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How my mind works.
Was reading about how a Drag Queen is being used to promote recruitment for the US Navy.
Drag Queens in the military. Reminded me of "It ain't half hot Mum", an old British show about an entertainment unit for the troops based in now Myanmar, formerly Burma. Totally politically un-correct but a great show. Which in turn, reminded me of this song, sung by two of the actors in the series.

But back to the news story. All this gender stuff is starting to do my head in.

I get gender dysphoria, that people feel they were born in the wrong body. That's fine. If they freely choose to have surgery when adult all good. All medical treatment needs informed consent without coercion, my position on that is firm. But immature minds and bodies, I cannot condone administering this type of life changing surgery. It really is bordering on criminal in my opinion.
Otherwise sexual dysphoric people live as transvestites, maintaining their original genitalia whilst living a life normally associated with the opposite sex. All good. Gay or bi-sexual, again all good. Live how it makes you happy, you have my absolute support. I agree societal laws should not be discriminatory towards your lifestyles. But male biological bodies should not be allowed to compete in any professional women's sports. Bad luck, not fair. (and vici versa)

But Drag Queens? Drag Queens are playing dress up so why are they included in this readjustment of society? It's a time and place thing, OK for entertainment that society tolerates but they do not demand the same respect that those people I have described above do. I would say the same about the very young and sexualised male transvestites you see dressed up as school girls and prancing around like fuckwits. They are the same as drag queens imo, not genuinely having gender issues but more attention seekers. They have different issues, not dysphoric ones. So do work places like the military, schools, hospitals have to legally have to be accepting of anything and everything that identifies their way now? For me, that's pulling the piss.

Very seriously, those in the military who approved this are bonkers and this is the reason why.
Military basic training is indoctrination. You aim to indoctrinate civilians into soldiers. You want them to leave the greater civilian societal group and their doctrine, to join the military group and adopt the new doctrine. Civilian doctrine, don't kill. Military doctrine, killing acceptable and ability to kill expected. Unlike civilians, soldiers don't think for themselves, they obey orders. They don't display their individuality, they wear the same clothes and have the same haircuts, eat the same food. Basic training indoctrinates them into their new military group, where they are accepted as functioning members. So why target drag queens, people bursting with individuality, to join a group where individuality will be driven out of you in the indoctrination process? It's just an out there idea no-one who has served would come up with.
Anyway, beddy bo bo's for me. And "puff", my mind will no longer work for a few hours. πŸ˜€

puff 8 May 5

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You had me til you went on about killing people and how you think that's okay if you join a standing army.. and not the militia... ..

You and the rest of those who support a standing army are more mentally ill than the parents letting drag queen story time happen...

It is actually much the same ,drag queen story time and a standing army,

A different culture with their own beliefs and laws, totally fucking separate from the rest of society, obeying only the commands of the hierarchy...

Those in a standing army are cuckolds, they're not real Americans or real men and women.. they're fucking Clay for madmen to do with as they fucking please..

The militia is we the people.... If we have to kill it will be in defense! Of our lives & ideals!!!!! As those in the standing army will obey whatever they're fucking told by anyone who is in charge... The militia is we the people,who are made up of people who have Their own fucking minds!! A standing army is a near A.I. nitemare!!!

I didn't say I think it's ok, I said that is the doctrine aka rules and laws specifically for a group, of the military group. All military groups.
The US constitution states quite clearly there is to be no standing army. That state militia's combine in times of war. But, the US maintains both, plus 170 odd o/s garrisons.


That Sergeant major used to scare me. I recall dad laughing uproariously over their antics. I'm gunna go check them out on youtube...

He was imposing, a classic Sgt Major. Yard stick and all. I'll be looking them up too.

I recall a general that threatened men with killing anyone who disagreed.. 1,000 men in the same room,all letting that asshole talk to them like that....

Standing armies are made up the weakest minds and characters ,to allow themselves to be talked to like that and just obey,how is being obedient to madmen considered strong independent and brave???.. pathetic


I'm really amazed! How much better can you get than a New York Post article that quickly turns into Tic Tok. Then we are to be upset that this drag queen guy is recruiting for the U. S. Navy. Remember that you saw it right here and probably nowhere else.


It is a very complex area with a lot of emotion with no moral or ethical justifications.
Fact of life... A fetus is female for a short time before it is assigned a sex during development.
Fact.... mistakes in DNA replication can and sometimes do occur during development
Fact......Hormone production can also be affected by DNA replication and biochemical factors.
Fact .....homosexuality is not only confined to humans also part of several other mammals
Fact.....Culture, psychology, nurture and environment including chemicals in food and the environment can effect sexuality
Fact ....religion is a major factor in human sexuality.
Fact....A trans man will genetically remain a man
Fact a Trans woman remains genetically a female.
Each and eery one of us has their own challenges in life, it is just how humanity operates.
These people are not freaks to be condemned or judged.
They are US!!!
If one criticise the gay community, look inward to the Hetero population with all it's different nuances.
Should not these sexual variations not also be condemned as is the gay community?

