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A pastor told me today that he is sorry that I have not felt the love of god. Pastor, I am the one who is sorry.
I'm sorry you believe a god who does not seem interested in loving everyone.
I'm sorry you feel the need to apologize for this "all loving" creator.
I'm sorry your religion would have you believe people are incapable of loving each other without this watch-dog divinity.
I'm sorry your happiness in this life relies on hope of the next.
I'm sorry you can't see that we don't need a god to be good, or loved.
I'm sorry for all the wonder your faith would have you ignore in favor of fairy tales.
For all the confusion in doctrine.
For lies of zealouts.
For the guilt brought on by your own humanity.
For all the delusions your mind has been forced through fear to accept, you have my deepest sympathies.

Foxonaut 5 Dec 8

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163 comments (26 - 50)

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you got that right...


Christian love???


I keep getting random people at stores talking about how I can only be successful through god...

@K9Kohle789 I AGREE


I’m sorry that people waste so much time speaking with them.


After my sister died in 1965 we went to family counseling for a few weeks. One day we had the church priest come in and talk with us. I was 11 at the time and was present. As my parents talk the priest told them directly that the reason my sister died is that our family did not go to church enough. My mother cried. My sister had spent most of her short life 4 years in a children's hospital from kidney failure. My parents have to claim bankruosy after her death. For me I just saw it as the final betrayal.

Wow. The arrogance of that priest. Horrifying.


I’m with you and I would just add; a loving god that destroyed his own creation and creates his own enemies....


I'd love God more, if he'd give me the winning numbers for the next PowerBall!


Good for you...stay positive and loving. Sometimes I hate being so cynical and unforgiving...because I know if he had said that to me, I would have told him to go fuck himself.


Pity them, brother, for they do not know what they are missing out on.


Hit your pastor with some of these, quotations compiled by my co-author Barbara Walker, the renowned feminist. My book Pot Stories has five pages of this stuff.

It's more like a God of revenge. Some of the other quotes will shock you. There's other essays that will show how crazy the world is with this religious nonsense.

Gen. 22:2 - God accepts human sacrifices (including that of Jesus, later).
Ex. 15:3 - God is a god of war.
Ex. 21:15,17 - Anyone who strikes or curses a parent must be killed.
Ex. 22:18 - Every witch must be killed.
Ex. 22:19,20 - You must kill anyone who "lieth with a beast," or who worships any god other than Yahweh.
Ex. 31:15 - Anyone who works on the Sabbath must be killed.
Lev. 20:10,13,27 - You must kill adulterers, homosexuals, wizards, and spirit mediums.
Lev. 21:9 - Any priest's daughter who fornicates must be burned alive.
Lev. 24:16 - Blasphemers must be killed.

Take the third one. Millions of innocent people were tortured and killed during the Inquisition because of this one line from Exodus.



George Carlin said it best about religion.


I had a person tell me that I needed the holy ghost to make my religious experience real. He lays hands on me and tells me to speak in tongues. I'm like, I got nothing. And he actually says to start speaking gibberish and then the holy ghost will take over. Wow. I was so sad. I wanted to believe I could have a personal relationship with god. But no, just bullshit. Just me doing tongue exercises. So sad. It was like finding Oz behind the curtain. Finding out Santa wasn't real. I don't get why religious people have to carry their god. It's a deity but it has no power. Just the power idiots willingly cede to it.

Ya know speaking in tongues dates back to the priests of Apollo where followers would go into a trance and utter nonsense syllables, called glossolalia. Here's the rub: only those with deep faith could understand the words.


See, this is the problem that I had with religion. They say if you worship him, your life will turn around. Not for me. I prayed and prayed and yet nothing changed. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?

As I've said for a few years now, "nothing fails like prayer"......


Can I get an Amen 😉


Or an all seeing all powerful being, that allows so much evil and pain, to come to the innocent an defensless of all mankind

And the fact that many believers credit bad things happening to good people as a test of their own faith. How arrogant can a person get?



Stalin (the so called atheist) was actually a Catholic. Hitler was convinced his soldiers had god behind them. Whichever team wins a football game either will say 'god' is on their side. Then there are people like preachers and scientologists.

