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For reasons of my own, to do with science I like to look for patterns in my own behavior as well as that of other people.

I also would like to think that I belong to a progressive organization here. Perhaps not overly so.


  1. Do you think that this site ,'Agnostic' is "Progressive" ? Or are you just treading water here? perhaps just amusing yourself ? 2) If the answer is Yes I am progressing , In which direction are you progressing ... towards what?"
  2. What helps most in that progress?
  3. what frustrates any lack of progress?
  4. What might increase progress? just for you?

PS I am not suggesting any changes in administration.
PPS Science is always progressive otherwise there is no point in having it, without full and free discussion.

Mcfluwster 7 Mar 19

Enjoy being online again!

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I think that you need to define what you mean by "progressive".

That is true but most people realise when things are changing for the better. Just as you can choose your measure of progression , so you can choose your definition. What is important is that this forum is in some way changing you and not depressing you.

@Mcfluwster Why is it important that the forum is changing me?


If you know in which direction you are progressing, or even think you know which direction should be called progressive. Then are you really progressing, or are you just moving on rails ?

Personally I have learned a lot from members here, especially the ones who I don't always agree with.
If learning equals progress, then yes, this site is progressive.

Is there much wrong with having "rail"s to move on ? I know the Bible keeps people really 'railed in' ,bless their little cotton socks', but that is just their methodology which we are charged with defeating.


@Mcfluwster Nothing wrong with it, just a bit dull.

@Fernapple `I can understand your answer. It has been a lifetime job for me to get excited about science even into retirement with this forum, but I cannot expect instant following. It is the scientists who so far have been the most trouble. I have however met another correspondent who is a retired science teacher and who now publishes Your tube freethought videos on discussions. I am hopeful something will come of that contact.

@Mcfluwster Yet even science contains the twin elements of Hypothesis and experiment. The, don't know where, and the, follow the rails to find out.


I wish this site just focused on the sharing of thoughts and ideas that pertain to living an agnostic life, rather than so much focus on the politics around us.

While I know there are agnostics who are staunchly against the progressive tract most of us are on, I don't see eye to eye with them and consider them to be focused on making every discussion about politics, blaming others for their problems instead of fixing them. That's just my take.

I skip over most political discussions, but do weigh in on what seems to be social issues perhaps being made worse by the imposition of religion into government decisions.

It's my understanding that the originator/administrator of this site is himself a conservative agnostic and was dismayed at how progressive most of the people on this site are, so split off to form a more conservative version of this site, which I have no interest in viewing.

I enjoy this site for the occasional interesting discussion, the feeling of understanding with somewhat like-minded individuals, and for the continual learning of how best to articulate my spiritual or philosophical viewpoints. I consider many of the members here to be far more educated and world-wise than I am, so I come to learn as well as express my own feelings.

I only learned about this site from an ad that popped up 5 years ago in my FB feed. I keep up with my friends, family, clients and acquaintances on FB, but I don't dare say there the things I say here. For me, this is a "safe place" for me to share my non-belief in a world where speaking about non-belief sometimes causes friction in relationships.

Well said and I am in total agreement. 🙂


I really don't spend much time comtemplating the serious side of this site...just seem to enjoy the enter- action of some of the people that share a part of themselves here.


Progressive as in open to discussion of new ideas? Used to be in the early days, not any more. When Trump came on the scene, really polarised the vast majority on this site who happen to be American and the standard of interaction here deteriorated quickly.
Silly me assumed that agnostic types had rejected religious doctrine and so would be less susceptible to succumbing to other doctrines. Wrong. The amount of group think that occurs and the vigour with which some defend that group think has turned this site into a collection of echo chambers now. Not really progressive at all.

puff Level 8 Mar 19, 2023

Typical for you, you've issued a lengthy, meaningless diatribe without understanding the topic of discussion, even after I've linked the definition. Who ties your shoes for you each morning? The nurse?

@LovinLarge Hang on, I'll check with wikipedia first...........
Seems it's me.

