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Flyingsaucesir 8 Jan 19

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My childhood phone number is really all I can count on remembering until my death. Everything else seems to change a bit in my mind, haha!


Not going to say i grew up in a backwater but my first number was 251, then 2251.


I still remember my childhood phone number, the current number... not so much. The number for the kids... not at all. If I lose my cellphone I'm doomed.

Scary how dependent we have become...I remember a time when I was a walking Phone Book...smh...not any more.


I actually do remember my childhood phone number. Thats odd... 😂

I remember mine too. It was a party line, btw. Three short rings was our house. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir Ditto, almost. In Cincinnati during WW2 ours was a two-party line. To call anyone we picked up the phone, heard an operator ask “Number, please”, and told her the number we wanted to call. Dial phones came in after the war.

@yvilletom My maternal grandmother was one of those operators. She worked for AT&T, for decades, and was profoundly deaf in her later years (from all the clicks and buzzes in her headset, it was surmised).


Why is that? Information overload I suspect.


I can't remember either!


You forget them because you created complex passwords to protect what no one would want to steal.

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