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For many years I hated religious people. Then I evolved into more of a disdain for them. A kind of pity. Now I don't feel anything negative towards them for their religious beliefs and proclivities.

When you look at humans in general and you accept that everyone is where they are in life and that is what it is. Those that are religious are at that point. Perhaps some that are atheist are at a point of hating religious people? That's fine. As I said people are where people are.

I'm fond of getting educated. Why don't more people continue to get educated? Education is almost a dirty word amongst many populations of adults. Perhaps it's better phrased as "continuing to grow as a person". Maybe that's a more palatable way of putting it to some.

It's my belief many people simply stop growing especially once they hit around the mid century mark. They accept what they accepted up to that point and have no interest in continuing to grow. They'll spend their time immersed in media that tells them what to think rather than activities that stimulate gaining useful knowledge. This, to me, is the root of the issue.

FvckY0u 8 May 8

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Actually, I think for a lot of people stabilization begins much earlier than the mid-century mark. The brain is fully developed about age 25. I have known many people who really haven't changed, outside of being somewhat wiser for experience, since that age. They even take pride in not changing.


I feel that others think they have to give up on learning because they like the click group they are into. If they keep on learning they would not have the same friends. It's sort of like a Trump cult thing without Trump.


It is a shame that the greatest learning machines in the world are given the attitude that school is a druggery, that learning things is useless, that they will never be used. I cannot remember,as a child, even one teacher that tried to make a class interesting, fun, challending. A shame.....hopefully that has changed since the fifties and sixties

I had great teachers with a few exceptions.
Mostly the male teachers who still thought females should not be in advanced math classes in the mid/late 70's.
The teacher who read Mars is Heaven blew my mind with that story.
The teacher who praised my oil painting and told me it caught the light perfectly.


There are many, perhaps even most, who give up on learning long before middle age.

And it is not entirely their fault. Don't forget there are huge industrial complexes, not just religion, but the consumer advertising industry, and large parts of the state and politics as well, which are devoted towards keeping people ignorant and immature. All basically for the very simple reason that, well educated, mature and mentally healthy people are not needy, they do not need to buy anything much at all, no product, no fashion, no luxuries, and no hateful ideologies. The products needed by those who left childhood behind, peace, temperance, knowledge and learning, being cheap, only children are full of wants. We have built a machine for making people infantile.

You said what I was thinking.

@Beowulfsfriend Yes I quite like it too, I may post it.


Glad you no longer hate widows and orphans. Instead of pity, educate yourself on empathy for widows and orphans.

Religion ... pure and faultless is this: to help widows and orphans in need and avoiding worldly corruption. James 1:27

Word Level 8 May 9, 2023

That's what your book says?

Since religion is so prosperous why are there still so many starving widows and orphans and all those wealthy preachers with a fleet of cars and fancy clothes, homes and jets.

@BufftonBeotch no, my book I wrote says, "There is good and there is evil".

You reference preachers that are officials of christianity theocracy government with intent of world domination by laws of government submit to Authority-666 pay taxes capitalism slavery.

Christianity can do religion of helping widows and orphans while avoiding worldly corruption but nursing homes and orphanages is not the primary intent of christianity.

@Word Religion could do those things, too often, it doesn't. Few "churches" do outreach to the needy without holding some sort of requirements over their heads.

@Beowulfsfriend its called religion when people do those things.

Churches are theocracy governments with intent of world domination by laws of government submit to Authority-666 pay taxes capitalism slavery that can do religion.


You can hate the religion but not the people


I like your point about continually educating ones self. I'm more into learning now (will turn 50 this summer) than when I was in school. I was a terrible student but now I love learning about history and science especially.

I take several older adult classes each semester, thru two local programs for it. There are no tests or papers due, but I love the intellectual stimulation, the discussions, both from the instructors and other students. It is also a good way to meet some other older intellectuals and maybe make some friends, but I already have enough of those, so I have never taken advantage of that benefit.


Most people who hate always feel they are victims!!!


It is a waste of time effort and energy to hate anyone, let alone people who are religious. Very bad for the haters it is too.


You make some good points. I have found that only a minority of Americans seem to either want to continue to learn or grow after they reach middle age. The rest either choose to stubbornly remain willfully ignorant about what is going on and how things are changing, beyond and behind the charade of the corporate media's coverage of things, and the propaganda of the two major parties, or they choose to distract and numb themselves with addictions, chemicals, or mindless entertainment such as sports or video games. So effectively all these people who remain ignorant or choose to tune out or drop out of the fight against the powers that be, leave the rest of us basically to helplessly watch our country devolve into Idiocracy and a dystopian scifi movie, as we remain terribly outvoted and unrepresented in what remains of our so-called democracy. It's a good time to be within 20 years or less of one's death, because the future here is only going to get worse..

And it's not just people 50 or over, there are plenty of adults who are on the younger end of middle age that have the same negative traits and habits that I described above.... And as far as dirty words, nothing is more of a dirty word in America than the label intellectual, because here it is always accompanied with a sneer and an implication that the intellectual person is either without common sense, or an out of touch elitist, or possibly even mentally ill, but always with the implication that the person is not someone most people would enjoy socializing with or being involved with...

Sad but true.

@Fernapple At least your country has more tolerance and respect for intellectuals than America, or at least, so I've heard... For example, in our country, nobody who was openly an intellectual, could ever be elected president these days...One of the best examples is Ralph Nader, who we should have already had as president for two terms, if we cared half as much about politics as we do about the annual Super Bowl football game.

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