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How would you start a world crisis bomb Fire?.

Who was really good at starting fires? The French. Viva la revolucion! and the independent of the America constitutional forefathers.

Imagine a great big pile of deadwood economist-politicians, add some obsolete bank branches, gather a big lump of Fictional Reserve IOUs for kindling, throw in a few greasy central banksters. Throw in sticks of nuclear missles in the shape of penis for lack of.

All cooled off today by overly compliance robots and drugged up zombies. The Banking Crisis and Inflation acts bring in the Credit Suisse presents ‘Embracing Reality’ to ‘Embarrassing Reality. Back by popular demand: The ever-popular Bitcoin Climate Destruction! The whole world is burning, whether you see smoke or not. About 15 years ago I've envision it and now to watch the unfolding show and the fireworks. You and I are in the matrix, it’s hard to know what is down is up, or upside down. What is real and what is not? Is this the end of the world or the beginning? It's both, a little more time. I've got my plans to create, what are your plans when you get to the other side? If one hasn't any dreams, one may loose their mind

Castlepaloma 8 Apr 1

Enjoy being online again!

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WTF is this all about? I think it is about what is real and what is not. I'm also not sure of "another side" that I am going to.


What is a "bomb fire"?

A play on words from bonfire, bomb Fire also means fireworks. For special effects.


I'm glad I'm old.


Rockets in the shape of penises.

While vulvas and vaginas are eternally useful, comforting and fun; they are indeed not in a shape that could be considered flight worthy.

White men in ties discussing missile size has a long history of nuclear dick-waving. It's good for assholes in theft and rape. Butt pussies and dicks must have fun or no money , no honey. I say let the good dicks fuck those assholes before assholes fuck and shit all over us .


How about simply apply the rule of law? Holding a few assholes accountable is a lot better than global thermonuclear war, don't you think?

I was with the American on taking down the wall of USSR empire of suffering and suppression. What is the difference on the 99% setting on fire or tearing down walls of the few of the 1% financial empire overlords. Russian, China and the third world grew out of it well enough

@Castlepaloma Anarchy/chaos is not the answer. I guarantee, you would not like it.


We have not ever tried anarchy or libertarianism so there is no guarantee in a world made up of mostly mass choas. I am already really liking it, with other entrepreneurs and strong individuals. The vast majority have already tried hierarchy, kings and dictatorship and empires.for 1000s of years. Once you had freedom, money and health all your life , why would I desire the absolute corrupt darkside choas of Killionaires?.

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