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Some people still seem to be unaware of what
was widely acknowledged a year ago.

CDC Director: Covid vaccines can't prevent transmission anymore -
DC Director Rochelle Walensky said that Covid-19 vaccines are no longer effective at preventing transmission of the virus.
The director for the CDC publicly acknowledged in a CNN interview that the COVID-19 vaccine is not effective at preventing transmission of the virus.

In a segment on CNN with Wolf Blitzer, Walensky said that while the vaccines are doing very well to protect against serious illness and death, what they cannot do anymore is stop transmission.

“Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to sever illness and death. They prevent it," Walensky said.

The following statement is more notable, however, as it is one of the only times the CDC has acknowledged that the vaccines are not capable of stopping the spread of the virus.


BDair 8 Jan 10

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From my understanding the vaccines never stopped transmission of Covid. You can still get it. I caught it after my 2nd shot. It was like a mild cold.
The key words there are, "with regard to sever illness and death. They prevent it.."


True vaccines have a weaken non contagious virus within them!!!

These vaccines are basically GMO chemical biological injections to deter contagion from spreading, not in any way a cure or true vaccine!!!


Vax up then & Genocide away if you're so sure & confident. People worldwide are dropping like flies from the weoponized virus and it's so called preventive/symptom lessening vax. I'm gonna just leave this here. It's not about your life, it's about a return on someone's investment money.
Wall St Journal Bill Gates
The Best Investment I've Ever Made

Emme Level 7 Jan 13, 2023

They all lied. They never had any data proving effectiveness.

BDair Level 8 Jan 12, 2023

I didn't ever expect the vaccine to totally prevent infection. Vaccines do however reduce the severity of symptoms and greatly reduces the chances of death as a result of Covid infection.

That is not a true statement.

@BDair That is a correct statement.

@BDair how the hell are they going to explain how the vaxced ended up with long covid then? MmHmm...🙄

@Emme Studies show that the vaccinated are less likely to develop long covid. []

@snytiger6 I know of at least 2 jabbed people jwho did indeed contract it, one of whom is n RN and currently in hospice care.i guess it's "highly unlikely" that it could have anything to do with the jab.

@Emme All four of us in out house got Covid within a week of each other. We were all vaccinated to different degrees. For myself and my two nephews, it was just like a bad cold. However, for my sister, she ended up with long covid. On NPR, they report that there are around two million people in the U.S. who have long covid, which means statistically everybody living in the U.S. should know of at least one person who has it.

However, being vaccinated does reduce your chances of getting long covid. From the symptoms, I surmise that it is likely that Chronic Fatigue syndrome, which has similar symptoms to long covid, will eventually be determined to be caused by a corona virus of some kind, which is as of yet unidentified.

@snytiger6 hi. I'm not here to argue that the vaccine doesn't reduce symptoms. I believe that you believe that and that's your right and kool-aid. I have the decency to respect that. I'm asking fir the same. That's all.

You must watch CNN. Be sure to get your boosters.


When I say this antivaxer is an asshole, even that term, and I mean asshole not antivaxer, is way short of describing the level of imbecility he apparently enjoys to flaunt, perhaps aside from being a complete moron, he is also a masochist because he continues to post in this site under the guise that he wants to help people, yet not one single person believes his crap, not one single person has replied, oh yes you are correct, yet as a true masochist he keeps on spewing his bullshit in a forum where nobody gives a shit about the crap he pushes, and unfortunately our so called moderators continue to allow this cretin to put really dangerous posts, that no other social media allows. So captain obvious now says that the vaccines do not prevent transmission, wow no shit, Sherlock, I remember when I got my first Pfizer shot, more than a year ago I believe, I was told in writing about this in the papers they gave me, but to this idiot, he's literally revisiting what everybody knew, except him of course. What a fucking asswipe!


The vaccines never prevented transmission. In the event that there is transmission, they prevent severe illness and death. That has always been the case.

