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Fox and Dominion settle lawsuit. Good or bad...thoughts?

Organist1 8 Apr 18

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I need to think that Dominion made the bext possibe decision for themselves, and that sooner or later the victims of faux intertainment, its listeners, will maybe grow up and realize what has been done to them. And maybe the faux will continue to be ostracized by others, hopefully till they're gone...


I would ask what else was in the settlement besides money. Faux Noise saved more than they have to pay so there were other items not announced. Murdoch is a really old fart and he has been under a lot of (well deserved) stress so maybe he's seeing the need to back off and take thing easy while he can. I also wonder if faux noise wants to be seen as more credible (it will lose a lot of miscreant fans) they may have to follow FCC rules and use real journalists. It's time for the likes of F. Carlson to retire and spread his crap elsewhere. After all, there will be other media groups that would be willing to step into the shoes Faux Noise (hopefully) is leaving.


Not good. Fox has destroyed the minds of half the country (not that they were intact to begin with). Fox needs to be destroyed if the US has any hope of surviving.


Dominion's lawyers did their homework and obviously had a lot of damaging information that Fox thought was worth trying to bury with money. It would have been interesting to hear some of that publicly, but settling saves us all time, and there are plenty more lawsuits down the pike. The less I have to hear about Fox and their commentators the better. I'm just glad the truth won out.

I'd say that even though an on-air apology by Fox and those who lied and misled, someone could write a book or make it into a movie, but the those who need to learn the truth don't want to hear about it. They would rather believe the lies. It should be disgusting to every American, but some don't care about the means, only the outcome.

The good thing that came out of this is that MAYBE Fox will be more careful about what they promote in the future. Nah, I really don't see that happening, but one can hope.


Rupert Murdoch emigrated from Australia, where he owns every news outlet.
Well known for political interference and other "activities" affecting daily life in Australia.

America you are welcome to him and please take his son Lachlan (gambling empire) as well.
Australia would be well rid of both of their meddling in our society


They’ve already exposed the lies and the filth behind them at Fox. But the MAGA don’t care. Even Trump did the deranged interview with Tucker knowing what Carlson had said about him in 2020. No honor among scum.

The good thing is that Dominion still has more defamation suits pending against others, including Rudi Giuliani and OAN. They will be crushed financially, I hope.

@Organist1 And now they have a whole bunch of Fox money to keep the law suites going! 😂


I wish they had gone to court or settled for an even $Billion plus on air apologies


Not good. Those evil lying little shits need to pay a much higher price than that.


Neither good nor bad. Expected.

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