I enjoy watching two dudes beat the absolute crap out of each other, and after the fight, guy comes to the mic in a bloody pulp, and thanks god for being able to help him win the fight.


tell it preacher


I'm sorry that your idea of love involves eternal torture for a finite crime.
I'm sorry your God requires a literal lifetime of servitude on nothing but a promise for which there is 0 evidence.
I'm sorry people interpret this love to justify horrific acts.


I pretty much agree with you. I was raised Lutheran, boy, did that go to hell. I think the bible is full of it, but I do believe there is an intelligence/knowledge behind the universe....which is really big. Yes, i have had spiritual experiences and I know there is life after death. We are part of a huge diode that keeps spinning and moving and we keep evolving, to something, I don't know where.

I think our lives are temporary and our only afterlife is a temporary (if you're lucky) hit of dopamine after death where you'll imagine something created entirely by your mind(death is a process just like life). If you push on an area of the brain you can provoke religious visions. A boy was born with pectoral muscles (and guess what adopted what's the chances you'd adopt a super-baby by chance?) but he's actually the sweetest thing and helps child-care workers during nap-time because he has so much energy but because he's literally as strong as kids twice his age some parents are scared of his natural advantages (He'd be 7ish now?). There is a family born that only feels pain momentarily (which actually leads to a lot of unnoticed injuries) and another with no fingerprints. I remember when I has a child my siblings and I looked very similar but we all look so different as adults. We're all unique and we have our own time on this planet and in the future different planets. I think no life is wasted, just not lived quite how the individual wanted.

@DragonDust I agree with you. It all fits in with what happened to me. I lost 14 years of my life "validating" my experience. My so called "career" went to hell.....but I lived. Still ended up being a software engineer at Motorola.....and always did music gigs. We are spiritual beings having a human experience. And you are right, out time is short. For myself, I do believe it is important to be a nice's all about L O V E!!! And it's about MOMs.......Moms rule.....

@DragonDust I basically agree with you, BUT.....I was just like you in 1994, well....after my experience, I asked 'them' to do something to prove to me they were real. Well, they did it. So it had nothing to do with chemical reactions.....dopamine....or whatever.......hallucination??? Well, I have some news for you.......This whole place is a hallucination.......HOWEVER, our souls, our beings, our consciousness.....well, it is something else.........My experience scared the piss out of me.....but there are a lot of testimonies on Dr. Alexander on YOUTUBE......WOW....his NDE really changed him. He is a Neuro-surgeon too, not dumb. You have to keep an open mind and be a little prepared for the next world, otherwise it all happens when you die!! Which is what my mother went thru, she thought there was nothing after you die. Well, you are in for a big surprise. It has nothing to do with the idiotic god they talk about in the Bible........most organized religion are a joke, just after your money and wanting to control you. I blend better with the atheist and agnostic than Christians (by the way, I met many atheists who met theirs Angels, I went to IANDS meetings for 10 years......met Dannion Brinkley there and Dr Raymond Moody)

@FlyingEagle1952 It is true that the reason we don't see a 'shaky camera' when we're looking around is because we're slightly behind in time imagining everything we see and putting it together. Our empathy can make us feel the effect of something that happened to someone else or phantom pains for legs that were cut off. So we do kind of live in our own simulation. When both your eyes are open you 'kind-of' look through your nose. What I imagine approximates to similar things that some only experience when under psychotropic drugs. But maybe that's adaption of epilepsy I don't know. Schizophrenics or people with Dissociative disorders (I know these are two very different things) can believe they are part something they aren't or think they are talking to god or an anime character or something but unlike us there isn't something there to differentiate the hallucination and the reality as both seem legitimately real in a not weird way. Our brain simulating what isn't actually there. We decide to do something well before the action and that can be shown in the brain. If neurons make sounds they sound a little like Morse code but a seizure sounds a little like a scream. Birds have hollow bones that help them fly. Lots of information out there and a lot of it will be unproven while a lot won't get peer reviewed but taken way out of control (e.g. - fat makes you fat won instead of sugar is what is related to all this weight gain and heart attacks, that falsified tiny study on the mmr vaccine still held up despite the surgeon losing his license for it and it getting pulled and the thousands of contrary studies).100 years ago we weren't washing our hands. 500 years ago we wared over spices not oil. All that information can be overwhelming though so find whatever interests you. If you find out your wrong, don't feel bad just learn more and think of it as expanding your mind by breaking through assumption.
I'm all over the place. To me everyone has whatever purpose they give themselves still I think of a quote from a youtuber...
Whoever you are and whater label/s you hold; know that it is only meant to describe you. Not define you. - I feel the same way with 'purpose'.