Agree. With all vaccines, going back for over 200 years.

Plus, MMR, that is opposed by some people, is over fifty years old. First released in 1971.

Not according to Biden saying. Take the vaccines,you won't get covid, it's a 100% safe. It probably why vaxxers want amnesty for all their constantly lying facts . At least the fact checkers get paid well for lying.


So, just for clarity, which part of "Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to severe illness and death. They prevent it" is an ANTI-vax statement?

You repeatedly spout anti-vax bullshit, and then when you quote from a more reputable source the actual quote is strongly PRO-vax.

The psychopath that is BDair is only trying to wind people up. That's the way he gets his jollies.

BDair got the shot and had some negative effect. I've not ever got the covid vaccines, yet had different other vaccines throughout my 6 continent tours, more than most people.

Does that make me more of an anti vaxxer than BDair?

@Castlepaloma I got the shot and had some negative effect.

I then got a second shot, and boosters since - because I understand there CAN be negative effects to vaccines, but on the whole they do far more good than harm.

Are you more anti-vax than BDair?

Well, I guess that depends on whether you choose to spout bullshit to try and convince people that the vaccines that have saved thousands of lives, and made the infections that tens of thousands of people suffered less severe, are 'bad' because you, personally, value deluded judgementalism above reality.

Do you? If not, then no - BDair 'out anti-vaxes' you.

Correction: I have not had any vaccinations since childhood.

@BDair It is your choice not to be vaccinated. It is the choice of others whether they are vaccinated or not.

It is the responsibility of all genuinely honest people not to make deliberately misleading and factually inaccurate statements in order to actively mislead the choices of others through falsehood.

Those who state that the 'vaccines' are safe and effective are stating falsehoods
that are not backed by any data. They are neither.
The CV19 'vaccines' have not completed their clinical trials.
It is still unknown what the long term side effects will be for
all of the people that have been injected with an experimental biologic.
The original rollout was for a single dose of J&J, or a spread out
two dose regimen for Pfizer and Moderna.
It is unknown what the health effects will be for people
that are getting continuous boosters. There is no data.

@BDair There are ongoing statistics, and ongoing medical scutiny.

The FDA is not scrutinizing anything, they are sweeping the data under the rug
and ignoring it.
And, every medical product in the past had long term testing
'before' being administered to the public,
not concurrent trials and population level experiments.
And products are always pulled off the market
as soon as there is a safety signal.
Not so with the CV jabs.


I thought you told me you got one shot and had a bad reaction? Then I said that is why you are not for the vaccines even more than I am.


Can't see the forest for the trees, still/again?
Just yesterday, maybe even earlier today, you and your sidekick/talking dummy buddies were posting 'vaccines kill'......and 'they don't work' from your usual Highly pathetic 'sources'.
Now you post this from an actual knowledgable source and it blows ALL of your previous BS out of the water, but you can't even see it!


So the fuck what?
The vaccine kept millions from becoming severely ill and dying.
It's STILL keeping that from happening.

Your stubborn insistence that vaccines don't work, and are inherently dangerous, is fucking pathetic.
Just stop.
No one believes you.

If enough meatheads post this crap rational people may start to doubt the truth. Therein lies the danger.

A friend with a diabetic child went down that anti vax hole several years ago. It took a few conversations and a college microbiology textbook to wake her up to reality but her son is now up to date with all the childhood vaccines. Our age difference and mutual respect helped a lot I think.

The psychopath that is BDair is only trying to wind people up. That's the way he gets his jollies.


If vaccines are totally ineffective then I would think that the infection rate and death rate should be much higher.

Can you point to where on this timeline
the vaccines are having an effect?


I don't think Covid vaccines ever prevented transmission. If anyone told you they did it was either false information or the person was lying. I had Covid and later was vaccinated. Not so I would be immune but so it might be easier on me if I got it again. That was always my understanding of Covid19.


