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Yesterday I renewed my drivers license. Oh, what an ordeal and I have the "Real ID" Missouri license that doubles as an ID even in voting. This is a GOP state and I thought early on that this would be the best license to get. After 3 years of it I got the notice in the mail from our state capital about renewal so off I went on this mission a month early.

At the door I find out that having that renewal the state mails to me is not enough. I might really be somebody else so I have to have other proof of who I am. The state is picky, they said. OK, but the state is where my renewal came from. Do they think I have moved away or that somebody else has taken over my identity? I actually asked a lot of these questions.

We need a copy of a bill that you pay regularly to go along with your renewal notice. I told them I do not pay bills through the mail and my payments are automatic. That was sad they said because the state needs something else to verify who I am. My remark was like "Jesus, I hope I have not become an illegal. I think we all know better than that and I have no changing identity." The purpose of Real ID is to prove you are who you say you are. I had already been through that before. A branch of my bank is right up the street so another clerk advised I could go there and get a front page of my bank statement complete with date and my bank logo. Otherwise I had to go with a "normal license" renewal.

Back from the bank with that info I'm now into the renewal and the eye exam. Problems with seeing as I had to deeply press my face into the viewer enough to hurt my nose. They said they had to fail one man but he came back later with a 20/20 vision report from his doctor. Then he passed. Questions like have I traveled out of the country recently or do I plan to travel out of the country soon, etc. were asked. Then they destroyed my still valid license by punching holes all in it and gave me a piece of paper until my new one comes in. Are cops too dumb to know when a license really expires by viewing a date, or is it a problem when you have one man with two identical ID's?

As I left I found a woman in the parking lot who claimed she was there because she can't seem to get a license renewal after her stroke left her deaf in one ear and blind in one eye. She says she has been to several offices trying to renew. This gets worse when I learn that in the future we cannot fly without Real ID. A regular license can only fly within the state and nowhere else. You will have Real ID license to fly anywhere else.

It's all over, but I decide to go back by my banking branch office to get a couple of copies of my temp paper license. They informed me that these were 25 cents each and I informed them that I had over 90 thousand dollars in their bank and I got that money by refusing to pay for copies. Suddenly they made an exception just for me.

DenoPenno 9 May 11

Enjoy being online again!

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I myself opted for a regular state ID. Although I was thinking that I may just get a U.S. Passport (renewal) and just use my passport as my "real ID" and not bother renewing my State ID in the future. After all a U.S. Passport doesn't cost much more than the "real IDs", and it allows me to travel outside the U.S. as well as inside. Since a U.S. passport counts as a "real ID" when it comes to flying or voting, it is more all purpose than any state ID.

Of course I believe the "real ID" laws are being implemented mostly to make it harder for some people to vote. The "real IDs" cost a lot more than a regular state ID, which means a lot of poorer people won't be getting them because they can't afford the costs, and poverty disproportionately affects people of color more than it does "white" persons. It is a devious way to reduce people of color from being able to vote. I see it as a retooling of the old "poll tax".

I've lived in CA, OR and WA states and all of them used electronic finger prints as a part of the application process when getting an ID. Logic would say that the fingerprint should be able to provide proper identity, but here in WA, they are also doing the real ID crap too. Only they are saying that with real ID you can visit and return to Canada without a passport.

Because I am partially (and legally) blind, I don't drive, and passing a driver's test isn't required to get an ID. However, when I lived in California, there were some businesses that would not accept a state ID to confirm identity when I wanted to write a check. Of course today I just use a credit card for purchases and electronically pay the bill in full each month, so that would not be an issue today.

Anyway, I was about to do my passport renewal, then the pandemic hit. I knew i wasn't going anywhere, so I put it off. I'll probably send ti in sometime this summer. You know, since i don't drive, and I haven't been carded since I was 50 (ten years ago), and because in Oregon and Washington states we vote by mail, I don't really see much of a need to even carry an ID, unless I am traveling.

A lot of what you are saying here is spot on. Real ID is a device for voting control and mostly it is used to prevent black and brown people from voting. Common sense would say that finger printing would be the digital answer here and that would end the question of identity. It works for the FBI. It works on passports. In Missouri they want to say you need Real ID to be able to fly out of state or to other countries. Most of us know that a passport has the greater authority here, so I'm waiting for the lawsuits this Real ID idea will bring in the near future. OMG! Jose has crossed our Southern border and has taken over your identity. That idea is a total crock but in my area of Missouri local GOP activists continue to believe that busloads of illegals are showing up to vote regularly. This is insanity. It is an idea that could never be allowed and would never work.


Sounds similar to getting my 16 year old son a driver's license in Illinois last year.

BD66 Level 8 May 12, 2023

I recently applied for a state refund of some money, they asked to see a copy of my wedding certificate. So I emailed a photograph, which should be enough, since my wife has been dead more than twenty years, and they can always verify it at the town hall offices where they issued it anyway. But no, they wanted to have the original, so I sent them that. They then sent it me back. Then they asked to see it again, and again. Three times it has been back and forth, this time they seem to have kept it, but still no payment.

When I divorced ages ago and was moving to anther state that state was going to require documentation of every name change. Two marriages (slow learner) so I would have needed two marriage licenses and freedom decrees to get my DL.
I changed my legal name back to my birth name with the divorce and that was that.


Get a passport.


While my parents were alive their bank used to make me show multiple IDs to cash checks for less than one thousand dollars (I had no accounts there but they knew me by name). When my dad was terminally ill they made it almost impossible for me to get into the safety box to retrieve his DNR papers even though I was authorized to access it. When my parents passed they kissed my ass and I told the manager that I would never keep a penny more at their institution than necessary and to go pound sand.

The bank I use has always treated me well both in person and through their main customer phone line. Good customer service is sadly a rarity now.

MizJ Level 8 May 11, 2023

I've just renewed mine in Spain.
I phoned for an appointment and next day went to an authorised medical test centre, (they are all over the place.) and had my blood pressure, hearing and vision (with glasses if needed) tested. I confirmed my address and handed over my old licence, in exchange recieving a temporary paper permit, valid for 6 weeks. It took less than an hour, start to finish.
A fortnight later my new photographic and micro-chipped licence arrived in the post.


I feel your pain. Iowa is almost as redneck and politically red as MO, but even here, I doubt they license renewal station would put me thru that much bullshit. But I appreciate your share and will heed it when my turn comes in a year and a half. I will bring one of my electric bills with me, just in case..

According to the DMV here in Missouri recent utility bills that show dates and a letter heading are valid proof of who you are. OK, I thought that a valid Real ID license would be an ultimate proof too, but they say no. I suppose the great fear is that Jose crossed our border and stole your Real ID and identity. I say these things openly even at the DMV. Just being around me and talking with me would prove that if this was true I must be the perfect Manchurian Candidate.


And this is the land of the free.


Now think how hard it is for the poor or homeless person to get an ID or drivers license. They are making things like this as hard and frustrating as possible, so more and more people will just give up and say "fuck it" I don't need it. Another great way to keep people from voting as well.

This is all very true and so many tell me they just need a regular license. They are not going to fly and there is no reason to have a special license. Real ID is a voter ID, so suddenly you are not going to vote and not fly either and you remain too ignorant to see what they have taken away from you.

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