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I was always told that health care in Canada was paid for but hard to get for lack of doctors. I guess you're okay if you get sick before August. 😏 This explanation makes sense.

Captain_Feelgood 8 Mar 29

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As a 9th generation Canadian who has lived in many countries and has experience with the different healthcare options available, I can truthfully say that the Canadian system does have some problems and those problems are exasperated by the US system undermining the Canadian healthcare system. Go into most ER's in the USA and you are quite likely to find yourself being attended by a Canadian doctor or nurse who has moved to the USA for the climate and the extra cash.
That said, I have received excellent health care in several latin american countries at a fraction of the cost of American healthcare, definitely the most expensive healthcare in the world in my experience. The US system is not only a disgustingly immoral way of treating the sick, it pilfers from other countries to prop up its system of medicine for profit and big pharma billionaires. I have never met a Canadian who went bankrupt or lost their home to keep a family member alive in a hospital but I've met far to many Americans who lost everything and then had to pull the plug when they ran out of money to feed the US medical system, what a bunch of bloodsuckers.
If anything tells you that US politicians don't give a shit about their constituents, it's how they take money from Big Pharma and HMO's while turning away while Americans die because they can't afford medicine that is considered a fundamental human right in the rest of the civilized world.


Canada's problem is more about credit card debt. Because of higher taxes and since vaccines higher inflationary and living cost. US has more mortgage and bankruptcy problems when their medical bills hit the roof. My ass is covered by owned & paid in full with no taxes tiny houses and grow my own food and medicines. Many people here, down me, for being freer, no worries and healthier. Many do not have a clue for solutions and good thing I don't need their approval. Only Government trying to turn me into an over compliance obeisance worker, hard to do that when I know their traps and a step ahead of their scams coming down the pipeline


That's funny. Why are all of my Canadian and UK friends happy with their health care systems. Do you have any Canadian or British friends?


I'm not going to judge a healthcare system that I have zero personal experience with. And I'm not going to give credence to what some unknown talking head says on youtube. Not without having examined their credentials. (Joe Rogan is certainly not a credible source.)

Joe Rogan. That lauded source of excellence who rose to fame bullying people into eating horse penises and worms for money.
A relatively small amount of money.

Generally Canadain health care is OK. If you watch out for the surgery meat butchers, legal drug pushers, drug addictions and vaccines junkies.


Check out Ivermecton success rate over in Africa. No contest.

@Castlepaloma no thanks


My take on this spin is that health care is basically free in Canada if you are Canadian. They pay for it through taxes.The man in this story was not Canadian. Then it gets into a thing explaining that you are responsible for your health care. OK, is someone changing the subject here. Most of us know this unless we have a program of some sort. At my age my own health care is through Medicare which I pay for monthly. Even so, people are lying and fighting to get their share of my $164 per month. I guess that means there is lots of money in health care.

Now let's get into the rumor that it is so hard to get treatment in Canada on their system. This is not true either. Back to me in America, I can call my doctor for an appointment today and maybe I will get to see her in a week and a half. Would I have to pay for the emergency room? You betcha, but Aetna has me on an HMO that limits the amount I would pay. Aetna has taken over my Medicare way back. This is why I do not listen to right wing media on health care.

If I was the age of this man in the video I would be paying for service almost anywhere in the world. This is because healthcare is a business for profit. It does not come totally free anywhere.

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