Transmission also involves the number of virus particles you inhale. This is why you should still mask up. My personal experience is that I got COVID in Italy when I was in crowded restaurants and museums but my symptoms were very mild. So I’m glad I was fully vaccinated. But this is just a sample of one.
Masking can also help prevent other virus illnesses like flu and RSV.


Kary Mullis, inventor of the PCR Covid testing is flimsy , easily misused and abused and not reliable,

Kary is flimsy?
Try another sentence structure!
What should i expect, exactly, from a one-use item?


Bottom line is the vaccine reduces the severity IF you get it, and like REDUCES the chances of picking it up. Sound like it does affect the odds. I like playing the odds.

your sources are obviously not from the scientific community, If you really want the truth, read the science not the propaganda and misdirection of the media.
The truth is still out there, seek and ye shall find!

@Kurtn sure


Internet and libraries are the new conspiracy and rabbit hole. According to mainstream media who don't want you doing your own research. Plus the President said covid vaccines are 100% safe. Or Fauci saying the world needs to be 90% vaccinated or the vaccines won't work. Funny North America is 8times more vaccinated than Africa. And Africa is has 15 times less covid death than North America.
Keep on with all the lies and lack of questionable actions from your Government. I'm with the natives saying never trust your Government. Because many are already living on the reservation now. I'm happy with a tiny houses and urban farming where actions speak louder than words.

@Castlepaloma Yes. And in Africa people travel a lot less, interact with a lot fewer people, and therefore vastly reduce the opportunities for transmission.

Still, never let a little thing like an entirely different culture and set of circumstanses distract you from declaring COVID rates in the US and Africa can be used as evidence against vaccines.


I've toured North America, Europe and Africa. People in Africa are more in physical contact with each. Plus Africa continent has about the same population as Europe and North America combined. I know more people from the neck up because of drive through everywhere and traveling more means less physical contact and anthill like skyscrapers is another story. What a freaking paranoid of social society.

The main reason of Africa covid being by far the best successful in the world. Is for natural alternatives medicine , lack of mask reduction of oxygen by 20% as it harm the immune system. Plus Sunlight. Keeping people in fear and staying at home steal G7 countries from oxygen and sunlight. Vitamins D & C zinc and ivermecton gives better results than vaccines.

@Castlepaloma Africa is a 'poorer continent' than the US and Europe. Vast numbers of people in Africa are born, live their lives, grow old, and die all in the same location, the same village, the same small community. Semi insulated from the outside world.

Millions of people who don't get in cars and drive three hours to somewhere else, either carrying infection with them or collecting it to take back home.

That's why African levels of infection were lower. Social difference - not the bright sunlight, or the lack of masks, or the lack of vaccines, or the lack of lockdowns. Just that society was less inclined to the transmission of desease.

@ToakReon As always, John, you're a really smart and sensible guy. Thanks.

@mischl And thank you in return.


They never conducted tests for transmission.
'Pfizer did not know whether Covid vaccine stopped transmission before rollout, executive admits'
A senior Pfizer executive has admitted that the drug company did not know whether its Covid vaccine prevented transmission of the virus when it began rolling out the shots globally.'

BDair Level 8 Jan 10, 2023

In re to transmission when the vaccines first came out that may be true that there was incomplete information. However, the facts that fewer people would be infected and of those that did the lower severity including death rates was crystal clear. The variants that emerged did affect the number of infections yet there was still clearly a benefit in re to severity and deaths, just a bit less robust. This was why the bivalent vaccines were created.

If you choose to respond with BS to those facts I shan't waste my time with a response.

They didn't NEED to know if it reduced transmission. Knowing that it reduced the seriousness of the effects of infection was sufficient to show that it was valueable.

You trying to say a vaccine is 'bad' because it doesn't reduce transmission, and only reduces the chance of death and other serious harm once someone is infected, is like saying "Cars are WORTHLESS! The fact that they are convenient, beneficial and serve a valuable purpose means nothing, because they SINK and therefore are no good as boats!"

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