I can't say I'm sorry about anything.

I try to control my anger. I'm not gonna be here much longer, I'm pretty much ready to go. This place is boring and our president is a complete idiot.

@FlyingEagle1952 what does that have to do with my comment and what does the president have to do with this group?

@Ktruin I was just making the point that I don't feel sorry about anything either. BUT.....this place is getting to be a drag. Not that impressed with this dimension anymore, as I said I'm pretty much ready to go. As far as the president goes, it is people like him and all the greed that is making it harder and harder to make sense out of the world today. The Agnostics on this site are basically still trying to figure it out of why we are here and what we are suppose to do. We have to try to leave something for our grand kids and hope that their dreams come true, they get good jobs.....and have success in their lives. I don't need to go to some church and listen some asshole tell me what is gonna happen to me when I die. Been there, done it. There's plenty of people who died and came back, just get on YOUTUBE and listen to the testimonies. My experience was 1994.


Amen! ?


God is so good

I believed in Jesus and all that bullshit until God took my dad from me when I was 8 years old. I prayed to Jesus to "bring Dad back" like he did Lazereth. Needless to say, the great and wonderful, powerful all knowing JESUS DIDN'T DO IT!!! that was the end of that. I figured they were lying to me at church, which they were. Organized religions are about '' control " and getting your money.

@FlyingEagle1952 By come back to life rules Lazereth is like 10-11 times more powerful than Jesus.

@DragonDust I'm not sure what you are trying to say to me, but all in is getting strange, and we are all getting closer to the end every day as time goes on. it's important to control the mind, keep hate, anger, and depression to a minimum.....and enjoy life. I keep busy but most of the. time I am lonely and sad. Politicians are full of it, religious leaders are full of it, corporations are full of can't trust mother used to say," at the end of your life, if you can count the number of friends you have on one hand.....YOU ARE LUCKY!!!

@FlyingEagle1952 It's kind of a Point Of View thing. If coming back from the dead makes you all powerful then lazerus should be more powerful than Jesus. If it was only the numbers that count then we'd use Stalin as our stand in word for evil rather than Hitler. Some people are terrified of the idea of there being nothing after death while others take comfort in it. Struggle and understanding infinity. Australian Aboriginals have a historically beneficial relationship with fire (hunting, agriculture, earliest bakers lots of stuff) and had many words for it. Fire is powerful but only lasts for a moment as does the usefulness of knowledge. so the lake of fire was like a lake of knowledge rather than something daunting. Aboriginal translation of the bible didn't beat down like others did. Some stuff is serious and some is not so serious. Shower thoughts if you will. What will you care about at your deathbed? Friends, family, how you spent your time? What was the last thing you ate? That's something only you'll find out though we all will eventually for ourselves. I kind of went off there. Anyway is POV. Positive, negative, somewhere in between?

@DragonDust Once again, I don' t know what your point is. call it The Universe, call it The Void.....whatever. It's bigger than me, ha ha! Stay away from the evil doers!!!

@FlyingEagle1952 Haha. I can agree on that.


I'm sorry for him living with the guilt of sin and fear of Hell.


Typical religious passive aggressive nonsense. They are so afraid of being awoken from their delusion. And the more pious they claim to be the more vitriolic they are. Their love is conditional, as long as you are willing to go along with their version of truth they will tell you that you are loved. Question one word of their dogma and see the true nature of the beast. They pretend to know what they don't know.

I fully agree and that it also applies to devotees of political ideologies and dependent partners in marriages who internally 'know' about betrayals but out of insecurity and fear, pretend externally to be ignorant. Seems to be another of our human weaknesses. Truth and the resulting change and growth carry some pretty hefty and often humiliating price tags.

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