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How to deal with a bitch.
I'm driving to Italy over 3 days alone, with my two adopted bitches, one of whom isn't spayed and will most likely be in heat. Has anyone ever done a long road trip with an attractive canine and can give me some advice on how to stop her getting unwanted attention? I'm most worried about the stops I'll have to make every few hours to inject an espresso into my veins to keep awake. What do I do with a bitch in heat in the heat?

GoldenDoll 7 May 2

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According to the ragbrai riders here in Iowa, they use a mix of ammonia and water in a squirt bottle to deter mean dogs without causing as much pain as traditional pepper sprays. Ragbrai is a bicycle ride across the state.

Oh interesting. Ammonia as in urine? Does it have to be male? I'll have my trigger fingers ready.

@GoldenDoll good old fashioned bo peep ammonia from the cleaning aisle at your local grocery store

@heathen77 I think it must be called something else here. I've never seen it in a shop.


put knickers on her or spray her with heavy lavender scent -a sheet you can keep soaked in water? No I am scared witless of dogs ;no insult intended; I have been Bitten 4 times by dogs I never even saw creeping up on me from behind and in a letter box situation. One of those cool bags or wetted material - juts thinking of crazy things here but there are frozen ice packs arent there that you can buy in shops.
wishing you a safe and pleasant trip

Thank you!


The poodle is a bit of a tease, I think.


I quite like these. Not sure they have them in my size though.


What kind of dog-are they crated separately?

The intact one is a Cockapoo, the other is a spayed Podenco type mutt. Both females. They'll either be in a crate together in the car, on with seat belts.


I'm going to assume that you don't have any flexibility on your timeline, so all I can suggest is that you diaper the bitch to minimize the mess and to provide a barrier to unwanted litters. As to here behavior I can only hope that she is calm and stable as some bitches get a bit nutty when in heat and want to take off on you in search of Romeo.


there are portable dog runs here in US

@beansontoast lol

@beansontoast - Guff-aw.

@beansontoast - Your best comment EVER. I'm still laughing. Almost spilt my cocoa.

@GoldenDoll I only stated it that way because I do not know what is available where you live.Maybe it would make more sense to spay?

@btroje She will be eventually, but the vet won't do it till she's bled. Complications apparently.


Aren't there doggy diaper things for that?

I was thinking chastity belt myself? OMG.

I asked the vet about that and, when she got up from the floor after falling over laughing at me, she said that she has seen dogs bite through the metal bars on a crate to get to a bitch in heat. She then said (most unhelpfully I thought) that at least "I could pick her up". My mind is full of a pack of rabid dogs jumping all over me to get at my bitch.


Isn't there some sort of "bitch spray" that masks the scent that attracts male dogs? I have no idea how effective it is as I've never owned a dog.

Jnei Level 8 May 2, 2018

Oooh that sounds good. I'll look it up.

Hahaha. If there is bitch spray, I'm buying a can to keep around for humorous affect.

@Blindbird Love it! Hhaha

@Blindbird - It exists! But it only got one star and the woman's dog is deffo up the duff.

@LetzGetReal The article says "Go outside when you take your female in heat to use the bathroom" - shit does this mean I have to build a bathroom outside?

@LetzGetReal And "Apply Vicks VapoRub" to the doggy diaper. I had a boyfriend who applied that to me once - didn't half sting.

@GoldenDoll hahahaha. I don't have a female ?. I'm setting it out as a visible warning to visitors.

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