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This is what I needed to hear today. "How to do laundry when you're depressed."

I have a hard time during the holidays for personal reasons, and this year I'm still having a hard time getting out of the funk, even though it's already January. Feeling bad about not getting my household tasks done makes me even further depressed. For anyone hitting rock bottom like me, this 12 minute Ted Talk might be helpful in giving yourself a break.


Julie808 8 Jan 4

Enjoy being online again!

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That was a very good Ted talk. I do hope you are giving yourself not just a break but the time you need for self-care.

You have people here that want you to succeed. Talk to a friend who is understanding and non-judgmental and build trust. That will help. I have done that and the more we talked the more trust was built. Having an outlet for the fears and uncertainty has done wonders for me so, it might just be worth a try for you.

If you want to know who I have been talking with, message me.

Take care, you are important. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Jan 9, 2023

Thanks. I'm already feeling myself coming out of it. Today is Monday, the sun is shining and I've got the next 5 days off from work. I'm giving myself very small jobs to do, so that I can feel successful in increments as I make my way back to normal.

@Julie808 I am happy to hear you're on your way. I know you will get there.
One thing at a time, one day at a time. 🙂


"Care tasks are morally neutral."
"How can I achieve it my way?"
"What else might you be worthy of?"
❤ ❤ ❤

You are a caring person.


All the best with moving forward to a better place.

Great video, very honest and funny.

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