I strongly feel the gender reallocation should not occur before adulthood and not before thorough medical and psychological investigations.
These people are NO more or less human that you or I.Those that judge should first judge themselves and ask if the other people have the right or to care to be judged by them,

I'm with you but it goes both ways. In this tolerant world we live in if you dare question you are often shouted down as a bigot, racist etc. I recall visiting a gay club with a university friend who was gay. I said nothing, he informed his friends I was straight. Word whipped around and all of a sudden I was confronted and abused, derided for being a "breeder" and it got so bad we both left.
Since we are talking facts, it is also fact what you would normally expect in a human population is that the majority would be heterosexual. So other sexual orientations are abnormal by definition. That is fine by me but many in society believe abnormal is bad. This is not correct, it just means that it is not what you would normally expect. Humans are social animals and form societies. For societies to work you must cater for the majority not minorities. By all means we must tolerate those who do not fit in to societal norms and not discriminate against them. But this government driven attempt to normalise the abnormal is what is promoting confrontation. Tolerance of others should not mean active promotion of minority lifestyles as normal, they are not. They are just different and difference should be celebrated. Variety is the spice of life after all.
The major problem I feel is a human condition thing ie to judge others you must first judge yourself, and most of us judge ourselves as pretty damn good. People are scared of the unknown so the education of greater society of alternate gender driven lifestyles is a good thing mainly. I just feel sad that all the advances for women's rights made the last 50 years or so is being hurt by this.
I lived in Thailand 20 years and that society is very accepting of difference, far more than Western societies. We could learn a lot from them. Difference from the norm should be celebrated, not condemned. Always exceptions to the rule eg I will never tolerate pedophilia as protecting kids is far more important. Childhood is important, let them be kids.


How about if you try living your life, that you chose, and let others live their CHOSEN one...and how they go about it, even.......

I can agree with that as long as no-one gets hurt. Thought that's what I was basically saying above. A shame that sentiment was not more prevalent during covid medicine mandates.


Way too much is being made of the normalization of LGBTQ and the recognition of their civil rights. This country was founded on principles like individual liberty. But religious zealots insist on forcing everyone to conform to their stilted, hypocritical, and anachronistic moral code. I wish they would get a clue.

Times have changed since JFK's "Ask not what your country can do for you. Ask what you can do for your country".

@puff What has that got to do with the price of tea in China? There are plenty of examples of LGBTQ people serving their country.

@Flyingsaucesir Just mean we live in the "me" generation now, people were more community minded back in the day.
LGBTQ people serving openly is a relatively recent development. Introduced in 2016, Removed by Trump 2019 then reinstated by Biden. They have never faced a draft.

@puff Plenty of gay people served in WWII (just not openly). One almost singlehandedly broke the Nazi code, saving countless allied lives in the process.

@Flyingsaucesir I'm sure plenty of pedophiles also served in WW II (just not openly). One even was a warrior leader who conquered much of the known world, starting a religion called Islam. Your point?

@puff wrote,
"...plenty of pedophiles also served in WW II (just not openly). One even was a warrior leader who conquered much of the known world, starting a religion called Islam."

Newsflash: Islam started in the 7th century, not the 20th! πŸ˜‚

@Flyingsaucesir No shit Sherlock. "One" as in a pedophile.

@puff Oh, you didn't mean to say what you in fact said? I bet there is a community college near you that can help you with your writing skills.

@Flyingsaucesir Reading and writing is one thing, but both fairly useless unless there is comprehension as well. Is that the best you can do? Be a grammar Nazi?

@puff Heh heh! Take it easy home boy. I'm just fucking with you. Anybody can fail to make a paragraph break. πŸ˜‚

@Flyingsaucesir yeah as someone recently pointed out to me the USA entering WWII only occurred because Turing broke the German code & from then on England could win the war preknowing German intentions irrespective of US assistance.

@FrayedBear Don't believe everything you hear.

So you think car registration is illegal and also driver's licenses are also illegal and go against the bill of rights... Or you a statist? Totalitarian Statistism is just as bad as totalitarian religion .. fear your fellow human being & beg for precrime solutions,than fear God & go with biblical solutions....

Both suck


Somehow I don’t think thats going to help Navy recruiting.

It doesn't stop Donald Fuckwit from jerking around to YMCA like an epileptic spaz

I'm wondering if it is a bit of a Trojan horse. All the services are missing recruitment quotas, including here in Australia. By being inclusive they are saying all are eligible for military service. So if more conflicts start where soldiers feet are actually needed on the ground, they may be forced, in order to maintain operational numbers, to re-introduce the draft. So dressing up as a girl will no longer disqualify you.

@puff Army fatigues are unisex.

@Trajan61 Probably won't hurt it either.

@puff Klinger won't be pleased!

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