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We all have our personal standards, some of them are more realistic than others.

SnowyOwl 8 Dec 29

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looks truly lovely to me...been married twice and they both Sucked in radically different ways


Except it is not a joke. It is too real. Wanting and deserving are two different things.

Reading "Matrimonial Classifieds" in newspapers until 1990s in the land of arranged marriages (India) was a pure entertainment. Boy's and girl's parents would advertise for a match. Most girl's families would ask for a groom who is a educated with at least with a graduate degree, five figured income, at least 5'8", good looking and fair with his own house etc. But girl's details would be in small print - not finished high school, 4'11" to 5', dark and no job.

I have seen first hand examples of how boys and girls wanted the best in their prime and later compromised heavily when the prime was gone.


On the one hand, I can see ending up alone as the crazy cat lady being a sort of karmic justice for women who are too demanding about who they will date. On the other hand, it is a positive for all those cats, that they have a home and are loved, presumably. The point is valid tho, for men and women, that having unreasonable standards will ensure you ending up alone in the dating and mating game, unless you are very rich, great- looking, or both.


#LifeGoals 😂


I question the utility and the motivation behind this post, finding it sexist and degrading. There's no evidence that this woman has numerous cats because she was too particular. Many women have goals that supercede being in a relationship with a man and this post undermines the legitimacy of that. My observation is that the most important thing about a man to a woman is how he treats her so yes, men with this type of sexist attitude are not going to qualify and they make lousy partners anyway. Being single is just as legitimate as being partnered and not a legitimate reason for personal criticism.

I actually read the meme as she really preferred to be alone (with her fur babies), and those were all excuses for why she would dismiss a potential mate. It’s all winning. 😄

@Apunzelle The post assigns a negative connotation to her circumstances by virtue of this phrase: "some of them are more realistic than others". Painting someone's choices in this negative light is not a win for her or any other woman.

@LovinLarge Oh, interesting. I’d just assumed a woman posted this. I checked his profile and, yep, a man. So I get where you’re coming from now.

PS – Sleeping in a bed of kitties is a dream for me, single or otherwise. >^..^<

To be completely fair, I have known guys just like this as well. Cat Lady is just more of a cliche'. It about how shallow and unrealistic people can be, blonde hair or big boobs comes to mind as equally foolish reason for not dating someone, hair dye comes in bottles which accounts for most blondes and gravity eventually conquers all.


That's what old timey poor was like, if it was cold out the room was cold because in the 60's and 70's Americans thought insulation was a communist plot or something. So you wanted to stay in bed, and own a lot of pets, so if you got too cold you could just pull up another dog, or cat.


She's better off. At least she has standards.

Pretty much any guy can grow some sort of beard, being tall doesn't make you more fun to be around and money rarely leads to happiness beyond a certain point.
Why not He's a misogynist or has no sense of humour or isn't very interesting or kind? Those reasons would make more sense when it comes to standards, at least in my opinion.

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