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It is amazing how even on this site some believe their opinions are the only ones that count ?

VAL3941 8 May 1

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Do those people write the longer response or do they have the shorter response?

I think you are spot on. Depends on the persons mood, typing skills, level of education etc etc. Everyone is different !


I know really wish they’d stop and read my posts... they are all that Really count... fools

NO! Tis you that are a fool! If you would go read MY posts, you would realize that I KNOW ALL! So, when you are ready for the final word, let me know! 😀

Thanks for replying to my post, the only one worth reading ? Lol very loudly !


I haven't found that to be true. But that's just my opinion. Other opinions are welcome.

Thank you for you response !


Guilty as charged i think.
I love to hear other peoples opinions, and I love mine to be proven wrong. But "proven" is a very important word. I think we all invest a lot of ourselves in our beliefs, we don't hold beliefs lightly and usually have good reason to hold them. That said, I try not to labor my point, and am happy for people to have different opinions. (Unless of course they are wrong).

HEE HEE , I would rather agree to disagree than carry on a " I said, you said " conversation. We all hold on dearly to or opimions

@VAL3941 it's frequently been my opinion that sometimes it's more fun disagreeing to agree.

Which ever way it is put, it is acceptable !

@VAL3941 but it's not really the same thing. the old 'agree to disagree' says you go your way I'll go mine. But 'disagreeing to agree' is someone who wants to argue regardless of the points being made. just want to disagree for its own sake.

Point taken, and I think you are right and I believe agreeing to disagree is the right way to go.

@VAL3941 agreeing to disagree has become my state of mind in these times. right or not, it's less troublesome. peace.

Yes, peace brother !


What is the purpose of your post? Are You upset about something?
Everyone, everywhere, Always thinks their opinion is important, not just "on this site".

Not at all, was reading the pists and realise how many opinionated freethinkers are out there ! It might be important but no need to be dogmatic about it ?


of course most or all of you have seen this, but just in case someone hasn't....

Very nice, Thank you for your input !

Monty Python still plays great 40 years later!


Really? I listen to everyone and believe in different points of view - Opinions are just someone's ego.

Sure, but you have an open mind, not like some I am refering too ?

@VAL3941 why don't you take it up with the people you are referring to?

And start an argument ? I don't think so.


If a person didn’t believe ‘in their own opinions,’ whose do you suggest they believe..? And if a question requires an opinion ..whose should they give?

What irritates me far more than a conflicting opinion are those too wishy washy or apologetic to formulate one...

Varn Level 8 May 1, 2018

Too true !


It’s this....?

Thank you for your very short video !


yeah! When everybody knows my views are the only ones that matter.

OK! Sure ! Lets agree to disagree ! Lol

5 have every opportunity to express your opinions.

But you don't have to be dogmatic about it, do you ?

"dogmatic"...meaning... inclined to lay down principles as incontrovertibly true. Isn't it a true principle of this forum that you have every opportunity to express your opinions? @VAL3941

But the pissibility exists that your opinion could be wrong ?

@VAL3941 but he can if he wants. that's the beauty of free speech.

@nicknotes exactly and by VAL3941 telling us things like this he is in danger of forcing his opinions on us. the irony.

@LeighShelton Not at all ! And you are free to choose whatever ? I am agreeing with everyone so far. Some very valud points have been made, including by yourself so I am not imposing on anyone !

@VAL3941 well it's not worth arguing over

Correct ! The original posr was merelyvan obervation, but thank goodness it brought me many valuable points towards my nex level. Lol

That's for sure....@LeighShelton


Everyone has a right to their own opinion, whether they are right or wrong. Look at all the Trump followers, I don't agree with them and they have a right to feel the way they do. Freedom of speech is the first amendment.

ebdb Level 7 May 1, 2018

Agreed, A simpoe observation on my sidevwas made !


actually, that's a pretty good sorting tool.

Thats a good way of lookingvat it, thank you !


It's not that amazing or surprising. Humans need a world model to function. The chance that everyone develops the same one is vanishingly small.

Thank you for your input !


That's just human nature, LOL!

And so it is ? ??


Did you ever doubt that to be true?

Not really, still amazes me though ?


Willful ignorance is not limited to religion... although I think it is hard to have religious beliefs without also having willful ignorance.


Same as it ever was.

Letting the days go by, the water flowing underground. ?


People will always be people

I think you are trying to over simplify it. Both might be right and both might be wrong, so it should be discussed in an orderly manner, not by being bombastic ?


@VAL3941 it's generalised but none the less true

Don't think we can come any closer to the truth than this. Thank you !

See @Eray's post above !

@VAL3941 with all due respect, I can give my opinion anyway I want especially when we are talking about well over 7,000,000,000 individuals with such diverse opinions that they will kill each other for them and do and it's definitely not all about religion by a long way even on THIS site where we are all human.


Hey I was already unequivocally wrong once in this lifetime - isn't once enough? That whole god thing? 😉

We are not infallible. Made more than my share in lIfe too, Believe me .


Thank you everyone. A simple observation post has turned into one magnificent post. Never expected this great response. lol


Dogma is not a religious phenomenon. Lol.

Eray Level 3 May 1, 2018

Good catch! You are correct.


I believe that my opinion are correct, not that they "count". If I had an opinion that I thought was incorrect I would change it. I am always open to new evidence.


Disagree toy, it's a site to let people know that there is more than one of us in the world!

Agreed, so respect other peoples ideas and posts as well is the point I am trying to make ?


It's hard to know quite what you mean. The point of this site is to have opinions and discuss them with other people. It's how we learn and expand our view of life the universe and everything. And until someone shows us different evidence, of course we all think our own opinions are the correct ones. The important thing is to be open to the evidence.

@TheAstroChuck Normally, in the outside world, I would agree. But so far on this site I have found very few people who are unwilling to consider another point of view. I have come across a few but they seem to stay in their own tight little groups and not engage with others so I feel they are best left alone until they feel confident enough to engage with us.


in the word believe there is a big lie in the middle.
I've noticed that the ones that give the strongest offense (as in highly offensive comments) often have a weak defense. That works well in real life (i.e. looking intimidating) but more difficult to execute in text form.
Don't take it personally because the more you insist on changing the other person's opinion, the more you appear to be the empty opinionated to that person. If you think your opinion is valid others will support you.

Correct, all we need to do is agree to disagree !

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