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Pentagon is struggling to explain more than 170 fresh UFO reports, new document reveals


TheoryNumber3 8 Jan 18

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The motherships hiding behind Mars cannot be seen by the JW Space Telescope located at the second Lagrange point.

Those crafty aliens are too fast and loose by far.


And their impact on my /your life is...? about the same as totes & pears.

Ok... I had to look that one up LOL. They're probably just keeping an eye on us so we don't get too far out in space and fuck up the universe like we fucked up the earth.j


Pro and anti-disclosure factions within the military-industrial intelligence complex have begun competing to direct policy and the public conversation. While the latest report supports the anti-disclosure position, the report is hedged in that while many reports could be given explanations, the remainder could NOT be explained. The claim that foreign actors are using drones to collect military intelligence is just as unfounded as the claim that UFOs are alien. The objects sighted at sea and by pilots display flight characteristics far exceeding drones.

Notably, these new reports are coming from service personnel, either on military bases, near ships or at military training ranges. The point being that intelligence relating to the military is being gathered, and the frequency of this activity has increased significantly. It is not at all clear why aliens would have an interest in the military other than to ensure the capacity to disable them. Also note that the Chinese have observed these same UAP and have their own programs to collect information.

For the moment, the anti-disclosure faction seems to be in control, so the Pentagon has refused to release any more videos (and there are many) nor detailed photos. However, the publicity has motivated angels to fund scientific research using state-of-the-art sensors and instrumentation. This new research may finally provide the kind of documentation the military is so cowardly in withholding.

Most critically, the Pentagon is brazenly LYING when they say they don't know what these are. They know damn well what they are. Their denials should be taken for what it is - - sedition against their own country for corruption's-sake. Gee, where have we run into that before?



I experienced seeing a half dozen lights going across the night sky in Paris which were listed as UFO’s the next day in the newspaper. They were unlike any other formation of lights I had ever seen. Both in their formation and flight pattern. Their is far more evidence of extraterrestrials than there is of any god. So I will accept the possibility of their existence, I am not going to obsess over it and maintain an open mind until the day they come knocking at my door! 😂


Personally, I have never seen a UFO; I do not discount their existence, especially when you think of the sheer unimaginable size of the universe. It is highly improbable that we are the only life forms. However, until there is some concrete evidence to prove their existence, other than blurred photos, I will not give the matter any further thought.

Exactly, until a case occurs where there is actual evidence, they are just the contemporary equivalent of angels or leprechauns.

@Druvius I agree and think slghtly more credible than the three in one deal in the sky.


Little Green Men.


Well yeah, if they explained them, people might wonder why the Pentagon is throwing money away on this nonsense.

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