proven to work. The vaccines were proven to be non sterilizing from the start,
and never prevented infection or transmission. The fact that people are still becoming
ill after all of the jabs and boosters should cause you to question their efficacy.

@BDair "Experimental" So people all over the globe are subject to the same experimental drugs ????? Give me a break. This is real science and not for experimenters. The SCIENCE of vaccines has been around a long time, is well understood and often vaccines, medicines are being prepare for the next expected epidemic/pandemic. A big part of science is being proactive. There are those that (want to) believe everyone sits and waits for something to happen before taking action. These are those that prescribe to the 'if it ain't broke, don't fix it' adage. These people simply cannot understand the concept of being prepared (sounds familiar) beforehand concept. No more as this is a total waste of my (and others) time.

There has never been successful mRNA vaccine used in a human population.
The platform has no commonality with the 'vaccines' that have been in use,
all of which went through years of trials before being introduced to the public.
The Covid mRNA biologics are just computer coding based on what they thought the genome
of the 'virus' looked like. The trials were complete shams, and they did not follow normal protocols.
You are demonstrating a profound ignorance on this topic.

@BDair Says who!? My county had one of the highest vaccination rates in the state. It also had the lowest infection rate in the state and when one included the no deaths it was one of the lowest in the country! Then things relaxed and we got swarmed with tourists many of whom had no vaccination. Our numbers went up and we lost our standing. One can bring all sorts of BS into this topic but REAL numbers show where the truth lies. NO MORE BS.

@JackPedigo the people who you trust said the vaccine protected you? Do some add Only if everyone gets it and you believe that? Who are you being influenced by? Remember that The people who you trust said it stop transmission? It clearly doesn't.. is this your ego ? Do you need to check yourself and everything you are influenced by ? Or uuu just going to ignore the clear evidence of lies and manipulation.


Be careful you don't fall off the edge of the earth.

I'll manage just fine, Thank You.


'Uptake of the bivalent boosters, which protect against the BA.4/5 subvariants as well as the original virus strain, has been remarkably slow. Only 11% of eligible Americans have gotten them since they became available in early September.

The new study found that the updated boosters work about like the original boosters. They protect against symptomatic infection in the range of 40% to 60%, meaning that even when vaccine protection is its most potent, about a month after getting the shot, people may still be vulnerable to breakthrough infections.' []

BDair Level 8 Dec 5, 2022

There is not enough information on the vaccine efficacy in limiting transmission.
This 40-60% is similar to the so called proportion of "asymptomatic cases"? Meaning that the updated vaccine is not doing anything? []


I'm still going to get every COVID booster that gets approved.
Along with the flu shot, pneumonia shot, and the shingles shot.

Same here! I know too many people who have died of the illnesses themselves.



What a load of...

No surprise. Consider the source.


Do I know that more people are rejecting a booster jab and why would I follow this sort of thing?

Well you like to follow the herd ,so there's that .. difficult to research and hear out other points of views & understand the data when there's only one direction you are influenced to follow ..

@laidback1 I'm not following a herd of any kind and I like to think that I have common sense. These days it is not very common.

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