@LovinLarge looked at your link for progressivism. Though we were defining progressive, my bad.
I think of progress, moving forward. If you go backward, you regress. Both are changing what is.
The world's changing, I would rather move forward which need new ideas. So to identify good new ideas you need discussion, where "devil advocate" is an essential part in thrashing stuff out intellectually. That's progressive.
To rehash old ideas is either conservative ie you don't want things to change ie you want to conserve, or else you fall back into the same old ways which is regressive.
But even your link describes change, but through political action. Political action is best when consensus is reached through debate including all perspectives, no censorship.
I just got blocked today for responding to being called a Russian Troll by calling them a fascist apologist, followed by a wink emoji 😉 . No sense of humour and straight to censorship. Cancelled.
This is not a progressive site any more. The Biden admin is divisive, not progressive. Talk the talk but not moving forward.


This site is Leftist. Most consider Leftism to be "progressive".

I am glad but not complacent.


Always best to start with definitions so we actually know what is under discussion.



I think that this site in in decline. When I first came on here (different account) I thought it was a lot of fun and people had open discussions about quite a few topics. As membership declined so did the quality of the site. People used to actually chat in the chat rooms. Now it is just complaints about religion and religious people. I do want to associate with "like minded" people who do not make religion a central part of their lives or require that everyone in their lives be religious. However, I don't really want to complain all day and night about the negative aspects of religion. Personally, I am a liberal, progressive Social Democrat. I am who the right calls "woke". I like to avoid trolls and I block people that make stupid anti-vaxxing, anti-democratic posts and comments.

  1. The site is not progressing, it is in decline.
  2. The decline is caused by the decline in membership and the rise in flaming trolls.
  3. The lack of administration and the prevalence of flaming trolls is preventing progression.
  4. To have the fun people back in the chat rooms and to increase the variety of topics.

Sad but becoming more evident every day.

This site was more progressive than society regarding cancel culture. eg If my beliefs get confronted by a post or comment, I immediately get offended and cancel via blocking. An irony of today's so called progressive society, that dissent is cancelled and censored.


I am totally Progressive because I believe we should have the best of everything for everyone. If you believe this idea is Communist try looking hard at Russia and China and you can see they do not have this at all.

Is this site progressive? Not much coz the right will stop you from posting on ideas here that they love. They also might ban you. Click to post and there is nothing there. For the record I do not see that anyone progressive is doing this. It's the other way around. They hate liberals and I'm a Progressive Liberal. This has nothing to do with Trump or Biden.

I think that is the case of Russia and China, they tried to impose communism from the top down and they did it by means of a totalitarian government. I think of communism (as Marx intended it) to be an economic system that for the people and by the people, as democracy is a political system for the people and by the people. Put simply, capitalism and totalitarian authoritarianism are bad (IMO) and socialism and democracy are good. 🙂

In my case I've been blocked from groups/people from people on the "left" too. More so from old bitter people but self proclaimed "progressives" nonetheless. I could give you a list longer than your arm of people who block for the slightest challenge to their views.


What we have here is a marketplace of ideas. To the extent that progressive ideas flourish and spread, the site is progressive. In the main, I think this is the case. However, there are members who are persistently resistant to progressive ideas. On them, the best evidence and argumentation are wasted. By ignorant trolls, the best ideas are dismissed with a wave of the hand.

  1. Progress in what areas specific? over all?
  2. this is a great site for mining opinions with a similar group thought, as there are varying degrees of anti-theism / non-belief / agnostic / atheism. I do enjoy reading what others post, how they personally relate or answer questions with personal experience examples.
  3. this site isn't frustrating, maybe the point system (LOL!), perhaps reading posts where others fly off the handle, misinterpret what was written.
  4. making time to listen to more podcasts, reading. But habit stacking seems to be working for me 🙂

I’m not even sure what “progressive” is….🤷🏻♂️

interesting! considering what is one person's progress, is another person's regression. Case in point, when others see you leave religion for ant-theism, they feel it's a step backward.

That is sad, but do you know that a scientist would say????(well this one anyway) that to measure progress you must have a measure first. I am afraid that I cannot give you one as you would not think or trust like me but I know you will find one that works for you . You may even find that you are wasting your time here . That would be even sadder.

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